concave footpads
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@ashewheeler nice job on the milled concave footpads. they indeed look very nice ! when starting off with my own design of such i was not quite sure if i would go for a border (like you did) at all. but now i am convinced that it's best when considering stability and sturdiness of the milled pads. i will most likely also go for a small border of at least 5 mm, so the wood won't splinter when having a crash on pavement.
however, i intend to make the footpads a little bit higher than you did. approximately 16 mm to 20 mm. that way, the elevation on the side of the pad will ad to the ease of making turns since the foot is once again a bit higher above the centre of the wheel (hope you can follow).
considering the arc, i do think it could be smoother or "longer" for that matter. i was already looking at various different types of concave footpads like this:
right now you are going for a flat cave, correct? i think a parabolic would be more natural as the foot (with a flat sole) would fit quite comfortably onto the deck. but what i am aiming for as of now is a W shaped pad. it's a bit more difficult to mill i guess and the plans (via CNC) could be trickier. but it seems to me as if the W shape would add even more to agility and responsiveness. at least that's what i know from long- and skateboarding for a while. what do you think? also, when adding the sensor on top of the concave deck, i'm pretty sure it will be way more difficult to accidentally "lose" touch resulting in a nose dive (which seems to be the case for a few riders registered to this forum but only happened to me once, so far :-)).
any thoughts, suggestions?
nice work on the pictures and pads so far! they look amazing. would definitely like to try them myself. but it seems as if i would have to wait some more time to get the prototype. do you have your CNC plans available and care to share?
The talent and creativity level of the collective Onewheel community never ceases to amaze me.
@chabis Thanks for all the great feedback man! Your input and suggestions are spot on. The reason I created flat cave was definitely the sensor. I felt like keeping it as flat as possible while creating some slight heel toe ramp would be a good starting point. I'm definitely interested in parabolic and W. Im also still learning and limited in my 3D modeling ability but want to explore these shapes. The flat cave was fairly easy to draw in sketchup/trimbal. I have pro version so am able to export .dxf files to my partworks program. I'm happy to share either files. Also happy to work with you on your custom prototype and send it your way. I have no idea how much shipping is an issue from N.C. to Switzerland. What did you think of the second design with the elliptical side cut/body kit and increased footpad width? I'm really excited about seeing it underfoot. Hopefully have something together by end of the week. Look forward to seeing where this goes @chabis!
Would be cool if @njcustom would carbon fiber the body kit add ons. I could shape them out of EPS foam and send a set to him to bring to life! I think they will look pimp in wood also with many different species/finishes available. Also thought about rhyno liner over EPS. If the body kit ends up working I think it is also a great way to protect a new board from ever being scratched.
@ashewheeler said:
Would be cool if @njcustom would carbon fiber the body kit add ons. I could shape them out of EPS foam and send a set to him to bring to life! I think they will look pimp in wood also with many different species/finishes available. Also thought about rhyno liner over EPS. If the body kit ends up working I think it is also a great way to protect a new board from ever being scratched.
WOW looks like we almost have a complete body kit for the OW now. It will be Interesting to see where this goes.
@ashewheeler you are very welcome! happy to bring in my ideas, combine them with yours and create something new!! my brother used to be a carpenter. he's quite some experience with CNC milling. left his old job though and is now a design engineer. so i asked him to have a look at the pictures of your prototype and the 3D model you made and uploaded to this forum. you're using a CNC to mill the pads right? he offered me to draw exact plans and export the file(s) you need so you can mill them using your CNC. you'd just have to tell me what file format(s) you need. and you would have to send me the measurements marked with the letters A, B, C, D and the radius R marked on the sketch below. of course i can try and get them on my own by measuring with a tape, but since you already made a prototype you probably know all the measurements (in mm or inches.. preferably in mm) already. am i right? you in?
he'd do a version of a W shaped concave deck. we'll figure out the shipping stuff once the plans are drawn and sent to you :-) but i don't think they are too high. @njcustom sends his fenders internationally and we (non us citizens) only have to pay 10 bucks extra.
