Nosediving +
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@groovyruvy Yeah I'm talking to Carly. Riding my V1 while this gets sorted out. I still like, but damn I miss the + already--smoother, faster, quieter, stronger.
@shattle I had a prob with a v1 where it would shut itself off. A side effect was the mileage would reset to zero each time. It only happened when cold(40-50F) for the first few minutes of riding til it warmed up. Bad BMS was to blame.
@RandomNate Yes, and I had debunked it the day before on another thread by posting a video of me riding my V1 (which works the same way as far as the 2 sensors go) and moving my toe completely off the sensor. Doing this doesn't disengage the motor once you're riding faster than 0.5mph, because FM has intelligent engineers who realize foot adjustments are a necessity.
Random nate:
true I stand corrected...
I was thinking of an old v1(fabuz?) vid and discussion...
but now the "It will only shut off under .5 mph" thing is true (not sure if that was also done from the start though)
but I forgot about that when I was trying to troubleshoot here..
my bad ;) -
I had this happen to me twice, at 5.6mph and again at 8mph. Nose just dropped right out. I contacted FM, and we found a problem with the sensors, and they asked me to send in the foot pad.
Turns out the connector wasn't securely plugged in all the way. (I blame FM's QA dept.) I unplugged it by just wiggling it a bit, then reconnected it. 10 miles later, no problem.
Check the connector under the food pad sensor. Re-seat the both connectors, and see what happens.
Only because someone might find it interesting, I shot this video at what I believe was the first LA Onewheel meetup I ever went to. We were messing around seeing if one person could ride 2 Onewheels. This is @MichaelW successfully doing it.
As you can see, he's only covering one sensor on each board, so we had to have two people push on the other 2 sensors until he was going fast enough. Which as you can see isn't very fast at all, though he was going too slow the first attempt: -
@shattle Yep, I get it. Your situation was completely different. I didn't mean to suggest that you pushed through pushback in your case. I was just sharing a very different nosedive experience so others could learn from it.
@wr420 app was connected, but I didn't check the speed after the nosedive. I was going pretty fast, but I don't think 20mph. I think the issue in my case was the rate of acceleration, that I pushed very aggressively through 15mph or so. So not only was I accelerating at a fairly high speed, but I was leaning into it and so I think I just wasn't able to feel the board push back.
On acceleration you really can't just put your foot into it so to speak. Gaining speed is kind of a gradual thing.
I received two OW+ boards while I was out of town. My teenage son (who longboards) caught on really quickly, but then had a nasty fall when the board accelerated, apparently without his input. I rode it this morning and it did a sudden nosedive while rolling slightly uphill on very smooth pavement at 12mph. Mission mode. Skinned my elbow, but knee and wrist protection helped. Board did not turn off. I was too hurt to think about looking at error codes.
The second board is flawless. Not a single glitch in 15 miles today. Mission mode too.
There's definitely something going on with some, but not all boards. I've contacted FM - they suggested it's me moving my sensor foot, since the board would've turned off if there was a malfunction. I could imagine that if I had been carving or going over bumps, but this was silky smooth fresh asphalt. I bet I end up paying shipping to get this fixed. Not cool.
@runtgun are you absolutely sure this is happening in mission mode, not another mode? And the board is accelerating without your input? Also definitely not shutting off when dismounted? If so you need to contact FM for some factory love.
I took a hard nose dive going about 12 mph on smooth pavement, Like you said it was a dive that I wasn't expecting its like the board just dug in and launched me... fucked up my wrists and knee and elbow.. I wondered if it was a glitch or I just messed up but going over it in my head and I feel like it was the board that just let go. Also I didnt have any push back in mission mode for like a week and now all of a sudden I'm getting a lot of push back not like before. I'm just going to wear knee pads wrist guards and elbow pads plus the helmet.. Im 33 Im too old to be getting hurt. I also suggest everyone go full retard on pads.. it's so worth it when u take that same nose dive and come out unscathed.
@NickthePlumber Be careful! I assumed the blame was mine the first time, but it did it again the next day. FM sent me a UPS label to send it back for a warranty claim.
@Tomka Hey sorry, I am just now seeing this. Also I am not sure I can give you a definitive answer either way. Here are my thoughts on the two.
Evolve GTs
Pros: Higher top speed - more range - more stable due to the 4 wheels - I love riding around with my dog so I would never get rid of the Evolve.
