The young ones
Now technically OW not for kids, but, they did give one away to that girl. And we don't have a photos thread for the little guys/ girls... That I know of ... So. I decided to start one.
Here is a video of the youngest Onewheel rider at 4 years old. He is the son of a co-worker. -
@jim nice
I'm starting to give the virus to my 4 years old twins ;) and I have to save my money right now for sure ;)
I dont wanna be "that guy". But I really REALLY feel that if kids are using it, I just wanna see a fender there :/ they are smaller, we grownups are responsible for them, and I just see how they get feet and fingers between the board and wheel ^^
@BadWolf I understand you can be afraid man but I'm very careful with my boys and ride at 0.5mph...but you're right next time they'll wear sports shoes...
Just to make it clear, I dont critize you being a parent. Was just one of those "oooh, ouuuuch, if this happens its gonna hurt" :D
@BadWolf no problemo man !!!!!
BBgrave 29 July 2016, 15:36 UTC
My boy loves this thing.