regarding the second design: i really do think it is worth exploring. and seeing that njcustom already liked your post i assume he would be interested in a possible collaboration should you, me or the both of us decide to work on this project. i also think it is not too hard to realise once we have come up with a more or less final version of a concave footpad. because looking at your models and considering the plans that could be drawn, it would just be a matter of adjusting. i reckon you would have to mill additional holes for additional screws that hold together the rails you propose. the only thing i do think could be a challenge are the holes for the charger and the power button.. what do you think?
what i also noticed though that this way, the footpad would only be significantly wider towards the wheel.. correct? that may not be enough since most of us do stand in duck stance on the deck. however, i might change my opinion if i have a prototype of a concave deck (i got rather big feet) or see a photograph with a "big" foot placed on it. may the concave deck's already enough? nice to see the willingness to collaborate! -
@chabis sorry for radio silence. Shit has been crazy here. Got those measurements for you. A=228.5mm or 9", B=241mm or 9.5", R=19mm or 3/4". Don't worry about allen screw holes yet. I will punch those out by hand after the CNC mills the concave. I'm gonna be working on my deck today. Hopefully have some photos by end of the day. Happy wheeling bro!
Wow - cool the R&D. One thing I would really like is rounded corders like a skateboard. I know this really cannot be accomplished until OneWheel changes the design in V2 or what not. When I do sharp 180's I typically dig the front corner of the board into the ground. In the long run seems kind of silly to have these square corners. Just my thoughts.
@atl1wheelin I think the design thinking for the square tips came from the potential for nosedive. Something more pointed may auger in much easier. The square coped end blocks actually glance off the ground (especially concrete) if you are lucky. That's not to say other shapes couldn't be engineered to be friendly during nosedive. Love your recent park footage surfing the bank!
@ashewheeler Thanks bro! Appreciate the WheelLove!
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@ashewheeler and anyone else following this thread: this would be the current model. any suggestions/ input regarding the shaping ?
@chabis if you (or anyone else) are up for sharing 3D model, will print up and give it a try. I'm guessing grip tape will work fine on regular 3D printer plastic long enough to get a feel.
@shaunabe good to know, thanks!
does anyone know the exact position of the allen screw holes? this way i could include them in the 3D model as well :) would be nice to know.
Ccarvewell 19 March 2016, 06:13 UTC
First assembly of elliptical body/concave footpad kit. Sensor swap is complete with mob grip tape. Pads are milled from plywood, body rails from red brandis. The pads and rails are all glued together and quickly dyed black with quick spray paint can lacquer cuz it's 1st proto. Being the first assembly there are some imperfections but glue up is really rigid. The sizing of the parts isn't exactly what I want and there where some little alignment imperfections that I didn't manage during the glue up so I'm really looking forward to remodeling the parts and refining the design for another go. The ride is really incredible! Way better than I had expected! I can't wait to get it in the woods and push it around but my back is F*#!ed right now. I did spin a few 180s and it seemed way easier like the board turned into a flywheel that wanted to spin and had inertia. Maybe 360s are possible with enough skills!
@ashewheeler Crazy! Digging how it looks! Looking forward to hearing more.
@ashewheeler wow dude ! this looks awesome :) was it hard to swap the sensors or absolutely manageable ? also, did you use a spare pair of pads that you had "laying around" or the originals ? if you want me to, send me the "new" measurements of your widened pads and i'll send you two dxf files. my W shaped pads and your widened (also with a W shape) so you can try that too if you want to.
what do you think adds most to the difference in riding ? the concave or the widened deck with increased leverage ?
sorry to hear about your back man. that really sucks. hope things get better ..
