Original OneWheel & Android O incompatibility

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  • SeeTheInvisible @slashlib 22 August 2017, 05:48 UTC

    @slashlib Thanks for the hint, we‘ll verify that.

  • M
    markdogg 25 August 2017, 05:05 UTC

    I have a Pixel XL running Android O as well. Today, when I loaded up the app, it cannot find the board. I have a OW+. Restarted phone, re-installed the app, and still nothing.

    I upgraded to Andromeda last week and it connected to my phone just fine back when I was running Nougat. But now with Oreo, I don't see my board, nor does it give me an option to connect to any board.

    What gives? I want to turn off my OW+ light, but can't without the app!

  • SeeTheInvisible 25 August 2017, 05:54 UTC

    It‘s a bug in the Bluetooth implementation in Android O which will be hopefully fixed soon.

  • M
    markdogg @SeeTheInvisible 25 August 2017, 17:48 UTC

    @seetheinvisible what bug is that? I have all my BT speakers working, an ODB sensor, and headphones that all seem to work. My phone can detect every other BT device I have except for this one.

  • S
    slashlib @markdogg 26 August 2017, 04:02 UTC

    @markdogg it's actually a bug in the OneWheel bluetooth implementation. Work around is https://android-review.googlesource.com/#/c/platform/system/bt/+/436295/

  • H
    HeyItsMe 28 August 2017, 04:08 UTC

    So what's a best-guess for how long how long it will take google to issue an OTA patch?

  • M
    markdogg 29 August 2017, 16:47 UTC

    I'm expecting a bug fix from FM, actually. Since all other BT devices work with Android O.

  • wmaciel 29 August 2017, 18:06 UTC

    Have you all issued support tickets?
    The louder we are about this the better, is my guess

  • A
    alexyoung @wmaciel 12 September 2017, 04:47 UTC

    @wmaciel I did and they closed it:

    "Hi Alex,

    Thanks so much for your note. We checked in with our app engineers and were able to confirm this is something on Google's side that they are looking into fixing. In the mean time, I would recommend using another device if possible.

    My sincere apologies for the inconvenience.

    All the best,
    OW Team "

  • S
    slashlib 13 September 2017, 05:32 UTC

    That's unfortunate. It really is a bug in the OneWheel's BT, but it just happens that most systems are relaxed about the handshake. The workaround in Android will eventually be released, but that's going to take a while, and it's just that - a workaround. FM should fix the bug.

  • C
    cworsley4 14 September 2017, 01:33 UTC

    I definitely have this issue. I am actually not riding right now cause I don't know when I have to turn back.

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    mikeallison 14 September 2017, 20:29 UTC

    My phone keeps trying to upgrade to 8.0 .... Hopefully it doesn't just auto-install after a point.

  • louman73 19 September 2017, 16:52 UTC

    Dang just started another thread on this. My new Pixel XL is having the same issue. Is the app code in github, maybe someone on here coul;d contribute a fix. LOL

  • T
    thefunkybat 3 October 2017, 18:42 UTC

    So yesterday I went on my board, and when trying to connect, it gave me a warning about Android Oreo having difficultly connecting, but gave me the option to try and connect anyway. Low and behold...it connected! I'm running a Google Nexus 5X. I am coming from the same issue everyone else had. Dunno if someone did a fix, but it seems to work for me now.

  • groovyruvy 3 October 2017, 19:22 UTC

    I did an update on my Android this morning and I'm able to connect to my +s no problem.

  • I
    inediblepillow 23 October 2017, 22:52 UTC

    Is this fixed yet? Where can I follow updates to this issue?

  • M
    manike 5 December 2017, 03:02 UTC

    Any update to this?

    Brand New OW+ owner with Pixel XL running the latest update and frustrated that I can't link to my board.

    At one point it did show me "Surge" on Bluetooth but it refused the connection and now I don't even see that.

  • I
    inediblepillow 6 December 2017, 05:36 UTC

    Looks like android 8.1 was just released today. I've heard that the bluetooth issue is fixed in the newest versions of android. Has anyone been able to verify that this is fixed in 8.1?

  • G
    Gadgetrider 6 December 2017, 16:01 UTC

    Happy, happy, happy! I hope it stays this way but I tested it on 2 OW+'s on my Android device and they both connect without issues. Finally I can hopefully reliably check my battery status. This is more important in the colder weather where my range is reduced.

    I am running Nougat V7.1.1 My carrier finally released an update for me this morning so I immediately checked my OW connection performance.