Tire stem LED

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  • B
    Bart 18 August 2015, 07:43 UTC

    True but you don't have to fit it on the valve - you could just fix it somewhere on the inside of the rim which may be simpler than the other proposed option of fixing a spearate battery pack and lights? Will keep looking for alternatives 😋

  • BradK 20 August 2015, 17:53 UTC

    And we now have Ground effects! Waaa Laaa! IMG_7100.JPG IMG_7103.JPG IMG_7104.JPG IMG_7106.JPG IMG_7107.JPG

  • B
    Bart 20 August 2015, 19:07 UTC

    Looks awesome! Well done!

  • veryous @BradK 20 August 2015, 21:24 UTC

    @BradK okay that's awesome. I need to see this rolling now! Video please even if only a few seconds.

  • BradK @veryous 20 August 2015, 21:54 UTC

    @veryous I am planning on doing a couple night shots and hopefully a video tonight if the weather holds up for it.

  • veryous @BradK 20 August 2015, 21:55 UTC

    @BradK don't tease me

  • sidebox 21 August 2015, 00:05 UTC

    Just saw these lights plugged by Casey neistat:

  • BradK @veryous 21 August 2015, 03:27 UTC

    @veryous Here is a video I promised to get for ya! Took so long to upload on youtube!

  • veryous @BradK 21 August 2015, 03:47 UTC

    @BradK Dude that is awesome! hahhaha I was laughing and had a smile on my face the entire time.

    Edit: Go wall of stoke this!

  • R
    rogersm @BradK 17 March 2019, 21:18 UTC

    @BradK - Hi Brad, I bought the parts you purchased because I thought this was awesome, but i have no idea who to connect everything. I also got the same battery back but the 9 volt batteries i got didnt even seem to fit. Could you share an installation video on how you put everything together?

