The Troops are Getting Restless (an email with FM)
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I wouldn't call the replies "insulting" but they certainly ARE vague... disappointingly so. That said, I saw no reason to lash out at the customer support person as they are clearly acting as advised by management.
I'll continue to hold my breathe, because there isn't really another option. Like @MichaelW, I'd rather just know the painful truth and be able to have realistic expectations, but as with many things in life, this is out of my control.
As important as customer service is, the product is awesome enough to endure the heartache. If that's not the case for some of you... especially those with order numbers before mine, please do show them who is boss and cancel your order(s). =)
If they gave the realistic dates, they might even sell some more V1's in the meantime to the impatient people that don't want to wait half a year to get a board.
@OriginalEric , mmm This is the same response I got to the same Question about a year ago!
(re Presence on the Forum)
@OriginalEric @e-ball Perhaps "insulting" is a little harsh. However, when many customers are asking for them to provide some sort of simple communication as when we may expect our boards since this has clearly changed from what they have told us, and they respond to @OriginalEric suggestions with 'sure, we will update individuals with a shipping confirmation once they ship.' I find this response aggravating (perhaps this is a better adjective to describe how i feel). Also the first response is essentially saying the same thing at the end. By "we would be more than happy to update your order ship date once we receive more information from our fulfillment center," I take that is once our fulfillment center provides us with shipping confirmation for your order then we will update you with this information. However between now and until that shipping confirmation comes out everyone is just SOL (in the dark as to what happened with their $1500).
@goodblake-eskate What's up man! You replied to my GIF on Reddit :p We're stoked to have you part of the community!! Just know that the salt that has come from this shipping date debacle will all melt away with a few weeks of riding. I'm with @braswell ... everyone just needs to calm down and know that they will, in time, get their board and it will be rad! Hang in there!
@slydogstroh hey buddy thanks for the message! Honestly I really am not as salty / mad as I probably seem based by my barrage of negative posts about Future Motion. I probably should just submit my opinion that they could do a better job communicating with their customers and do a better job managing expectations to a suggestion box and move on. However, I guess that doesn't help pass the time as much. :) I hope these suggestions are being heard by them as I want them to be widely successful company for many years to come. Eventually their product will be a commodity and they won't be able to survive unless they provide a better customer experience.
BBgrave 9 March 2017, 02:03 UTC
Stop crying. You got your answer. Just wait to buy the damn thing form the store. Not a big deal to have one the day it comes out. You sound like a stupid spoiled brat . 🙄
RRogueStar 9 March 2017, 02:29 UTC
As someone who has worked in forum management, I would say
People need to chill the fuck-off of FM. For fucks sake, they aren't some large corporation with thousands of support staff. Flaming them for "vague answers" doesn't help.
Learn to be patient with small companies. Especially small companies who make REAL products. Especially AMERICAN small companies making REAL products.
This isn't fucking fast food people. I would rather have SAFE and STABLE OneWheels being shipped on the market, instead of whiney-ass teenagers/millenials bitching about small companies making RUSHED products that are dangerous instead of taking the time to get it right.
Stop treating the OneWheel pipeline like a goddamn fast-food chain. Small businesses make mistakes. They are SWAMPED by thousands and thousands of people. It doesn't help if their own forums are SWAMPED with negativity for their operations.
Rant-off. But really guys, it's no good to keep bitching at such a small company.
Preach!!! @RogueStar
RRogueStar @BallewBoard 9 March 2017, 02:45 UTC
@BallewBoard you're a public high school teacher? I blame you for all these fucking morons in America.
I fail you. You don't even deserve a grade >:3
@RogueStar said:
who has worked in forum management
Wonder why you don't have that job anymore... hehe ;)
This post is deleted! -
@RogueStar said in The Troops are Getting Restless (an email with FM):
As someone who has worked in forum management, I would say
People need to chill the fuck-off of FM. For fucks sake, they aren't some large corporation with thousands of support staff. Flaming them for "vague answers" doesn't help.
Learn to be patient with small companies. Especially small companies who make REAL products. Especially AMERICAN small companies making REAL products.
This isn't fucking fast food people. I would rather have SAFE and STABLE OneWheels being shipped on the market, instead of whiney-ass teenagers/millenials bitching about small companies making RUSHED products that are dangerous instead of taking the time to get it right.
