anti overspeed nosedive ideas
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Aarnlej @RodSlide 15 January 2017, 14:25 UTC
@RodSlide For sure the OW+ pushes the limit, but I don't see how a more powerfull engine could solve the problem: overspeed nosedive will still happen, at higher speeds, probably with more damages.
Unless i am missing a point. Otherwise I buy it :)i think the overspeed nosedive is a conceptual issue that has to be addressed.
I am very curious about the skilled riders who manage to manually balance at high speed when they feel the nosedive.
how do they learn to do that ? Is it usefull to train to balance with the motor off ?
or does the manual balance rely on inertia of our own body at high speed ?I wish i could practice on a track with a 100m long cable 3m from the ground with a security harness !
@groovyruvy said in anti nosedive ideas:
While it is possible to recover from a nose dive, even at higher speeds, avoiding them is the way to go. The #1 best way in my opinion to avoid nose dives is to adjust the stance such that the feet are closer to the tire. The more you weigh, the more important this becomes. At 213# I used to ride with a wide stance- rear foot pretty far back on the footpad, and front foot more forward but still on the sensors. Nosedives were a frequent occurrence. Moving my rear foot closer to the tire just an inch or 2 made a huge difference, and even lends itself to higher speeds. I haven't nosedived for a while since riding this way.
And wear flat shoes.
I learned that lesson, lol.
@arnlej I thought you weren't going faster... but you right, when we ride, difficult to don't try to push the limits... So...
I have too one nosedive... jumping from a sidewalk in extreme mode... stupid idea ! And of course no protections or helmet... stupid too... and now... I am still riding extreme... with no helmet and protections but maybe I have to think about it ! Last night, under the rain, it was really slippery... For the moment I haven't find a way to avoid it except riding slower. -
@RodSlide I just updated the title with "overspeed" sorry it wasnt clear from the begining
maybe try enjoying slalom and corners instead of speed!? ;)
get some practice flying in front of the board and running it off. it is easy to do even at full speed.
running it off is to floating as swimming is to boating.
@mrb It's easy to run it out at full speed when you're not expecting it?! Come on, man.
@dcosmos Bro I'm with you. There are some times when I'm able to run it out, but there are other times when I'm leaning so far forward and pushing the board to the max, that I get tossed forward leading with my upper body, almost in a diving position. No way to run it out, which is why I always wear pads- they've spared me some brutal wounds and injuries many times over.
@dcosmos Totally. When you hit an unexpected bump (not even going full speed) and it causes you to lose your balance forward, and suddenly find yourself catapulted off the front, you realize running it out isn't going to happen. I found this out the hard way recently.
Trying to prepare for the unexpected is helpful, attempting to run out a fall might work, but I think learning to roll properly is most important:
There are a lot of cases where even people who are wearing pads will break a wrist or an arm because they don't know how to fall properly.
Yep, this guy is a master at falling.
@sonny123 Exactly. He's wearing full pads, but he still rolls. Most people put their hands out and brace themselves for a fall, and end up dislocating a shoulder or falling on their hip. Wrist guards have proven to be dangerous when you don't fall properly, because they can snap your wrist if you land with your full body weight on your hands.
Watch any pro street-skating video and none of those guys even wear helmets. They fall constantly from crazy heights at crazy speeds over crazy terrain, but they've learned to fall, and it saves them (almost) every time. They still get hurt sometimes, and sprain a wrist or an ankle, or break a bone, but generally it's in a situation that wearing pads wasn't going to help them anyway.
@thegreck Learning to fall is important (hooray for elbow pads!). In the meantime, it is really not a bad idea to wear wrist guards. They aren't controversial when you're talking about the kind of falls new riders are going to have. The worst case scenario is that they absorb some of the impact but cause the fracture to be more proximal (i.e. further up the arm) than without. A mid-shaft radial-ulnar fracture is much preferable to one involves the intra-articular (joint) space. I am absolutely speaking from experience.
@arnlej said in anti overspeed nosedive ideas:
2- is there a way to practice the nosedive at lower speeds, meaning to manualy disengage the active balance while moving, to learn how to manually balance ? I read it is the secret of high speed. My 41 years old body will not tolerate too many failed attemps.
if it hasn't been mentioned already, Before you turn on the Onewheel, you can give it a "bias" when its booting up. Try it by putting a wooden plank underneath the OW before start, then try it without. There's definitely a difference, but I've yet to make any serious experiment attempts.
Nothing helpful but a pat on my own back. While riding on low battery with pushback yesterday (after several reboots to get max range) I pushed it all it could take and it took the dive, but this time I jettisoned myself quick enough to to get both feet in front of me and quickly run it out without a face plant! Didn't hurt that I knew it was coming (not that you know when) due to my full draining of the battery.
Cat like reflexes is the only real option I see, and developing a good tuck and roll as I have from a life of skate and snowboarding (picture an armadillo but 220lbs!) Shred on OW family! -
easy is as easy does and it is easier to run it off at full speed than it is at low speed.
there are times when you'll eat it but you should be able to run it off almost every time your board lets you down.
@mrb tell that to my forearm and leg
For people that push through the push back and hit speeds over 20 mph, and when I get my new 19 mph capable OneWheel+, I have to wonder what it's like to have a nose dive at those speeds. Most folks can't run that fast, so falling would seem very likely.
Is it still recommended to roll at higher speeds?
@dalisdair I took a dive at over 26 mph. I had no hope at all of running it off. It was my only high-speed wipeout so far, and I landed in a sideways Superman position: flying through the air headfirst with my left arm reaching forward, and landing fully stretched out on my left side. I wouldn't recommend other people try it, but I did survive with nothing more than scrapes and bruises.
Do you guys also feel the board right before it dives. I've done it on a field about 15 times to feel it. The motor seems a little irratic right before, and you can almost predict the limit of nosediving. Sometimes all it takes is a crack/bump to do it because you're on that limit. Kind of like being right on the edge of downshifting. You kind of learn it if you practice
@dalisdair said in anti overspeed nosedive ideas:
Is it still recommended to roll at higher speeds?
YES. I ride my OW all the time with no protective gear, but if I know I'm going out for fun/to push limits I will wear a helmet because I know that sometimes rolls end on the back of my head. Otherwise, tuck and roll (and don't tense up) is a viable strategy at higher speeds.
@shaka-wheeler said in anti overspeed nosedive ideas:
Do you guys also feel the board right before it dives. I've done it on a field about 15 times to feel it. The motor seems a little irratic right before,
You're describing "pushback" pretty well. And if you push past it you have to make sure not to push too hard too fast or the front fender will straight up bite the deck.