Post High Odometer numbers
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Wwr420 24 September 2016, 18:04 UTC
@depressedguy - did your speedo reset to zero at 1500 miles? I thought I read that somewhere, just trying to confirm.
@depressedguy Wooha! That's a lot!! Means you rode mostly on softer (unpaved) roads? How long did you ride after you used the fix a flat?
I am currently getting not just one leak but the usual wear and tear with foam/slime coming out of the tire. The pressure still is ok for now.
But your "fix a flat" story makes me wonder whether I could also use such a product (and delay the tire replacement) or whether I should replace right away. Given that slime is coming out of the tire, injecting new slime may not help much? -
Kkbman @SaturnOne 25 September 2016, 12:13 UTC
@SaturnOne I bought mine late March and soon had an overnight leak and added two ounces of Stan's Tire stuff. I'm not sure if they had slime in it already from the factory or not but I haven't adjusted the tire pressure since May or so. no problems
I started riding mine on September 1, 2016:
@RLY holycrapdood that's a lot of crusin. Comparing that to my own experience so far I know for sure
Do you often ride with the charger/ go on journeys long enough to require multiple full batteries? Just wondering -
@slydogstroh dang. I saw your post right after replying @RLY . Same question to you..
Also, have you ever had it factory tuned up? Has it ever misbehaved electronically? -
@kbman I never bring the charger. My average trip is just 3 miles: On evenings and weekends, sometimes I do multiple trips.
@kbman I commute 5 miles each way with my board, and I take my charger with me. I will take it with me on joy rides too, just in case I meet up with a Boosted friend or decide stop at a bar for a drink or whathave you. I ride with a a bluetooth speaker connected to a backpack most of the time so throwing the charger in there is a no-brainer. I can also confirm the board works great in wet conditions as well! just needs to be cleaned after.
I've owned my board for 1 year and have sent it in for a tire change and tune up once. Other than that, the only maintenance I do on the board is clean it, change out the foot pads every 3 months or so and check my tire pressure every couple of weeks. -
thanks I'm a little late in response -
52 days in with 511 miles on OWheelbuddy, 18.4 top speed so far
@golfer17 good work!!
This post is deleted! -
Riding the board to complete battery death resets the odometer. :(
@trancelikestate hasn't reset mine I have to do it about every 2 weeks or so
Really? Are you using Onewheelbuddy? This is not the first time it has happened to me. I'm not sure I'll ever know the true all time mileage.
@CarvingUphillAVL said in Post High Odometer numbers:
@trancelikestate hasn't reset mine I have to do it about every 2 weeks or so
Why is that?
@thegreck The battery likes to be drained empty so it will charge back to 100% if i dont drain battery, it stops charging at 97,98,99 % never 100 unless I drain it
@trancelikestate - I had a similar probelm on an older board in the 300 serial range, they ended up replacing the
controllerBMS and fixed the odo reseting issue. I also was expierincing a problem where the board would randomly shut off when cold for the first few minutes it was on, and another where the battery would die at around 5% even thoiugh it was taking a charge to 100% The BMS fixed all 3 issues.