Introducing Onewheel+ XR

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  • R
    readysetawesome @gborrillo 12 January 2018, 17:08 UTC

    I just bought my plus second half of 2017, and I'm personally stoked about the fact that I get to ride it every day until March when my XR comes, and beyond.

    It is still the board I paid for, it is still the most fun and awesome thing I own, and I can still go on 10-mile-plus adventures thanks to external battery packs for recharges.

    The belly-aching about range envy from plus owners is really getting old. We all got exactly what we paid for. We have something, presently, TODAY, which has no equal or superior that is commercially available. Where exactly is the ripoff?

  • Julian @CBR 954rr 12 January 2018, 20:18 UTC

    @cbr-954rr Hope this helps


  • CBR 954rr @Julian 12 January 2018, 20:22 UTC

    @julian It definitely helps although Onewheel really has to stop advertising the 20 minute charge time on the plus when we all know it's double that.

    What I'm really getting at is: will the charge time on the XR really be 110 minutes or will it be double the advertised number like the plus? And just to clarify, we're talking about 0%-100% charge.

  • Julian @CBR 954rr 12 January 2018, 20:45 UTC

    @cbr-954rr Yes, 110min will be your worse case starting at 0% and waiting until 100%

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    rockeh 12 January 2018, 22:00 UTC

    We need a trade in option or people are going to start getting pissed off with these piddly upgrades.

  • R
    readysetawesome @rockeh 13 January 2018, 00:08 UTC

    @rockeh start getting pissed? people are already well pissed off, hehe. IMO a trade-in option is really not necessary, from what I've seen original OW and OW+ have a history of reselling pretty easily. With the price of the new board that is not about to change.

  • D
    DrN3RD @Julian 13 January 2018, 04:51 UTC

    @julian Thanks Julian!

    Question of curiosity:

    What was the biggest development challenge with the XR?
    Was the NMC´s Coulomb rating so low that you had to add more than double the Wh to help it keep up with the liFePo4? what was the driving force behind the decision to make the board thicker by the battery compartment?

  • D
    DrN3RD @CBR 954rr 13 January 2018, 04:58 UTC

    @cbr-954rr Hey Cbr. I can promise you, without a shadow of a doubt that (ok maybe some doubt):
    A: Charging will probably be higher, maybe starting around the 2 hour mark.
    B: As soon as the first boards start shipping out, you will get that answered by the amazing community here.

  • C
    cameronbalch @braswell 16 January 2018, 16:02 UTC

    @braswell I'm glad someone else out there can think logically when it comes to this stuff. I bought the + in June and could very easily be a bit salty a new version is announced 6 months later, but its the nature of the beast. Your examples are spot on, and people really need to start realizing that.

  • M
    michaelatkins65 @Future Motion 17 January 2018, 19:57 UTC

    @future-motion I could see this board cruising the Beaches in the Virgin Islands real soon and maybe some Island hopping!

  • B
    bvicochran @michaelatkins65 18 January 2018, 04:31 UTC

    @michaelatkins65 sounds like we think alike! Look forward to seeing your future posts from the islands!

  • glisse84 @gborrillo 18 January 2018, 15:43 UTC

    @gborrillo Hi (also to all of you following this post)
    Finally my OW+ has been refunded by the seller after the problem I had and I will wait for the XR to come.
    In the mean time if some of you would like to sell their "old" OW+, I could buy it (if the price is correct) as I would also love to offer one of these to my daughter.
    So please let me know ;-)
    Have a great day

  • M
    michaelatkins65 @bvicochran 19 January 2018, 14:08 UTC

    @bvicochran Absolutely my man! Ill keep you posted.

  • D
    dnd 26 January 2018, 15:31 UTC

    I just wanted to say you have answered my dreams with this new OneWheel+ XR release, and XR is better then XL. I posted this back on 1/3/2016. The Onewheel+ XR fits right into the sweet spot of commuter vehicle, I will be buying one.

    You team are amazing engineers!!

    Thank you again

    Dave Dunn

  • WaftingTransient 26 January 2018, 16:03 UTC

    Ordered on Jan 20th. Super Stoked, Thank You...

  • G
    Granite @WaftingTransient 26 January 2018, 19:19 UTC

    Been looking at these for a while and the extra range will make this the perfect transportation for me. Can't wait until it is here!!

  • D
    DrN3RD 27 January 2018, 07:55 UTC

    @Future-Motion @Julian

    How will Overcharge protection work with the XR? For riders with homes on hilltops, this might become a huge issue?

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    ryankimharrison @Julian 1 February 2018, 23:53 UTC

    @julian people say that NMC batteries degrade 2x faster than LFP batteries. will this be true with the onewheel+ xr? I just want to know everything before i drop 2k (after tax) on a piece of wood with a wheel

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    readysetawesome @DrN3RD 2 February 2018, 19:46 UTC

    @drn3rd I live near the top of a hill, maybe not the biggest hill, but substantial and I was worried about it with my plus. It turns out this really is not an issue. regen can only recapture maybe 15% of what you burn going uphill, so a very short uphill backtrack is all it takes to safely descend pretty far. All i have to do is roll up my driveway (which is steep uphill) to the street and I'm good to descend down the big hill at the end of the street

  • makermarc @ryankimharrison 2 February 2018, 20:04 UTC

    @ryankimharrison This may or may not be true, but in reality it wouldn't make much of any difference. No battery pack in a OW is ever going to be replaced because it "wore out". You'd need to completely cycle the battery several thousand times before any degradation is apparent.

    For some field data you can look to the auto-industry
    Chevy Volt Battery Replacements

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