Battery overcharged
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@wr420 Okay, thanks!
And it's actually thegreck, not thegreek... my name is Greg, and Greck is a nickname ;)
MMNSC @wr420 29 September 2016, 19:01 UTC
@wr420 I've contacted FM's support and will have to send my OW to them.
Although, they were pretty solicit and will prepay for everything, I'll have to over pack the board and drop it at a FEDEX center.
After the inspection, if FM concludes the board has a "extensive water damage", I will have to cover the two way shipping and repair.
I'm pretty confident I did nothing exceptional with the board, but will have to wait a couple of weeks (at best) for it's return and their verdict about who will pay for everything.
Frustrating, but at least there truly is a support even for someone that is so far away...
Wwr420 29 September 2016, 22:36 UTC
@thegreck - Ups, I do know that!! Guess i tried trying by hand instead of using @.
@MNSC - I'm quit sure they will cover it. I rode mine into Tahoe deep. When I unplugged the controller where was water inside the connectors. Repaired at No charge.
On another board I bought used with a serial in the 300's, FM replaced the controller at no charge,I just had to pay for shipping but that board was months out of warranty and I was not the original buyer.
They are pretty good about their warranty.
Ggustesta @MNSC 29 September 2016, 23:09 UTC
@MNSC Olá! Você conseguiu despachar a sua onewheel no avião sem problemas (quando veio ao Brasil)? Conseguiu resolver o problema técnico dela agora? Obrigado.
MMNSC @gustesta 29 September 2016, 23:27 UTC
@gustesta Olá
Eu não trouxe o onewheel de avião. Eu comprei pelo site e eles me entregaram via FedEx (ironicamente, veio no avião da FedEx...). O único problema disso é o custo maior de frete e, principalmente o imposto de importação.
Em relação ao suporte, Eles foram bastante rápidos para me responder por email, mas eu terei que enviar a prancha para eles por FedEx também.À princípio, eles vão pagar tudo. Transporte e conserto,.
Está pensando em comprar uma para você ou já comprou?
MMNSC @wr420 29 September 2016, 23:30 UTC
@wr420 Thanks! I hope you are right! I will update this thread when I get it back
Wwr420 29 September 2016, 23:39 UTC
@MNSC - Are you shipping from Brazil? I am spoiled living 20 miles from the factory. It only takes a day to ship each way, but it still takes 2-3 weeks for a repair. How many days does it take to ship from Brazil?
MMNSC @wr420 30 September 2016, 00:17 UTC
@wr420 Actually shipping from São Paulo, which is southeast of Brazil...
The shipping is fast. They use FedEx airplane.What can take a couple of days is the handling and customs.
I'm afraid I'll be almost a month away from my board...
Ggustesta @MNSC 30 September 2016, 00:36 UTC
Olá e obrigado pela explicação! Eu já comprei uma e quero levar para o Brasil. Eu moro nos EUA. Você gosta da sua? A minha ainda não chegou em utah.@MNSC
Ggustesta @MNSC 30 September 2016, 00:47 UTC
@MNSC Olá e obrigado pela explicação! Eu moro nos EUA, Utah, e estou aguardando a minha chegar. VocÊ gostou da sua? Valeu a pena? Parece um snow? Surf? Eu quero levar para o Brasil em dezembro. Você tem email? Eu gostaria de trocar uma ideia (ver quanto você pagou de frete, quanto tempo demorou para chegar e quanto foi o imposto). Abraço e obrigado novamente. Gustavo.