Oldest Rider?

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  • J
    juts 3 June 2016, 15:35 UTC

    Simmer down. Its worth it in the end. Should be happy your credit card company is actually making sure its you using it and not no scam artist

  • jordo 3 June 2016, 16:17 UTC

    You might be pissed now, but that first ride will make it all better. Chillax and just know that your grin will soon be ear to ear.

  • 3 June 2016, 16:17 UTC

    Most credit cards are Zero Liability on the holders part. Nobody saved anything on my behalf. I just want to get this taken care of a quickly as possible so that we can get this order in the pipeline and on a UPS truck before something else comes up that eats up the funds I need to be able to do this.

  • G
    goofy_surfer @Guest 3 June 2016, 16:23 UTC

    @kinolau said in Oldest Rider?:

    I just turned 54 and have been following One Wheel for the past couple years now. I gave up snowboarding after having a hip replacement (left side/front foot), that didn't like staying in place only 5 years after the surgery. I don't see myself learning to ride goofy foot, and I'm well aware of the highly inevitable possibility of nose diving and launching myself. But I'm still thinking that I could go slow until I'm comfortable, and have some fun riding. I mean really...I could be doing almost anything and break my hip. So why not give it a shot. I was skateboarding back in the Dogtown days.

    So are there any other older riders on the board?

    I just turned 56; I have had my One Wheel for a little over a month. Looking through the posts, the oldest rider seems to be 65( Good on you!) I am loving it now that I have found the best places to ride. For now , its parks and university campuses with lots of smooth cement paths with plenty of grass on either side. The low cut, smooth grass is the best place to learn switch, which I am starting to do. There will be less of a fatigue factor, once this bit on the learning curve is surpassed. As the others have mentioned , starting slow is key. I learned the hard way a few times taking some headers. Even though it was on the golf course, it can be painful. Be careful, if one runs the battery to the low side, the one wheel can be unpredictable and even stop suddenly , launching you forward. It is not just the pull back working here, or maybe its pullback on steroids. Thusly, I keep it on the more charged side these days. One can definitely equate a sort of snowboard and surf feel to it. So for the landlocked, wanna be surfing enthusiasts out there, its a good feel. All the best, Andy
    Are there any One-Wheel riding groups in the Boulder area?

  • MichaelW 3 June 2016, 16:27 UTC

    I'm 47. I wear a helmet wrist guards and depend diapers.

  • K
    kbman 3 June 2016, 17:12 UTC

    Oh man. Wack. This absolutely surely positively deserves a credit/ discount/ coupon code of some sort. Be patient and polite about it. Trust me, you shall save at least $100.

  • 3 June 2016, 17:56 UTC

    It was the credit card processing company that killed the order, not the guys at OW. I had the ship to address as c/o the Customer Counter at the UPS main sorting facility for the entire state. It's my default shipping address for everything UPS, instead of waiting/chasing brown trucks. Different billing/ship to address flagged the order and it got scratched. If there was a notification that the addresses need to be the same, then it would've only been the minute it would have taken to change the delivery in UPS My Choice after it was actually out the door.
    Unfortunately, regardless of how it happened...I'm the one that is taking the hit. It sucks... =(

  • thegreck @Guest 3 June 2016, 18:18 UTC

    @kinolau Yeah, I agree with @juts ... It's much more likely your credit card company who flagged this and not FM. Probably has to do with your spending habits. It's probably out of the ordinary for you to make a $1,500 purchase, which raised a red flag.

    [EDIT: Strange, I didn't see all the other posts after his when I wrote this... looks like a lot of people already said the same thing.]

  • thegreck @MichaelW 3 June 2016, 18:23 UTC

    @MichaelW said in Oldest Rider?:

    I'm a 47. I wear a helmet wrist guards and depend diapers.

    And you really should replace those tennis balls... they get worn down fast when you push a walker in front of a Onewheel!

  • 3 June 2016, 20:48 UTC

    Aaaaaaaaaaand...hopefully this is all resolved, and my One Wheel will be making its way to RI shortly. Huge Kudos to all at Future Motion for putting up with me. =)

  • J
    juts @Guest 4 June 2016, 16:52 UTC

    @kinolau said in Oldest Rider?:

    Most credit cards are Zero Liability on the holders part. Nobody saved anything on my behalf. I just want to get this taken care of a quickly as possible so that we can get this order in the pipeline and on a UPS truck before something else comes up that eats up the funds I need to be able to do this.

    They did potentially save a possible credit card theft. Plain and simple. Even though there is that 0 liability part on owners Id still hate to have that happen to me regardless. What struck me in this is that you want this done and over with before something else comes up thatll eat the funds...I dunno if its just me but the way I take it is if you buy this then youre gonna be broke for a while and will have to sell if something happens to say your car for example...

  • 4 June 2016, 21:21 UTC

    @juts said in Oldest Rider?:

    What struck me in this is that you want this done and over with before something else comes up thatll eat the funds...I dunno if its just me but the way I take it is if you buy this then youre gonna be broke for a while and will have to sell if something happens to say your car for example...