Ccarvewell @chabis 19 March 2016, 13:10 UTC
@chabis that sounds awesome! Sensor swap is a little intimidating but really easy. I will make a video of swap when I convert my wife's board next week. Basically you have to heat with heat gun and peel off first the grip tape and then the sensor and shim pads that go above and below sensor to create even height. You also have to dissect some hot glue where the wiring from the sensor passes through the board to the underside. I honestly think it is a combination of concave and increased width that feels so good. Where the factory deck sometimes feels like you might misplace your foot or get rattled off position the widened deck feels like your feet are fully supported and firmly situated. I really think it improves overall ride substantially. I toned down the concave and wish I hadn't feels like it would still be comfortable with deeper concave. I knew I would want to improve but wanted to try a full assembly and sensor swap and just confirm it was possible. I swapped sensor from my original and fairly worn out pads. They peeled easily and retained their adhesive so reinstalling was a snap. Can't wait to get you riding concave @chabis!
Alcohol dissolved hot clue perfectly, just a tip!
CCode-ster @carvewell 19 March 2016, 17:44 UTC
@ashewheeler The talent on this forum is incredible! Do let us know how it handles the trails once you're able to!
@Code-ster said:
@ashewheeler The talent on this forum is incredible! Do let us know how it handles the trails once you're able to!
I agree there is so much talent out there. I can't wait to see what other great ideas spring out next.
Can't wait to see this in person next time we get home to Asheville. Looks great!
a little update from my side to everyone following this thread: just sent the dxf to @ashewheeler to mill the first prototype. here's a screenshot of the current 3D model in colour:
Ccarvewell 25 March 2016, 17:54 UTC
This thing is so sick feels like wake skate. Edit of first ride coming soon.
Ccarvewell 12 April 2016, 18:48 UTC
Hey ya'll apologies for long pause. Here is a little footy of testing the concave deck/wide body kit. I'm still tweaking the design but am going to produce a batch of twelve decks to study production time within the next two weeks. 5 are spoken for leaving 7 up for grabs. I will know more about pricing after the time study. -
CCode-ster @carvewell 13 April 2016, 03:03 UTC
@ashewheeler I've been looking forward to this. Looks real responsive! How would you describe the feel of the ride compared to a stock deck?
Ccarvewell @Code-ster 13 April 2016, 06:02 UTC
@Code-ster thanks for the interest! The added width and concave gives you extra leverage heel to toe that you immediately feel the need to put to use. It kinda begs you to rip it around as much as possible. Really noticeably more responsive at all speeds and when reverting or initiating spin. The added foot confidence is huge it feels like your feet are really nested and ready for shredd. I can't wait to get a batch of these put together and hopefully out to you guys who are interested. I'm exploring rhyno lining as a coating option to increase the durability of the wood even though it's holding up really well and can be touched up with a sharpy. Also working with @chabis to produce his W shape concave footpad concept. There are some challenges where the half hemispherical nose of the raised arch central to the W is not going to be friendly to reusing the adjacent shim in front of the sensor. I cant see it being able to conform to a hemispheric shape. I think if a mortise or bed is machined the thickness of the sensor to lower the sensor flush with the adjacent deck then shims will not be needed. We've got to tweak the model to include the mortise but really am looking forward to helping him bring his concept to life as well!
EETphonehome 13 April 2016, 11:13 UTC
I would buy them. Probably two sets just to have back up
Ddoghouse 4 May 2016, 20:17 UTC
What's the status on these? I'd really like to try some out.
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Ccarvewell @thegreck 30 September 2016, 14:21 UTC
@thegreck sorry that was a little bit mean! The only reason I would go back to rectangle is to be able to use your clever side handle!
Ddalisdair 30 September 2016, 22:29 UTC
I think your stuff is great, when I mentioning pimping I thought you were suggesting exotic woods. I may have misunderstood. I love cocobolo, but wouldn't pay to put it on my Onewheel, Somebody else might, even if it did get ripped up a bit.
