An update'ish on order #74**

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  • CBR 954rr @COKids 29 March 2017, 17:22 UTC

    @COKids said in An update'ish on order #74**:

    @s2kboy couldn't agree more with you! I personally purchased the OW+ as a birthday gift for my son. It is extremely frustrating to not have any updates from FM as to a realistic shippping date.

    you should probably just go ahead and buy a V1 for him which will become yours when the plus arrives

  • COKids @CBR 954rr 29 March 2017, 17:40 UTC

    @CBR-954rr sure! Good idea! Hey can I borrow a few bucks? I think $1,000 should do it . ;-)

  • Eliminator 29 March 2017, 17:45 UTC

    Has anyone received shipping notices this week? Shipping again but I don't many happy posters who received notice. I'd be happy just see progress on shipments.

  • goodblake-eskate @Eliminator 29 March 2017, 17:50 UTC

    @Eliminator Yeah I was hoping to see some posts about shipment notifications, but except for maybe 1 or 2, I feel like I haven't seen any in 2 weeks. I am about 50 away from the highest number posted so far, but still I wait, impatiently!

  • SeattleCommuter @e-ball 29 March 2017, 18:55 UTC

    @e-ball There seems to be a pattern emerging from comments to "stop whining": they usually refer to OW as a toy.

    I'd like to remind them that OW can also be purchased for utilitarian reasons. It is a personal transportation device, after all. And the best/most convenient way to quickly get around in the city.

  • slydogstroh @SeattleCommuter 29 March 2017, 19:35 UTC

    @SeattleCommuter It's true. I'd go crazy without my OW to get places in Chicago. Last time I had to send it in to FM I paid for overnight delivery and it ended up being gone just 4 days. It was a tough 4 days. Glad I'll have my PLUS as a backup now!

  • CBR 954rr @COKids 29 March 2017, 19:41 UTC

    @COKids said in An update'ish on order #74**:

    @CBR-954rr sure! Good idea! Hey can I borrow a few bucks? I think $1,000 should do it . ;-)

    I'd lend it to you but $3,200 of my disposable income is already tied up with nothing to show for it....

  • F
    fruitygreen @SeattleCommuter 29 March 2017, 19:53 UTC

    @SeattleCommuter We personally use it for recreation only, so to us it's just a play thing. A great one if it matters.

    But , recently at a Hyatt Resort
    I had a confrontation(friendly kine) with the security guards and said whoa "dats wat we need!" Apparently they were seriously looking into getting some utilitarian scooter to cover more grounds. They were so serious they had to get the boss and show her what I had been riding.

    We talked a bit about how I can out manuveur their golf carts and so on .

    So there may be other purpose for the One Wheel , regardless we all need to stand in line to get one .

  • SeattleCommuter @fruitygreen 29 March 2017, 20:05 UTC

    @fruitygreen I never said there's anything wrong with getting a OW just for fun. My point is simply that the wait can be harder for some than others.

    But mostly, I believe people are 100% allowed to express their discontent without getting talked down to. It's a good thing to have an avenue for upset customers to vent their anger. It's cathartic and makes the wait a little more bearable.

  • sonny123 29 March 2017, 20:13 UTC

    V1 rocks.
    I don't need no damn extra few miles.
    Then again, maybe not...

  • skyman88 @CBR 954rr 29 March 2017, 20:55 UTC

    @CBR-954rr said in An update'ish on order #74**:

    you should probably just go ahead and buy a V1 for him which will become yours when the plus arrives

    Does anyone know if the V1's are shipping? In all honestly, I'd cancel my order for a OW+ with no delivery date in sight (order #100xx) and order a OW if I knew it'd be here before summer.

  • SeattleCommuter @skyman88 29 March 2017, 20:57 UTC

    @skyman88 ASAIK they are. If you don't need OW+ I'd definitely do that.

  • slydogstroh @skyman88 29 March 2017, 21:00 UTC

    @skyman88 A V1 would be at your door in a week! Send me a message and I can have FM to send you a free fender with a v1 too ;)

  • COKids @SeattleCommuter 29 March 2017, 21:02 UTC

    @SeattleCommuter There are 3 OWv1's at my local Best Buy. You may want to check a store near you if you don't mind paying full price for an original.

  • skyman88 @SeattleCommuter 29 March 2017, 21:03 UTC

    @SeattleCommuter said in An update'ish on order #74**:

    ASAIK they are. If you don't need OW+ I'd definitely do that.

    I've been interested in OW since Kick Starter but never pulled the trigger. Then I saw a whole slew of ads recently online and made the decision to get the latest and greatest; Ferrari vs GTI according to their promo video... but I'll take a GTI now over a promise of a Ferrari someday.

    @slydogstroh let me think this over tonight but more and more I like the idea of having something to ride for the summer.

  • ctsiaki @skyman88 29 March 2017, 21:11 UTC

    @skyman88 or find a dealer, Aaron Pope stated on FB they are trying to get dealers stocked first and his stock should be in the next batch. Not sure if he has any not accounted for, but he is having them shipped directly to his customers.

  • Eliminator 29 March 2017, 21:30 UTC

    I'll be p!$$30 if they were stocking dealer shelves before filling the already paid pioneer orders.

  • e-ball @SeattleCommuter 29 March 2017, 21:46 UTC

    @SeattleCommuter so there are people out there who pre-ordered a product that would be their primary mode of transportation without a backup plan? Umm, ok.