Stop treating the OneWheel pipeline like a goddamn fast-food chain. Small businesses make mistakes. They are SWAMPED by thousands and thousands of people. It doesn't help if their own forums are SWAMPED with negativity for their operations.
Rant-off. But really guys, it's no good to keep bitching at such a small company.
As someone who has provided quality customer service to clients, I would say:
1.) You need to chill the fuck-off (fuck off? or out?) on customers on this forum. For fucks sake, they are paying customers who've invested over a thousand dollars which entitles them to expect honest communication. Flaming them for being frustrated with "vague answers" doesn't help.
2.) Learn to be patient with customers. Especially customers who paid a premium price. Especially customers who paid that premium price based on assertions made by the company that has already taken their money, for which they have nothing to show.
3.) This isn't fucking fast food man. People didn't pay $5, $100, or even $500 for this product. I would rather the company that charges a premium for their product set realistic expectations, even if doing so would turn away potential customers. I'd rather they were open about any delays they are experiencing or challenges they are facing as a small company fulfilling demand for a popular product. I'd rather you understand that it's ok for people to express their frustration--they've paid for the right to do so. Bitching about people bitching is still 'bitching.' The comment about rushing an unsafe product to market isn't relevant to this argument. FM released the OW+ on their timetable. The safety part of the equation would have been worked out before the product was open for purchase. People aren't complaining about the timing of the release of the next iteration, they are complaining about unmet expectations and poor communication, all of which are happening after their money has been spent.
4.) blah blah blah, irrelevant fast food reference again. It sounds like you are blaming the customers for simply expecting the company to do what it said it would do... rather than holding said company accountable for keeping their promises... and even then... most people would be understanding of the challenges of a small company, scaling production, overcoming issues with staffing, resources, etc. IF said company would simply communicate those challenges honestly to its customers.
5.) eat a cheeseburger already... you are hung up on the fast food thing too much and it's a terrible analogy... really, completely irrelevant.
@OriginalEric Yeah buddy! My thoughts exactly. Hopefully Future Motion will take the criticism constructively and be a better company because of it. Not like we are asking them to turn water into wine here. Just asking for some simple communication. It would save them from having to provide the same canned vague answers 50 times from all the emails we all have sent them.
Aahxe45 9 March 2017, 19:54 UTC
@RogueStar I think you need to take your own advice and chill out. If you fork out 1500 for a product you would think part of that 1500 would be going towards customer support maybe?? FM so far has given me no reason to doubt that they will deliver everyone's boards but still taking someone's money upfront and then going dark and only giving vague answers to questions is bound to piss people off and they have every right to be pissed off. Imagine if when you went on your daily McDonalds trip you paid for your cheeseburger and then had to wait 3 weeks longer than promised to get it and were offered no updates on it. I think you would be mad considering how much you like fast food.
ZZen.Potatoes 9 March 2017, 20:24 UTC
Again, they stated boards will begin to ship in Feb, check. ( they didnt say your board, did they? )
& Boards will continue to be shipped in March.. check.
Well guess what folks, it's still March with 3 weeks to go.
Im so sorry FM are not holding your hand every step of the way giving you all hugs and and support you need tucking you in at night and constantly reasuring you every second of the day that it's all going to be alright and that soon your TOY will arrive.
But Jesus Fucking Wept people... What a bunch of moaning kids are currently on this site.
Up until a few days ago I guessed (wrongly) most Onewheel Riders would be pretty chilled. Not fukcing spoilt little snowflakes.
& if this upsets you.
PS: Have a nice day :p
@Zen.Potatoes lol... I think all the OW riders are out ripping their V1s still. (me).
@Zen.Potatoes Actually, when I ordered mine it stated "shipping in February". Then that turned into Late Feb. early March. Now its before the end of March and all these updates/changes are only being communicated because these "moaning kids" as you call them are politely emailing FM for updates. The only real bitching I see are the people like you complaining about the people asking FM for updates. Take your own advice and stop whining cause people would like an answer from FM. Pretty ironic bitching about bitching. But I guess paying $1500 for a toy and asking for a time frame is childish.
@Zen.Potatoes when you don't have an intelligent rebuttal, it's always best to jump straight to name calling and insults... we're the snowflakes, yet you're acting triggered... seems about right for the interwebs.