Ccharge360 5 October 2016, 16:24 UTC
I really need a new footpad with more sensitive larger blue print where can i buy this ? I
Ccarvewell @charge360 5 October 2016, 22:41 UTC
@charge360 what size shoe do you wear? Will you spend $200 for diy kit or $300 for sensor and grip tape ready to plug and play. If so I can probably get you one in the coming weeks. Foot size gives me an idea of which concave pattern to use. This would be just natural baltic birch plywood and yellow pine or fir for rails with tongue oil finish very easy to touch up and can be dyed stained or painted as well as commercially rhino lined for an extra $50 or so haven't totally locked that cost in. Anyways let me know if you want one and your foot size and I'll get it started and you can paypal me when it's ready to ship. Cheers
Ccharge360 6 October 2016, 00:04 UTC
8 or 9 us size shoes. have you some photos of your footpad on real world ? I need a full plate foot plate
Ccarvewell @charge360 14 October 2016, 15:06 UTC
@charge360 real world after 6 months of everyday riding woods/street. DIY bedliner was easy to apply but really weak and I'm looking forward to getting a commercial job done on a few of the next prototypes. Going to do a few natural as well for flossing around town and getting turnt! My buddy kenny kicking it with Kool Keith aka doctor octogon, etc.
0_1476456900834_IMG_20161014_104145_01.jpg ![0_1476460084872_IMG_20161014_111350_01.jpg](Uploading 100%) -
@ashewheeler, yea, that last pic is what I'm looking for...check my PM for my crazy idea
CCarvingUphillAVL @carvewell 26 October 2016, 13:36 UTC
@ashewheeler These decks are the JAM! I have been lucky enough to ride them, and they make a HUGE difference in riding.
More leverage with larger deck-Easier to turn/carve.
Less foot fatigue because your foot is working less.
More confidence because of larger deckOnly negatives are a little heavier(maybe 1 lbs)
Not as durable-wood prototypesDon't let Onewheel steal your designs!
Ccarvewell 27 October 2016, 13:52 UTC
How do I make my pics small enough to upload. It's so annoying. My dumbness I mean. Just bought a new google pixel and I can't upload anything. I used to text them to people and then copy texted version to upload but that's not working now still too big. Is there some kind of converter app or something easy peasy?
Ccarvewell @CarvingUphillAVL 27 October 2016, 14:16 UTC
@CarvingUphillAVL thanks Pete! I'm sure FM has a aircraft hanger at area 51 where they are conspiring with the tall whites to build a concave deck out of unobtainium. I am like a Aboriginal riding a piece of bark practicing primitive skills to them. I do have some unpredictable shamanic powers to consider though and I appreciate your added protection! Looking forward to our next ride mane!
Ccarvewell 27 October 2016, 14:36 UTC
Give us us larger pics!
Ccarvewell 27 October 2016, 15:16 UTC
I don't have enough privileges to upload pics
@ashewheeler I think you have to do a special Future Motion photo upload dance first or something. I don't know. I'll do the same steps every time, and sometimes nothing works. They need to implement a real photo uploader. Sometimes it seems like they built this forum on top of a 1990s dial-up bulletin board system (if anyone even remembers those).
Ccarvewell @thegreck 27 October 2016, 15:40 UTC
@thegreck for real like way back when the cloud was a forbidden fantasy
Ccarvewell 27 October 2016, 17:50 UTC
Straight flow lean manufacturing at its finest LOL!!
@ashewheeler looks pretty damn cool
Ccarvewell @njcustom 28 October 2016, 20:13 UTC
@njcustom thanks man can't wait to pair one up to one of your fenders!
@ashewheeler that thing would be sick all carbon too.. along with a fender..
Ccarvewell @njcustom 29 October 2016, 13:05 UTC
@njcustom yes I think we should make it happen!
@ashewheeler absolutely
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@CarvingUphillAVL Custom decks with different colored veneer would look nice I thought about attempting it myself for the V2 but I'm terrible at laminating...
CCarvingUphillAVL @No 5 January 2017, 19:18 UTC
@No Lots of colors! and Tutorials too. cool site . thanks for sharing.
@ashewheeler I will buy one of those v1 decks day one, sir.
Ccarvewell @Hubbitron 5 January 2017, 19:24 UTC
@Hubbitron awesome I know you are gonna love it what size foot are you?
@ashewheeler 9.5 homie
Ccarvewell @Hubbitron 5 January 2017, 19:27 UTC
@Hubbitron I will b in touch soon hoping to hear from FM about sensors!
