+ wobbles on concrete
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Ssimtech 14 July 2017, 21:07 UTC
Ive knocked the pressure up to 23 and it feels perfect now for me. No more wobbles. if I lower it below 20 it rides unsafe at higher speeds(on concrete).
My new problem is this..not really a problem at all but here we go. Mission top speed is 19 mph and at 16 I get push back. how in the world do you push past it? I push down on the front and release slight pressure on the rear and I can not over come it...do I really need to...haha Top speed is 19 I want to hit 19 safely but the push back holds me back. Im running 23 psi and I weight in at 180 and with the weight restriction of 270 I feel 19 should be attainable without the board thinking it cant hold me up. Thoughts?
@simtech said in + wobbles on concrete:
Mission top speed is 19 mph and at 16 I get push back. how in the world do you push past it?
Painful nosedives and visits to the ER start with that very question. You need a lot of hours with the Onewheel and to really understand how the board works before you even attempt it.
Ssimtech @thegreck 14 July 2017, 22:17 UTC
@thegreck said in + wobbles on concrete:
@simtech said in + wobbles on concrete:
Mission top speed is 19 mph and at 16 I get push back. how in the world do you push past it?
Painful nosedives and visits to the ER start with that very question. You need a lot of hours with the Onewheel and to really understand how the board works before you even attempt it.
Not discounting that at all! When I ride on concrete I always have this fear of a nose dive in the back of my head and yet ive never pushed the envelope. Do I want to hit 19 or more..sure...hahaha who doesn't. Just feeling the pushback I really don't see how people go beyond it. But trust me I have no plans to push it to a nose dive anytime soon..none!!! Ive seen the aftermaths from it and I want no part of it.
@simtech That's good, because the reason I said that is because to push past it you have to slowly ease your weight forward on the board, at which point it can REALLY kick into high gear to try and get ahead of you. That's when the nosedives happen.
SSSI 14 July 2017, 23:48 UTC
I just got my + today. I took it for a spin. Everything was going great. I was riding in seqouia and it says the top speed is 12mph. I was on maybe my second ride ever and got going a little fast. I leaned back to slow down and the bird did not slow. I almost had it scraping the ground in the back and was speeding up. I had to ditch in the grass. Luckily I was ok. I got back on and everything was fine. My app said my top speed is 14.5?? Why did it do this and how is that possible?
@SSI you pushed through push back on that shaping setting .. that surge you felt without being able to stop momentarily is the board attempting to stay ahead of you.. if your not expecting it nor know how to deal with it you can mess yourself up/nose dive.. my advice is move up to mission shaping to give yourself a little more room before that happens.
@simtech you can definitely push thru it.. hitting 19mph is possible in mission in short bursts.. usually thru carving in my experience.. I usually push thru push back while carving without feeling it much.. I'm regularly bouncing between 16-18mph on my plus(215lbs @ 20 psi).. sustaining 19mph is a different story.. having to rapidly stop or hitting a bump will almost certainly cause a wipeout at that speed so it's not advisable.
SSSI @GlueBreath 15 July 2017, 18:44 UTC
@GlueBreath said in + wobbles on concrete:
@SSI you pushed through push back on that shaping setting .. that surge you felt without being able to stop momentarily is the board attempting to stay ahead of you.. if your not expecting it nor know how to deal with it you can mess yourself up/nose dive.. my advice is move up to mission shaping to give yourself a little more room before that happens.
@GlueBreath I bumped it to mission and have been cruising all day. New top speed of 16.4. This thing is awesome!
Ffutura @goodblake-eskate 16 July 2017, 00:02 UTC
Interesting thought about powering up on flat ground calibrates it. I share your experience that out of the blue the board feels sketchy on the same roads I ride everyday - then the next day it's back to feeling planted and stable.
I've also noticed the onewheel+ on mission feels so much better on asphalt compared to concrete.
Ffirephreek 28 July 2017, 22:28 UTC
I had an ah-ha moment today that might help: Carve.
I ride to-from work in NY and the path can be a lot of little bits of uneven. I get those same wobbles if I try to ride straight. But today I figured out that a little bit of back-and-forth carving gives me more immediate control. Something about actively being engaged in one direction cuts down on those wobbles and it also helps me navigate obstacles better.
OOnewheel Miami @firephreek 28 July 2017, 23:18 UTC
This is a good insight. Let me explain the physics of the thing that are at play here a little:
If you're going straight, and hit a linear bump head-on, the AOC (Area of Contact) is large, and the entire tire is moving upward all at once, that takes a lot of energy over short period of time (read: "Impact")
If, instead, you are going at an angle to the object, especially if your tire is leaning, then the energy is distributed in two ways - first, the tire has more give, because the AOC is smaller, and the tire can deform easier, as well as the upward motion being done in a gradual fashion, much like walking up a hill at an angle, instead of straight up it.
Generally speaking, carving gives the best ride and if you're cariving lightly it might be more efficient on bumpy surfaces, but isn't the most efficient on smooth level surfaces. Heavy carving involves a lot of extra distance per mile actually travelled, as well as usually being done with a slow-down, speed-up, slow-down repetition, so it'll eat up more battery, without a doubt IMO.
shrug.. YMMV. (literally)
@goodblake-eskate said in + wobbles on concrete:
So I have 500+ miles on my OW+ and feel like I am pretty proficient on it. I also ride some sort of board whether it be an Evolve or OW everywhere I go for the last year and half or so. With that said, there are definitely times when the OW feels like it is connected to my feet and just an extension of my body. Then there are other times when the board feels like it is slightly out of alignment or something and will have a slight wobble no matter what I try to do to correct it. I have thought it may have something to do with stance, but I'll try to adjust my stance with no luck. Also I ride essentially the same areas all the time so its not a difference in terrains. I know nothing about the motor / internals of the OneWheel, but I am convinced that there is something that gets slightly out of align or something that causes the slight wobble. It is very slight and so I have just learned to deal with it when I notice it. I am probably wrong, but I can't figure out what causes the slight difference in feel of the ride.
One question... Why does the OneWheel require it to be flat on the ground when powering it on? Does this do some sort of calibration or something? Would a slight angle during this possible calibration throw the boards gyros of slightly?
I know exactly what you mean! I had my ow+ for a week now and already gone 100km on it.
But in the middle of the week I realized that the tire wobbles and that's probably why I get so tired in my legs and foot.
I took my ow and put it on the couch and turned it on and yes the tire isn't perfect so it wobbles a little but I can really feel it in my hand when I hold it.
I tried filling the wheel to the max with air and then empty it but nothing helps.
I guess I have to live with it also. -
OOnewheel Miami @Khayman 4 June 2018, 18:50 UTC
@khayman -
Never had a single Vega that wasn't terrible about this.
Have found that the Hoosier 6" slick (sample size so far = 1, so, grain of salt warning here) runs far more balanced, and is lighter than the Vega.
@onewheel-miami Awsome! It's to early to try and change for me anyway but next year maybe. We only have a few months of rideable weather here in Sweden.
@onewheel-miami the Vega is 5.5 right?
@khayman no the vega is 6.5.
Bbanana feet 16 October 2018, 19:42 UTC
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