Cons: Requires a remote (hands free is really nice on OneWheel) - requires lights if necessary - more stuff = more cumbersome + more stuff to worry about charging and cords etc - more maintenance - requires more tinkering (could be a pro if you enjoy this sort of thing - I do at times) - 4 hour battery chargeOneWheel
Pros: Built like a tank - more awe factor - so easy to just grab one thing and go versus the extras with the Evolves - more maneuverable - more playful / fun to ride in a slower technical kind of way (if that makes sense) - quick battery charge (gives you a chance to take a quick break)
Cons: short battery life compared to Evolves - less stable where certain bumps can send you flying unexpectedly vs the same bumps on Evolve would just be bumps (Yes if riding with knees bent / athletic position, the OneWheel can handle all the same bumps as the Evolve, but this is more referencing the random little dip or bump you might not even notice while riding more upright / causally can launch you off the Onewheel. In same situation on Evolve it would be a non issue.) - I take my charger with me every time I ride the Onewheel due to the short battery life. - slower top speed - Can't casually ride above 15 mph due to pushback versus Evolve where I can easily ride around 20 MPH no problem.So based on my personal pros and cons if I had to pick just one, I would pick the Evolve primarily bc I like riding with my dog and the extra distance. HOWEVER if I didn't have a dog and I could get where I needed to go in 5 miles or less or just wanted something fun for surfing around town, I would get the Onewheel hands down! Hope this helps
I was reading this thread last week and thinking to myself "Well, I'm glad my board doesn't have this issue". That statement only held for a few more days unfortunately. Last Sunday I experienced my first nose dive. I had been riding for almost a month with virtually no issues and have gotten used to riding at at the higher speeds (17-20 MPH) in Mission mode. I have received an error message on my phone on 2 separate occasions regarding one of the sensors not responding for so many seconds at such a speed, but I never noticed any riding issues, so I ignored them. I was going about 17 MPH in the bike lane of a perfectly flat, clean road and out of the blue my OW+ nose dived/lost power. Given the speed, surface (asphalt), and the fact I was not expecting this, I was unable to free ride it out and flew off my OW+ and went sliding across the asphalt. Luckily there were no cars nearby and I didn't break anything, just several abrasions and a semi-deep laceration to my elbow that ended up needing stitches (I was only wearing a short sleeve shirt and shorts, but did have a helmet on). I had a full battery when I started and had only gone 1 mile. My stance was solid, covering both front sensors and the back one, no debris in the road, no change in footing, the OW+ just gave up randomly. This has definitely lowered my confidence in the OW+ because once I do heal up, I'm going to be constantly worrying that at any moment without warning my OW could shut off/stop working and I may end up with another expensive ER bill.
I've reached out to Future Motion regarding this, so far their response has been trying to find fault with me regarding my stance, or road obstacles and suggesting video tutorials to me on how to ride the board. I know how to ride!! It's an issue with the board! Will update once I get another response.
that sucks, hope ure faith 'll be restored soon ;) -
@blugamer44 there is nothing more unnerving than riding a onewheel you feel you can't depend on, it undermines the whole experience. Maybe it's because there are a lot more onewheels out in the world now, or maybe it's because there are more people active on these forms, but just recently there has been an increase in reports of runaway boards, and boards not shutting off when dismounted. On Facebook there's a video of a onewheel+ zooming away from its owner at high speeds for very long distances, in fact it ended up in a river (FM is warrantying it)! Some of us are speculating that there may be issues with a batch of the front footpad sensors, although I've had no issues. One thing you can do without affecting your warranty is to unscrew your front foot pad and verify that the sensor connection to the board is solid. Because if that connection isn't intact, that's definitely a problem. If yours is connected properly and you're certain it's not a stance or other rider issue, then you should be firm with FM and require them to inspect the board. Realizing you're not eager for another wipeout, if you can duplicate the problem, and even better, capture a video of it failing, that's going to be hard for FM to ignore. If you ride with anyone else maybe let them give the board a try and see if they have issues, and you can also bench test the board by putting the tail on a raised surface and then bring the nose to level with your hand on the front foot pads- keep pushing the nose further down and see if the motor abruptly shuts off. Whether or not this is a rider error issue or a malfunctioning board issue doesn't change the reality that you ended up with a nasty fall and some battle wounds (and maybe a medical bill). This may be the number one reason I wear pads- because there is the potential the board can fail you even if you are doing (or think you are doing) everything right.
Same here with the rando nosedives, my plus is not being ridden till they address this. Already sent it in and they said it had no problems. Yeah right
@PowerWheel5000 did they just ship it back to you without doing anything to it, or what is the status?
1st impression on the +
Ultra smooth. It's like riding a Cadillac. lol..
Just did 2 miles and getting to know the board.
I ride with my front foot angled and thought the + would respond even better.
