Portable charger...
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ZZeeMox 9 April 2017, 16:04 UTC
Oh that one's nice, be interested to hear how it goes. I ended up getting this one after a link in another thread and will post back. Should be here around Wednesday:
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MFDGPHD -
@ZeeMox that's the one I picked up, works great so far.
@groovyruvy How many charges can you get?
@No have used it to get two full charges before I charged it up.
https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/river-your-mobile-power-station-solar-generator-battery-powerbank#/ Found this on indiegogo looks good
I just picked up an anker powerhouse. Anyone know if it will charge the onewheel?
@brishop said in Portable charger...:
I just picked up an anker powerhouse. Anyone know if it will charge the onewheel?
I'm curious about this, too. Thinking about a PowerHouse as I've had excellent results with their products in the past. And for whatever reason you can get it for $170 cheaper directly from the manufacturer rather than Amazon:
@brishop said in Portable charger...:
Anyone know if it will charge the onewheel
According to the amazon listing "110V AC outlet (for devices up to 120W) " The Onewheel charger needs just under 300w, so I don't see this working for the onewheel
@groovyruvy How long does it take you to charge the wheel with the AMSU unit?
@HeyItsMe about 45 to 50 minutes, same amount of time as if it was plugged into a wall.
Hi Guys!
Thanks for this topic, I'm about to receive my OW+
Did you find any suitable new powerbank for our favourite toy ?
Did anyone manage to test the River ? The Anker ?
@jrvargas : What do you think of your suaoki Powerbank ? How long does it take to fully charge ?
@kudum hey Quentin! A lot of us picked up a Chafon or other similar knockoff type portable charger off Amazon, they work pretty well and give 1.5-2.5 charges. Also a lot of guys have started making their own portable charger, if you search this thread or the Onewheel Owners group on FB you'll see what I'm talking about. No input on the others you asked about, but others have offered input, search this forum or the FB group.
@kudum @groovyruvy This is the best source of info: http://onewheel.wiki/Charging_on-the-go
Thanks guys for the updates !
I had a look on a few topics already and heard about the Chafon, which looks quite good.
But I also would like to get a review of the Suaoki which is cheaper and looks better :)
https://www.amazon.com/Suaoki-Portable-Generator-Inverters-Charged/dp/B018GE8JPY/ref=pd_sbs_23_10?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B018GE8JPY&pd_rd_r=7NB0W3S5EGZBW69DRYMQ&pd_rd_w=PHxk4&pd_rd_wg=BjTux&psc=1&refRID=7NB0W3S5EGZBW69DRYMQI think I've seen it on the Electric Wave fb page :
https://www.facebook.com/ElectricWaveTV/photos/a.139783476447083.1073741829.133193317106099/329420520816710/?type=3&theater -
Hi...i am a new user here. In my case i have 35 amp hour deep cycle battery. It charged it once. Did not try to see how long it would last or how many charges I mean. You may be able to try it on a 22 amp hour battery but I would not go any smaller than that. It would also need to be freshly charged.
The onewheel's battery is 58.4v/2.2A which is approximately 130WH .. you want to find a battery source larger than that to get 1 full charge (plus inefficiency due to the boost). Using a 36v/4.4AH battery, I was able to do 1 full charge while camping this weekend. Best inverter