The best shoes for riding?
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Ddavid 14 July 2015, 07:55 UTC
I've been using Vans. Started with Nike sneakers, but I seem to have easier dismounts with the Vans. Both were sore when I first started, but got better with time (don't think I was relaxing as much as I should when first riding).
For street riding I've been making sure my lead foots toes are hanging over the front of the board so that my weight is totally off the front of that foot and mostly back on the heel. Then my back for is more evenly centered on the board.
This seems to give me good carving control while keeping my feet from cramping up as I keep relaxed and just lean to move.
Lat night after four miles straight my feet were just slightly aching vs feeling cramped or numb.
Maybe my size 10 feet just aren't big enough then to do what you do @Franky
Lloleg 15 July 2015, 21:29 UTC
Switched from Vans to Caterpillar trainers and my soles are singin'.
I think my experience is similar to @dicorci @lynnpreston.
For me, though, I started off wearing my regular skateboard shoes. I found the board hard to control because they are pretty loose, and so my foot would move around in the show instead of controlling the board. Also, my feet would cramp up, I think because I'm scared to move them around (well, at least the sensor one) while I ride, lest I turn the board off.
I think tried my New Balance Minimus super-lightweight shoes... they are awesome! They are really snug, so when I move my foot, the board moves. But they are also so thin that I a great feel for the board and I get much less soreness and cramping. They feel great!
@kbern I seem to have less foot cramping now, but a new issue and think you had the same issue. Now I'll get like sore toes the next day or so if I go on a long ride. I'm guessing my foot is moving around too much like yours in the shoe. I'll check these out, thank you!
@kbern Yes, loose shoes = sore feet for me. Tightly laced Vans seem to work best.
I've worn every type of shoe on this at some point...even golf spikes! I can say without a doubt, the best feeling is when I wear my Nike SB shoes. There's a reason skateboarders wear these and you get a much better feel on the board, as well as support.
I wear a lot of Nike flyknit shoes as well (roshe, lunars, etc) as those are generally what I wear to work or the gym, and while they work well, they are definitely not as good for OW as wearing the SB shoes.
Eerichs 2 August 2015, 22:36 UTC
For those who commute to work, I have found Sperry's work awesome! They are flat with the small water tread which grips pretty well and all the while being safe as work atire in an office.
I am finding the more I ride, the less my feet hurt regardless of my footwear. I think as my comfort/trust/skill increases my feet are relaxing and more of my steering is coming from my hips.
think I'm finally getting there too doc.
Ddicorci 4 August 2015, 04:25 UTC
old bedroom slippers got nasty from riding; had to toss em
figured i would try and ride in other shoes now that i'm more familiar with the board...
it was awful
13$ at walmart and i'm back baby
@dicorci photo of you rocking those slippers please!
Mmikeyjihad 4 August 2015, 15:04 UTC
I love my checkered vans slip-ons!
Spent all day in these… 😎
Ddicorci 5 August 2015, 02:55 UTC
for those that doubt it
hahahhahaah ahhh man, the commentary made that better. hahhahahaa I'm still laughing.
AAndrew 16 August 2015, 16:33 UTC
Started out with regular sneakers with deep tread and cushioned inner soles. You can imagine how that went, super comfortable until the sensor failed to detect the shoe and I was face down on the asphalt.
Switched to Vans, no sensor issues anymore but they are not comfortable, after an hour riding my feet hurt.
Maybe I should get some gangsta bedroom slippers.
TTim 16 August 2015, 18:03 UTC
I wear flat Vans skate shoes. Works perfect!
@Andrew maybe @onewheel can respond to this, but it's really hard for me to see how the tread of your shoe is going to cause the Onewheel to stop. What firmware are you on? I ride with all different types of shoes, including barefoot, and when I'm carving I frequently lift a toe or heal and I've (thankfully) never had it cut off on me (though I'm paranoid, due to posts like yours).
Even when I stop and I intentionally lift my heal, it takes a few seconds for the board to disengage.
My understanding is that if one is riding under speed (i.e. riding), that removing the foot from the sensor shouldn't make the board stop. Maybe I'm misunderstanding that, but even if it did, it doesn't seem like the type of tread on your shoe would really cause that to happen. -
Each sensor acts independently. Both need to be covered in order to initiate the board. Once your ride past .5 mph you only need to cover one sensor. If you're below .5 and remove one sensor being covered the board will stop.
I believe the fear is without flat bottom shoes on, you run the risk of lifting too much from one or both sensors to the point the board disengages. I'm not sure of the percentage a sensor needs to be covered to be active. I guess I'll find out the more my grip tape moves. =)
Van's Stars & Stripes for sure!!
AAndrew @kbern 18 August 2015, 02:49 UTC
@kbern said:
@Andrew maybe @onewheel can respond to this, but it's really hard for me to see how the tread of your shoe is going to cause the Onewheel to stop.
There were a ton of posts in the Kickstarter comments (I was a backer) relating to shoes and how flat bottom was critical, several people reported the board cut out on them. Deep tread shoes have air space between your foot and the board. When I first got the board it seemed to intermittently cut in and out (old firmware) when riding in sneakers. I switched to flat bottom Vans and didn't have any issues.
The board on current firmware might be fine but I am too old to get dumped on the asphalt and am not brave enough to risk it. Last time it took a little speed and a small bump and the OneWheel stopped dead on me. Doesn't happen at slow speeds on perfectly smooth surfaces.
Llardnicus 23 September 2015, 00:57 UTC
I can ride in my boots, which have a heel, but it takes the sensor a little longer to "lock on" to my foot than it does with a flat sole shoe. Once it's recognised me, though, then it's fine.
I have tried it with loafers, trainers, five finger shoes and hiking boots - best are boots - approaching snowboarding with ankle support, and five fingers - like bare grippy feet
AAndrew 23 September 2015, 14:24 UTC
Switched from Vans to DC shoes. The DC store had more sizes and styles available so I was able to get a better fit and cushioned sole. The Vans I was able to get are very hard sole and uncomfortable.