Aahxe45 10 March 2017, 13:34 UTC
I really don't understand how paying customers don't have a right to be upset when they pay 1500 for a "Toy" essentially and are offered no updates when they don't meet their target ship dates. It is totally fine that they did not meet their target ship date and everyone will have their board soon enough but a simple email or forum post on a weekly basis would go a long way with some people. @Zen-Potatoes
Ccarvewell 10 March 2017, 15:06 UTC
Im really getting sick of my fellow spoiled Americans for oh so many reasons but people who complain about not having a hover board soon enough really irritate me the most. Especially as the people of Aleppo endure up to 200 Russian airstrikes a day targeting civilians. They wonder if their loved ones will be alive when they come home from work instead of when their + arrives.
The main gripe is just the lack of communication. If you were a founding member the expectation was set when you made the purchase that your board would ship in February. If you didn't know about this forum and weren't on any of the facebook groups you would be completely in the dark about what happened to your $1500 except for the promotional emails that keep telling us that the OneWheel Plus is now shipping. Small company or not, the basics of running a good business don't change.
Ccarvewell 10 March 2017, 16:08 UTC
Sorry I shouldn't have sounded so self righteous in the above post. I haven't ordered a + so I don't know how it feels to be waiting for one. I plan to purchase one from my local retailer SRS when they arrive. I have 3 OG onewheels and have had to send each of them back for warranty repairs multiple times. One of them I've sent back 5 times. The wheel is a great teacher. When you are on top of it you feel like you are on top of the world and the gods are smiling down on you. When it's down for repairs or you are waiting for it to arrive you have to take life a little slower and focus on other things and exercise patience. Its one of the most important virtues. I'm totally obsessed with the OW but sometimes I wonder how healthy that is. Or just question the human tendency towards obsession. Just my observations and I apologize for the previous judgements I made about consumers.
You have people paying massive dollar for Tesla and they wait. Then you have this shameless company:
Note: That estimate has been updated several times, and as of today, they are not even 50% done.
My point: I am happy/cool with FM that the delay is only a few weeks due to logistic.
@ashewheeler maybe you should send your "hover board" to someone in Aleppo. Did this thread seriously devolve into customers not deserving proper communication from a company because theres madness on the other side of the globe? Rad.
Ccarvewell 10 March 2017, 16:58 UTC
@SC720 Yes it has devolved. I apologize I should have resisted commenting and you are right my comments aren't even relevant to the original discussion. It's just difficult to watch this second wave of customers doubting and even angry with the very people who are working so hard to give them the extraordinary​ opportunity to own a OW. This happened when V1 went public and everyone shut the fuck up as soon as they got their wheel. FM is learning alot about bringing cutting edge badassery to market and also making sure everyone is safe in the process. It just seems symptomatic of people in the west most spoiled by capitalism to have such doubt and ill will towards a company with such golden intensions and in time such Platinum follow through. I agree that communication is extremely important to running a successful company but I also manufacture stuff and realize there are always real world setbacks. I think we assume FM has inexhaustible resources to dip into to bring this magic to us and the reality is this + release probably took everything they could muster to pull off. It is a small company of around 14 people giving 200% every day to bring the planet a whole new revolutionary boardsport, technology, culture and all. I think they are doing an incredible, and I mean "truly incredible" job! I'm deeply thankful for all that goes into giving us our childhood fantasy of surfing around almost any surface intuitively as if in a dream.➖🌎➖ And yes the people of Syria definitely deserve all my OWs. That's a great humanitarian idea. Maybe they could dodge the barrel bombs falling out of the sky.
Wwr420 10 March 2017, 17:08 UTC
Founder != Entitlement
@ashewheeler it's preposterous that you'd even bring Aleppo up in a conversation relating to customer service... and turn this into one of those "your privilege is showing" themed rants... absurd!
The very crux of the angst on this forum/topic is related to communication... not even the delay itself, but simple, inexpensive communication. A member of this forum even drafted an email template to be used by FM which would alleviate (I'm guessing) 75-80% of the negativity related to the OW+ release.
It's time to separate the quality of the product itself from the customer service/communication piece of the equation. Yes, FM made an amazing product and should be applauded for it. It is possible for a company to have both an amazing product, and questionable business/customer service practices. It's possible for consumers to love the product and be frustrated with the customer service.
