As in Onewheeling, so in life ...
I thought we should have a thread for "life lessons," learned while Onewheeling. So get out your bromides, banalities, and clichés. No generalization is too broad! No truism too obvious! I'll start it off:
Choose your line. Then commit to it.
If you wobble, act like you meant to do that.
There's no point if you're not having fun.
I've always been an introvert, but once you start riding a Onewheel, you pretty much become the center of attention everywhere you go and are kind of forced to interact with lots of people. This was something I was personally terrified about when I was waiting for my board to arrive (which at the time was a 2-month wait).
But this aspect has actually been a really positive life change for me, as I'm realizing there are a lot of good people out there, and it's been interesting to talk to so many of them... something I never would've done in the past. And the jerks (usually the ones who say "You can't ride that thing here") are so far pretty few and far between.
Made 2 attempts to hit the park but 25mph gust/wind and piercing cold prevented me.
Took the scooter instead and couldn't wait to get back.
Pretty uncomfortable.
Well, Spring is here and good days await... ;)