Any NC riders out there (Durham/Chapel Hill area)?
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@bugstone I'm going there tomorrow. I have to work there for about 45 min then off to riding! It's also a Spring Daze Festival there tomorrow so tons of people!
@bugstone I haven't seen a charge plug there but I didn't scour either. Did you get your Onewheel yet?
Bbugstone @goconfigure 28 April 2017, 19:13 UTC
@goconfigure no mate, it's in Texas right now. I am constantly refreshing my Fedex page... but they have to drive about 2000 miles to come over here in NC
Bbugstone @goconfigure 28 April 2017, 19:22 UTC
@goconfigure I'll be there as well with the kids so we can hook up. will send you a PM
@bugstone Heard. Mine was pushed back to this Monday. So Monday should be awesome. I'm getting there tomorrow about 230. I have a 45 min set from 330 to 415 then off to the trails hopefully.
Bbugstone @goconfigure 29 April 2017, 16:23 UTC
@goconfigure are you playing in one of the bands ? we will be there ! see ya later
Bbugstone @goconfigure 29 April 2017, 16:27 UTC
@goconfigure let me know which stage as there are apparently 4 stages and it's gonna be crowded
@kayvanjams Hi there, yes! we've been riding out at Church Street Park in Morrisville and I ride late night around the Brier Creek shopping center from time to time. Let me know if you want to meet up!
@koncat Were riding out at Church Street Park in Morrisville. Let me know if you want to meetup!
Kkwaaaa @goconfigure 16 June 2017, 09:54 UTC
@goconfigure I just got my v1 and saw somebody circling Church Street Park on the app, must be you, haha.
@kwaaaa Ha ! Me or one other guy, bugstone. We started a meet and try to get together once a week. You should come too! We've found some cool spots and haven't gotten kicked out of any of them :)
WWheelCity 11 September 2017, 19:34 UTC
Hey! If anyone in the Durham/Raleigh area has a Onewheel for sale, please let me know - I'm on a budget. thanks!
SSmokeyCat 25 June 2018, 21:46 UTC
Just started. I'm looking for a good grass field to ride it on, I'm in a hilly area so it is hard to learn real well. I'm in Durham, NC.
Aaftrhours 26 June 2018, 16:27 UTC
If your group ever makes it to Wilmington, look me up and we can ride. I have had my XR for a few weeks
SSmokeyCat @goconfigure 17 July 2018, 15:00 UTC
@goconfigure hey I’m in Durham. Do you all still meet? Let me know. Would like to join you.
- Smokey
Ssteak 13 July 2019, 23:12 UTC
One more in the Triangle (soon) - any active groups?