3rd dismount attempt, it didn't disengage.
So now I'm back to basics practicing dismount while holding on to the fence.
I've read somewhere that FM may have received pads with some type of a sensor issues.
That may be the cause of runaways problems I've read on FB page.
My V1 has tons of miles and the pads work flawlessly.
Heck, I'm hesitant to replace them as they look pretty beaten up, but if it ain't broken, don't fix it.
Gonna take me good few weeks to form a solid opinion on the +,
but my first instinct, it's a winner. -
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Ddarren1414 @JacoNZ 11 July 2017, 03:17 UTC
My knee buckled after it was forced into hyperextension as I landed on my feet with my leg straight trying to run out the sudden stop. So I don't think knee pads would have helped in that instance.
I do believe I should have tried to havetried to hit the ground differently with flexed knees and rolled onto the ground. In that case a helmet and knee pads would definitely have helped but I may have injured other areas. I hear of people riding being always prepared to be thrown off but that's a terrible way to ride not having full confidence in the ride.
For now I think when and if I recover, I'll go back to the boosted board cause that won't be able to nosedive but of course there are other ways to fall from that as well.
JJacoNZ 11 July 2017, 04:02 UTC
A question for the long time riders, did your nosedive frequency decline with experience?
@JacoNZ If you start slow and wait until you really understand the way the Onewheel's balancing works, then slowly gain speed, you might never nosedive, so there's no frequency to decline.
EEast Coast Rob 13 July 2017, 17:43 UTC
After waiting five months, I finally received my OW plus, I was so happy. I rode it for almost 30 miles in the first three days. I never experienced any kick back, it accelerated great, curved good, felt stable and I was confident/felt secure riding it. Then, on the four day, I was just slowly going down a slight incline and it dumped me. I thought it was something I did, so I took a few days to heal and hopped back on it. I was going up that same hill and the nose seem to want to dip on me and I wasn't pushing it at all. I get to the flat part and it dumps me again. I wasn't hurt, so I got back on and decided to get home. On the way, I got up to about 12mph and it dumped me hard. I'm still recovering for three weeks now, I fractured my heal, bruised my ribs, sprained my pinky, and have some road rash.
I've been in touch with tech support, they walked me through testing the sensors, the sensors were good. They asked me to try the board again, so when I felt good enough to ride it, I took it out. It didn't seem to accelerate good, felt wobbly and I couldn't get it to go faster than 11.6mph. I have previously been able to reach 17.2mph. I contact customer service again and they said they think there's a problem with my OW plus, YOU THINK? They think it's the battery modulator or something like that. They said they would send me a shipping label via email, haven't received it in five days now.
After all these months waiting, paying that much money, defending the cost and future motion on the social medias and this is the crappy board and service I receive? Total BS! -
@East-Coast-Rob They're a small company dealing with a huge growth spurt right now. Did you contact them again and ask for the shipping label? That would probably be more helpful.
@darren1414 When I first got my Plus, there was a noticeable little click noise I used to hear coming from the motor while riding. Also I never felt any pushback in the beginning when I could hear this noise. I had a few nose dives and never felt any pushback prior. Then I put it in Sequoia mode as I was determined to feel this "pushback" that people had referenced and hadn't felt on my OW. Initially, I didn't feel anything in Sequoia either and suddenly out of no where pushback started. I had been going the same speeds prior in the same modes but never felt the pushback. I am convinced that riding hard in Sequoia finally adjusted something in the motor that was out of align preventing pushback. I switched it to Mission after this and suddenly started feeling pushback there too. Since this day, I have not noticed the little click I used to hear coming from the motor, and I have not had any nose dives like I had the first few weeks I had it. I have had nosedives, but they seem much less severe like the motor was still trying to hold me up versus just complete stop and dump off the front nosedives. Again i know nothing about the internals of the OneWheel so this theory could be completely wrong. Initially, I thought it was user error(as I am sure many of you do / still do), but now that I have 500+ miles, I feel that there was something slightly out of whack when I first got my plus.
Ddarren1414 @goodblake-eskate 16 July 2017, 04:22 UTC
@goodblake-eskate thanks for sharing your experience. Knee still stiff following surgery but that calling to get back on the onewheel is strong. Right now mainly boosted boarding cause I feel that with a weak knee I can't have the potential of any nose diving. Once better, I fear all this will change. 😛
Sshaka wheeler 17 July 2017, 17:55 UTC
I believe the frustration is this-
The onewheel is a 'skill oriented' product, so clearly there isn't a basic throttle and brake. The issue is, this is optimum to claim there is rider error.For example, i've ridden my V1 for 1800 miles. I hop on the +, drop off a height of just 2 bricks, and the board goes into full acceleration and shoots out from under me.