    Hey, I get it. People like to complain and play the victim. It's just not me. This is not an essential product, it's a luxury item. I understand the disappointment in a moving shipping date but I see no point in the constant complaining. It looks like I'm in the minority. All good.

  • GlueBreath @e-ball 29 March 2017, 22:00 UTC

    @e-ball my thoughts exactly.. I'll be happily enjoying my V1 till then(and even after as a backup).. waiting on preorders is nothing new to me.. have done it so many times now I have lost count nor do I care as long as they deliver.. I know what I signed up for.. delays are almost certain in most cases with electric rideables..either way I'm hella happy once things do ship..I know waiting sucks be patient I'm sure it will be worth the wait if the V1 is anything to go by.. or just cancel nobody is holding your money hostage.. just means mine will ship that much faster.

  • OriginalEric @e-ball 29 March 2017, 22:56 UTC

    @e-ball "all I hear is wah, wah, wah..." you'd think an evolved person such as yourself would have other things with which to occupy your time rather than (wait for it) complaining about people complaining about delays. Pot... kettle... etc.

  • F
    fruitygreen @OriginalEric 29 March 2017, 23:45 UTC

    @OriginalEric said in An update'ish on order #74**:

    @e-ball "all I hear is wah, wah, wah..." you'd think an evolved person such as yourself would have other things with which to occupy your time rather than (wait for it) complaining about people complaining about delays. Pot... kettle... etc.

    Complaining about a complainer complaning.

  • SeattleCommuter @e-ball 29 March 2017, 23:46 UTC

    @e-ball By your logic, a car is also a "luxury item" because there are all sorts of alternatives available for commuting.

    You failing to understand how some people might see the OW as an investment (just like a used car or bicycle) only proves your lack of perspective and empathy.

    Suggested reading:

  • ctsiaki @Eliminator 30 March 2017, 01:31 UTC

    @Eliminator that would be my guess on why we haven't seen anymore post about shipping when FM says they are shipping again. Or they are only getting small shipments of supplies in. Order #719X shipped last week, #7120 has yet to receive a notification.

  • GlueBreath 30 March 2017, 08:24 UTC

    Got my shipping notification an hour ago.. order #722X.. Shipping weight 36.5 lbs.

  • F
    fruitygreen @GlueBreath 30 March 2017, 09:22 UTC

    @GlueBreath said in An update'ish on order #74**:

    Got my shipping notification an hour ago.. order #722X.. Shipping weight 36.5 lbs.


    Just 1200 more to go than I'll be OW+ing

  • skyman88 @ctsiaki 2 April 2017, 14:06 UTC

    @ctsiaki said in An update'ish on order #74**:

    @skyman88 or find a dealer, Aaron Pope stated on FB they are trying to get dealers stocked first and his stock should be in the next batch. Not sure if he has any not accounted for, but he is having them shipped directly to his customers.

    So I officially have two OneWheel+'s sitting on my credit card. The day @ctsiaki recommended trying the local route, I found a dealer 1.5 hours away with ONE OW+ that hadn't been claimed from the first shipment they're expecting this month. So I claimed it. If the local option pans out, I'll cancel my order with FM and move someone else one step closer to receiving theirs. And if not, I still have my order with FM as a backup.

  • magicrobots @skyman88 2 April 2017, 23:22 UTC

    @skyman88 this is a great idea. I can't believe there could be an unclaimed + somewhere nearby ... my order number is 10xxx so I'm happy to look at alternatives!

  • s2kboy 3 April 2017, 01:16 UTC

    75XX my fender and I think bumpers? Shipped on last Thursday. Good to see something moving!

  • A
    aris 3 April 2017, 15:13 UTC

    7304 label created today - can't wait !

  • kbern 3 April 2017, 20:24 UTC

    Just got my shipping notification for my board! #7312

  • s2kboy @kbern 3 April 2017, 21:25 UTC

    @kbern This is moving quickly at this rate I will have my board shipped next week SWEET! I am #75xx

  • kbern @s2kboy 4 April 2017, 16:32 UTC

    @s2kboy Yes, plus, I got the email at 1pm, FedEx showed info a few hours later, that it was coming today! (one day delivery). Shipping from San Jose, CA to Lake Tahoe... SICK!

  • OriginalEric 6 April 2017, 22:19 UTC

    Just make sure you check the shipping weight on the tracking info... I received an email that said the item shipped was the "OneWheel+ Pioneer Edition"


    When I tracked the shipping--it said the weight was 2.6lbs. I emailed FM Support and received this reply:

    *Hi Eric,

    I am very sorry for the misinformation you received from our system. As mentioned it appears these alerts are being sent once accessories are released. This shipment is indeed your fender and not the Onewheel+. You can expect your Onewheel+ to ship within the next 10 days.

    Kindest regards,
    FM Support*

  • I
    IceTank 8 April 2017, 04:54 UTC

    Order 741* label created today

  • B
    bdech15 8 April 2017, 05:34 UTC

    What's the weight?

  • N
    nanjay83 8 April 2017, 05:37 UTC

    #7462 is on the way. 36.5lbs.

  • D
    Da Aviator 8 April 2017, 05:42 UTC

    #7479 my shipment confirmed 36.5lbs be here on Tuesday

  • T
    TimsterB123 8 April 2017, 23:07 UTC

    #746* and still haven't received notification... anyone after that besides Da Aviator receive their notification with a confirmed shipping weight?