    Like I wrote in my original post, I've gone back and forth on getting a OW since I first saw the kickstarter campaign. $1500 for a toy is a decent size chunk of cash to justify spending. If say, one of my air conditioners crapped out and I needed to drop $300 for a new one, I'm much less likely to spend $1500 on a non-necessity. If the OW is bought and paid for and something else comes up, then I just deal with whatever comes up. The board doesn't effect buying tires, but having to buy tires would effect buying the board.

  • C
    chasbro 5 June 2016, 04:47 UTC

  • jeff8v7 5 June 2016, 05:05 UTC

    I'm 46 but I haven't noticed being "old" yet :-) But that might have more to do with fitness than age. I rock climb weekly & ride my OW almost daily.

    OW seems like good exercise for feet, legs & abs - no cardio... By the time the battery dies, my feet are usually ready for a break.

    On pavement it's low impact, but bumps can be a little jarring on the spine if your knees are locked & your tire pressure is high. (Both of which you can change)

    Best place to learn is on the grass...

    Safety gear is a good idea when leaning. I rode with wrist guards for a week, then a helmet for a month, then gloves for a couple months. My only falls were in the first week, so I finally stopped worrying & just ride. I found that if I don't jump off, the OW will catch me.

  • S
    s.wagstaff 5 June 2016, 06:45 UTC

    44yrs. I've been riding skateboards all my life and the beauty of the onewheel is it actually gives you more control. Unlike skateboards the onewheel has brakes. You can ride very cautiously and minimise injury. Only thing is if your hip replacement is dislocating that easily it may be risky. If you can ride a normal skateboard without problem it shouldn't be too different. At least your feet aren't attached to the board like snowboarding.

    I've never really ridden goofy and only started learning snowboarding 5yrs ago so I'm not used to switching. The onewheel actually is giving me practice in riding goofy for the first time which is great. I can't wait to go snowboarding this year and see if it's helped.

    Good luck. I hope if you get one your hip is good.

  • J
    juts 5 June 2016, 19:22 UTC

    Hmm. Either he blocked me or deleted his account

  • thegreck @juts 5 June 2016, 19:52 UTC

    @juts said in Oldest Rider?:

    Hmm. Either he blocked me or deleted his account

    Yeah what's the deal? His name has changed to "Guest" in all of his posts and seems to have no account. We're all talking to no one, haha.

  • J
    juts @thegreck 5 June 2016, 21:41 UTC

    @thegreck probably deleted his account. Honestly for a guy his age, he was acting like a kid.

  • magicjay 10 July 2016, 22:19 UTC

    I am 62 and I have owned my ONE WHEEL for about 3 months. I am having a lot of fun with it and...yes I have fallen but I always got up....Landed on my hips several times so I bought hip pads that I wear under my pants....I think I am doing something with my ONE WHEEL that no one else has ever done....check it out on YOU TUBE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HhcsvnVjKk. My Yorkie Poo Dog rides the ONE WHEEL with me... The video is called "Dog rides One Wheel" I am really glad to see that I am not the only one over 40 that is not afraid to go out and have fun... Let me know what you are doing? ........Jay

  • MichaelW 10 July 2016, 23:06 UTC

    @magicjay! This is the first I have seen of this dog OneWheel monkey business... Love it! And at 62! Your a OneWheel stallion!

  • magicjay @MichaelW 10 July 2016, 23:22 UTC

    Thanks...we are both just having fun....That is the key to happiness

  • C
    Count 11 July 2016, 02:09 UTC

    VERY cool, magicjay! You have me by 4 years, but we are in the same club! I too have taken a spill or 2, but fortunately they have been on the beach, so nothing serious! I love ANY innovative use and the dog onboard is super cool!

  • SC720 @magicjay 11 July 2016, 02:13 UTC

    @magicjay Awesome...I wish my dog would be into that but theres no way in hell!

  • magicjay @Count 11 July 2016, 02:28 UTC

    @Count That just means that you will probably be able to ride the OW 4 years longer than me!!! Thanks for the kind words.....and by the way I have my dog "Eli " doing dog tricks and magic tricks in my other hobby ....which is performing Magic Shows

  • magicjay @SC720 11 July 2016, 02:32 UTC

    @SC720 What kind of dog do you have?.....He should weigh between 9-12 pounds if you would like for him to ride on it with you.... IF Any bigger or smaller ....the only way he can ride with you.... is if you carry him

  • MichaelW 11 July 2016, 04:29 UTC

    Got my OneWheel side handle (from @thegreck) this weekend, bought a fender, now I need a small dog 9-12 pounds! Thanks a lot @magicjay!

  • Aaron Broward FL 12 July 2016, 09:52 UTC

    Your only as old as the woman you feel

  • M
    mdwatson1957 14 July 2016, 04:38 UTC

    59 here- sidewalks are a lot harder than I recall back in the days of metal skate wheels!

  • I
    itwire @Guest 24 July 2016, 00:28 UTC

    That's what I'm doing I'm 35

  • I
    itwire @Guest 24 July 2016, 00:30 UTC

    Barclay card will actually text me and I can text yes or no it's pretty cool