After doing multiple foot drops on the V1, i'd imagine i can pop down a tiny height of a few bricks. I took videos, and reached out. I was heartbroken to hear them try to tell me how to proverly ride a onewheel.
I reached out for further diagnosis; and they claimed it was my footpads. Unfortunately, even if the footpads were stuck on, the board would break when the tail is touching the ground. In my case, the board accelerated.
I think their customer service is a very delicate subject. My V1 board was back 2 times because the battery wasn't reading the right percent. It would die at like 35%, but even after 2 times it still does - they didn't fix it.
The problem i see is, now what? What do riders like me do? False diagnosis. I don't want footpads, i want to be able to safely go down slight drops like my V1. I am at a loss to figure out what the next step is.
@shaka-wheeler feeling your frustration. One thing I noticed is how the Original and + perform differently during wheelslip / when the tire loses contact with the ground. On the Original the motor doesn't rev up, so when you land it's playing catch-up, which is why the nose dips and you need to lean back to be ready to compensate for that. On the + it's different. As soon as the wheel loses contact with the ground the motor revs up big time, in anticipation of the landing. Took me a while to adjust but instead of leaning back like I do on the Original to get ready for the nose to drop, I actually lean forward / put pressure on the front footpad, and that keeps the tail from dropping when the tire reconnects with the ground. 2 different boards, and they handle completely differently. If you haven't yet tried this could you, and let me know how it goes?
@groovyruvy If you check out 00:14 on Jeff's video, you'll see the wheel definitely spins out when it loses contact with the ground. The difference is the amount of torque the motor has in the V1 vs the plus.
On the plus, it's powerful enough to shoot out from under you unless you compensate for it, whereas on the V1, just your body weight creates enough drag that it's easy to control.
Sshaka wheeler @thegreck 21 July 2017, 21:59 UTC
@thegreck said in Nosediving +:
@groovyruvy If you check out 00:14 on Jeff's video, you'll see the wheel definitely spins out when it loses contact with the ground. The difference is the amount of torque the motor has in the V1 vs the plus.
On the plus, it's powerful enough to shoot out from under you unless you compensate for it, whereas on the V1, just your body weight creates enough drag that it's easy to control.
@groovyruvy said in Nosediving +:
@shaka-wheeler feeling your frustration. One thing I noticed is how the Original and + perform differently during wheelslip / when the tire loses contact with the ground. On the Original the motor doesn't rev up, so when you land it's playing catch-up, which is why the nose dips and you need to lean back to be ready to compensate for that. On the + it's different. As soon as the wheel loses contact with the ground the motor revs up big time, in anticipation of the landing. Took me a while to adjust but instead of leaning back like I do on the Original to get ready for the nose to drop, I actually lean forward / put pressure on the front footpad, and that keeps the tail from dropping when the tire reconnects with the ground. 2 different boards, and they handle completely differently. If you haven't yet tried this could you, and let me know how it goes?
Thanks for that. I will setup a grass test. I wish they enhanced the riding experience rather than try and change it. It's unfortunate but i guess that's how it's going to be. Hopefully the company still tries to keep the boards changing, or get a variety. Kind of scary that the board is of the same asthetic (minus footpads) 3 years later after their first product.
@shaka-wheeler I feel like most of the issues of this nature that people are complaining about are due to the fact that the plus has a more powerful motor. And I think the first thing that needed to be done to enhance the ride was upgrade the motor. Now it's time for them to tweak the software; it seems like all of these things can be fixed that way.
Like for the massive overspin that happens when the wheel leaves the ground; I don't see any reason that the wheel should even be able to go from 10mph to 50mph in half a second, and I would think that should be easily fixable in the software.
Aalikaks @shattle 24 July 2017, 01:04 UTC
@shattle This happened to me 3x times yesterday. One perhaps I accelerated too fast. But the other two times it nose dived I was barely going 12 mph. On and empty road. Got thrashed. Keep telling myself it's my fault but I'm a little skeptical about that. Oh well. Wounds heal! 🤙🏽
@alikaks nosedives can happen even when traveling at moderate speeds on flat roads. Are you sure you're in Mission Mode? Are you accelerating smoothly up to speed? Are you keeping your legs fairly straight / not bending the knees a lot? Are you keeping your weight a little more over the tire and a little less over the front of the board? If no to any of these things maybe give them a try, and if yes, is there any more info you can share, or can you post a video of your riding / nosediving?