Ccarvewell @Hubbitron 5 January 2017, 19:30 UTC
@Hubbitron do you have an extra set of old pads or new pads you would be willing to send me to harvest sensor could speed things up as everyone is out of replacement pads right now.
@ashewheeler Actually no, and i just ordered the plus. I'll be patient and send you everything once my new baby arrives.
Ccarvewell @Hubbitron 5 January 2017, 19:31 UTC
@Hubbitron sick bro can't wait!!!
@CarvingUphillAVL Yea, it's an interesting system, especially the vacuum bag, I think with the V2s irregular shape, a vacuum bag would be almost mandatory? Maybe someone with laminating experience can offer their 0.02$
CCarvingUphillAVL @No 5 January 2017, 23:09 UTC
@No Gotto have the Right Tool for the job.
Ccarvewell 7 January 2017, 20:34 UTC
Gobro ride snow with your psi low〰️☯️〰️ -
@ashewheeler This is exactly what I'm talking about sweat ride! this is pretty much what I've been working on! way better than stock! I just can't deal with stock!
@ashewheeler I just went and read all the posts sense your beginning and I'm, in I would love to by 1! I have OW1 and waiting on my OW+ . Please let me know if your still making these and if so just let my know what you need from me! You and everyone that have had input on this project have done more than I could have ever imagined! Great work!!!!!!
@ashewheeler What psi do you run your tire for snow / ice conditions?
@faskev 9-12 psi I think.
@ashewheeler Thanks! I'm going to air down and see how she grips the hard pack.
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Where can I get a set of those concave footpads?
Also silly question do both pads have a sensor? Or just one? -
@Mighty-Whitey I second that. I'd like to turn my OG into a fat beach cruiser and the + will be my "Ferrari" 😅 Are you still making these and what are we talking for pricing?
@Christofire working like crazy on infrastructure needed to get these to market. At a temporary stand still hoping to source the larger sensor from FM so that both OG OW and + can benefit from wider concave ergonomics. Willing to work with anyone in the meantime who wants to send me old functioning sensors or who is willing to pay to have sensor extracted from new pads. Direct message if interested.
@ashewheeler Thanks for your great idea and work. For me it would be fine if I could buy from you the concave deck you have developed with the griptape and a little manual how to exchange the old decks. And how to re-use the old sensor of the old decks. I will order such a set as soon as you would be willing to sell this. Maybe if other riders agree with this you are ready to sell as is and then take your time to further develop v2 with included sensor... Or v+.
if i use 2 sticks and 2 spacers on the sensor and push the sensor it works....maybe this idea can work instead of resourcing a new sensor and programming etc....i dn't think they will help hack there existing old product to make it like there new version?!;)...
You can make a ramp insert and place the sensor on top...the angle of the ramp keeps your feet more in place solving all the shifting of the sensor with your feet..sensor complaints...resulting in a "SURE STANCE" feeling
check my frankenpad post for the finished version and instructions
@timvdp love this. How does it ride? I'm working on something similar in conjunction with my widebody + heal/toe Concave kit.
@ashewheeler said in concave footpads:
@timvdp love this. How does it ride? I'm working on something similar in conjunction with my widebody + heal/toe Concave kit.
I didn't go outside yet, but did some 180s and fooling around also has new grip tape so also more secure ...but I have some experience in boarding...and realy think that this gives a more secure ride...just because of the tip up design... you are not as likely to shift forwards on the board with bumpy rides like the same size sensor functions better now...same reason why elevated is nicer to ride......
just make a test ramp and insert it under the sensor..about an inch or so...with the original griptape inplace :):)...pretty easy way to test and experience the V2 design before they finaly ship!;);) -
and maybe keep the screws outward like this as a footstop(but I guerantee is..just like on a skateboard you are not likely to go up on the tips now with your feet because of the ramp/angle :):)..and you still have the factory heel toe sensor functions
for sharing!:) -
Custom FSR for widebody kit
Recent footy of concave widebody