Won't charge or turn on!
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Iitwire @thehoff 4 August 2016, 00:33 UTC
@thehoff are you a Conor mcgregor fan :)
@itwire yeah. I slapped him around last week.😏
@thegreck yeah I hope it hasn't cause permanent damage to the battery. I'm hoping the battery is high tech and can recover
@itwire update.. Let battery charge for 24 hours.. It now runs for 15 mins and when the battery goes down to 75% it drops straight to 0%
So then I charge it and when the charge gets to 25% it jumps straight up to 100%
So looks like I'm only getting 25% battery life which ever way I do things. Is the battery damaged of will I need to leave it on charge for 3 or 4 days to balance more?
Iitwire @thehoff 4 August 2016, 20:47 UTC
@thehoff aww man that sucks :( i would call them asap it sounds like you may have a dud your shouldn't need to let it charge 3 or 4 days..... I would try one more charge 3 hours if it still doesn't work right I would assume they would do a swap. Sorry man
@itwire charged it up again and it ran for less than a mile and got low battery pushback at 74% then it shut off..
Also I seem to be leaning a lot forward to get any speed, is this normal?
I was told to charge for 48 hours but only did 24.. Guess I'll leave it on for 48 now and send it back if it does the same over the weekend
Aahxe45 5 August 2016, 12:35 UTC
@thehoff I think you are better off just sending it back and not delaying any longer. Even if it does start to work I wouldn't want to risk having damaged batteries and then maybe in a year it dies again after you are out of warranty. I know it sucks but anything with electronics and batteries like this you are bound to have a few duds in the group. Maybe just really push the issue that you are in Ireland and see what they can do about expediting shipping.
Did the 48 hour charge..
Now the charger shuts off at 86% and jumps to 100%
I get about a 20 minute ride and get low battery pushback at 14%.
Only thing is I'm only getting 2 miles on a charge!!!
How far are these stats off from what everyone else is getting??
@thehoff said in Won't charge or turn on!:
Did the 48 hour charge..
Now the charger shuts off at 86% and jumps to 100%
I get about a 20 minute ride and get low battery pushback at 14%.
Only thing is I'm only getting 2 miles on a charge!!!
How far are these stats off from what everyone else is getting??
@thehoff said in Won't charge or turn on!:
Did the 48 hour charge..
Now the charger shuts off at 86% and jumps to 100%
I get about a 20 minute ride and get low battery pushback at 14%.
Only thing is I'm only getting 2 miles on a charge!!!
How far are these stats off from what everyone else is getting??
@thehoff You should be getting around 6-7 miles per charge, and I think low battery pushback is between 10% and 5%?
@thehoff sounds like it needs factory support. After 20ish minutes to get to a full charge, I typically get a 90ish minute ride, 6-7 miles, with low battery pushback evident when I'm really low, maybe 3%. Regarding the charger jumping: I have a similar issue. After a full charge it shows 100%. From there it winds its way down to about 30% in consistent increments. But once I hit 30% maybe 25%, it drops much faster and unexpectedly. All of a sudden it shows 1%. But from experience I know it's really more like 10% left, or maybe it's a reserve, because I've riden it for a good distance on 1% and always made it back to home base. As a result I use the app's battery indicator for reference only, and kinda go off gut. At this point I feel like I've developed a pretty good sense of when it's about to hit zero.
@groovyruvy yeah.. I've charged the crap out of this battery last 4 days and this is where I am with it!
Time to bite the bullet and ask Carly to replace or repair it..
Living in Ireland I wonder what the turnaround time will be.. 😭😭😭 -
@groovyruvy did another 18 hour charge and getting 3 miles on grass around a football field.. App says I'm getting full charge and low battery pushback now is at 1% .. Last ride was 45 mins on a full charge. Getting there but nowhere near full range
@thehoff if it's taking 18 hours to get to a full charge, something's not right, should only take 20-30 min. If you're just charging it that long to see if it helps, that's another matter. Overall it's recommended to minimize (maybe once a month ) the # of overnight charges. Can I ask your weight and what psi the tire pressure is at? An underinflated tire can dramatically impact (sorten) the length of the ride, so just wondering if maybe it needs some air. As a reference I'm 215# and ride at 16.5 psi, and get a 6-7 mile ride of aggressive riding. I've tried 12 psi before and while I love the softer ride quality, I can only get a 5-mile ride.
@groovyruvy I weigh 190 pounds.. Tyre is 18psi and all my rides have been on short grass(football field) .. Charge time is 30-40 mins but seems to be getting better when I do overnight charges.. Got board on Wednesday and I've charged 2 x 18 hours... And 1 x48 hour charge.
@thehoff well you're good on psi. At this point it's really up to you: either keep up with the overnight charges and hopefully it'll continue to improve to the point where it's normal; or reach out to support and send the board back for them to make it right. Tough call, as being without the OW is a hard pill to swallow, we all understand that. On the other hand you're doing a lot of work to get the board to where it ought to be, and I'm just wondering if maybe the issue could recur in the future, and if it's best to just deal with it now and send it in. Either way I hope it resolves soon!
@groovyruvy thanks man.. I have contacted support and will start the return process.. Been fun trying to get it sorted.. The thoughts of a ride twice to 3 times the length I'm getting sounds worth waiting for!!
Aahxe45 8 August 2016, 14:15 UTC
@thehoff I think returning it is the right choice. Luckily it sounds like you have a pretty good attitude about everything. As I said before unfortunately with new products like this there will always be some malfunctions. Fortunately FM seems to be very good with customer service and making things right.
PPeterG 8 August 2016, 15:23 UTC
@thehoff is support covering your shipping costs from Ireland? sounds like your OW was a bit of a lemon out of the box. I also wonder if the voltage difference is part of the challenge?
@ahxe45 yes.. I've found FM to be a great help.. Imagine if I had been miserable and bought one of the Chinese clones! I'd be completely out of pocket.. I've really enjoyed my short time with a onewheel and hope I get things sorted before the summer is over.
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