Double footpads or always at on avoid footpad lost nosedive
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Jjllasseri 7 June 2016, 15:22 UTC
Hello everybody !
Is someone can explain me why the sensors are working during the cruise ?If the sensor would switch off over 2 miles/h for instance, it will avoid the unexpected nosedives, not?
@jllasseri Once you're moving over .5mph (that's POINT five), you only have to have one of the 2 sensors covered. This is to allow a little unintentional foot movement.
But if you uncover both while riding, the board stops. Otherwise, if you fell off the board, it would keep flying along until it smashed into something.
Jjllasseri @thegreck 26 June 2016, 16:51 UTC
@thegreck you're right. It's probably the reason why we need to sensors working differently according the speed. not ?
@jllasseri Exactly. To dismount, you just have take your foot off on one of the 2 sensors, but only when you're stopped. Once you're riding, though you can take your foot off one sensor without anything happening, to allow for accidental foot movement.
Jjllasseri @thegreck 26 June 2016, 16:58 UTC
@thegreck sorry when talked about 2 sensors I meant when for each foot
Jjllasseri @jllasseri 26 June 2016, 17:00 UTC
@jllasseri sorry when I spoke about 2 sensors I meant one for each foot
@jllasseri I see. You actually said "to" not "two," which is different.
Kkwatts @charge360 14 July 2016, 08:11 UTC
@charge360 I've been riding awhile now (321 miles) and a big motivator for writing the powheel app was to get the metrics on why the nosedive was happening. It was happening like once a week, it f'in hurt, especially when it was concrete - which was most of the time it actually happened.
OW riders have said that as they gained more experience it happened less. For me, I wish it was the case. It still happens as often when I was a beginner. The only difference is that the pain of falling has taught my brain/body to know when it's going to happen and I can run it out or lean back enough to adjust when it happens. And it seems to happen when,
- I'm on the road/concrete and there is a sudden elevation change (a pothole or speed bump). It can also happen on loose gravel, again, when there is sudden elevation change.
- Sometimes it's just some slight road change. For example, recently I went over a loose manhole/electrical cover on the sidewalk and got a sudden nosedive.
- I'm going super slow and am leaning to far forward. This is usually because I'm trying to go up a sharp bump and the OW just doesn't have the power to do it.
I'm going to take all the stats of when the nosedive happens and see if I can find the pattern. Also thinking of adding a feature to the app to have peeps that use it submit/tag when a nosedive happens - that will help build models/supervised data to help determine the state of the OW when it happens. And if I can couple it with mobile stats (geo-location, sensor data from the mobile device, etc) that might help even more.
Anyhow, TLDR; nosdives happen but with experience you'll figure out how to recover from 'em.
@kwatts said:
Anyhow, TLDR; nosdives happen but with experience you'll figure out how to recover from 'em.
And with even more experience, you'll anticipate and the nosedives will not happen as often...
@Polle said
And with even more experience, you'll anticipate and the nosedives will not happen as often...
And with too much experience and too much overconfidence,you find out other nosedive parameters (conferring to my thread "downhill of the Death" in the wall of stoke)....
@fabuz There's a huge hill down to the Santa Monica boardwalk that we ride down after charging up at Starbucks on our meetups and I'm always a bit nervous on it. Since going downhill can charge the battery, I've heard that if it's already fully charged, going down a hill can cause the battery to short out and the motor will seize up.
@thegreck not this time for me because I started my downhill ride with 20 % battery ;)
SSeaP90d 20 July 2016, 17:38 UTC
Fyi, when it cuts out from regen overchaging going down hill it freewheels it doesn't lock up, and when this happens you get a very slight moment of warning as it goes down on the tail, so its not as dire a circumstance as a nose dive.
@SeaP90d Ahhh... good to know, thanks!
Ttimvdp 29 January 2017, 02:45 UTC
maybe it's possible to insert a flat metal plate insert in between the griptape and wood with a little extra paper cover to avoid ithe adhesive like the original set up does extending the size of the sensor a little sideways?..
been thinking about this in relation to making a verion + pad myself out of the old ones i have...round of the corners including the bumpers a bit high up the ends of the pads...done!?..;)