Ccarvewell @OriginalEric 10 March 2017, 17:41 UTC
@OriginalEric I was just using the comparison of realities to hopefully put things in perspective for people getting impatient. Admittedly maybe not the most tasteful use of imagery. I agree with you guys about customer service but again there are 14 people handling all of FMs issues, many of which we don't even understand. I think the + rollout was all about getting as much financial support up front so that the company wasn't sitting on valuable cash flow in the form of unsold inventory. I guess what I'm saying is they are undoubtedly overwhelmed while trying to maintain the public's attention span and desire to have their hand held while struggling with the physics of manufacturing and meeting shipping deadlines. I seriously doubt anybody complaining here could do any better. And my point that the western appetite and model for consumption and entitlement is simply not sustainable still stands. We have outgrown our pants in this respect. Not only are working people unable to keep up with the unchecked malignant "I want it and I want it now", but the planet may soon buckle under the pressure of our greed. Then the biology and ecosystem we all take for granted will get cursed for inconveniently disrupting our egocentric fantasies.
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Holy cow. @ashewheeler I get what you're trying to say but I think philosophical rants like that can be seen as inflammatory on a forum thread such as this one... I'd still like to chime in and add that OW being an electric personal transportation device is overall impacting positively our global community by reducing the emission of harmful emissions. Using a OW for your commute instead of a gas-powered car isn't just funner, it's also ecological! As such, I think everyone here deserves some accolades for choosing a product that will help reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.
@ahxe45 he's already apologized profusely so don't be so harsh! Freedom of speech goes both ways and he is allowed to his opinion! That being said I do wish OW would be more transparent with their manufacturing process. But as others have said, I'd rather have a solid product than one that was rushed out. So with that in mind, I'd invite you all to participate in our guessing game!
Aahxe45 10 March 2017, 18:11 UTC
@ashewheeler dude what are you even talking about. What don't you understand about giving a company $1500 and them not keeping people in the loop with updates. What is wrong with that and how is that having a bad attitude or being selfish???? Please break it down for me because I am really curious. I would love for you to spend 2 seconds at my business and try to explain to a customer that they need to have a positive attitude, compassion, empathy and understanding when I failed to deliver their kitchen countertops when promised after they paid a 100% deposit.
@ashewheeler The worst kind of people IMO are those who likes to complain but does nothing about it. We can all acknowledge shit is terrible around the world but does talking in a Company forum will help the cause? If your morale compass is so much better than all of us, then go sell all your belongings and donate it to people in Syria and Africa.
Aahxe45 10 March 2017, 18:18 UTC
@bazzingapunk Couldn't have said it better myself. It's even worse because he probably just watched the Netflix documentary about Aleppo which he found out about because of the Oscars and now thinks he is better than everyone else because he is so proactive.
I agree about the eco friendly commute.
OW is strictly fun gadget to me.For commute and most errands, I use my etwow e scooter.
Cut my car trips in more than half.
I surprised not a lot more people use it here in traffic nightmare NYC. -
Ccarvewell @ahxe45 10 March 2017, 18:33 UTC
@ahxe45 how funny I make custom kitchen cabinets for the elites like Tom Oreck of Oreck Vacuums. It is always a huge task balancing what is desired and designed versus what our small shop is capable of producing within given deadlines. More than once I've worked for 3 to 4 days at a time without any sleep to fit within the schedules of contractors and homeowners so I'm actually very aware of workplace pressures. I am a little bitter from my work experience and the many times thankless job of being an American manufacturer and am feeling protective of FM for how much happiness they have given back to me in my late 30s. I'm super sorry they aren't communicating enough for you guys and I understand your frustrations. It was a poor decision for me to try and shore up faith in them in the ways that I did. I just watched a documentary called the "White Helmets" about rescue workers in Allepo and I let my feelings bleed over into this thread. It was a very poor decision but I hope it helps some of you think about what is important.
It's worth taking into consideration that many companies have a "system" and stick to it.
FM has 2 people who handle customer inquiry via email support.
The thing about getting involved in public forums, they answer 1 question and get 10 follow-up questions. Try keeping up with that.
My gut feeling tells me they're focusing on what's important and getting those boards rolling. It's mere 10 days past the promise date. -
Ttimvdp 11 March 2017, 00:41 UTC
Chill pill anybody??
the weekend is here!!!more time to ride!;)FM is cool
OW is cool
Ashewheeler is cool (best OW MODér here ;)
discussions are cool
moderation is cool ;)
don't forget all forum peopple are fans of the product and long term deal/ OWeffect! ;) -
@timvdp care to lend me your board for the weekend?
Hitler. Just getting it out of the way... carry on