OW Owners: Injury Survey
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TT.Edwards @Onewheel Miami 12 March 2018, 16:11 UTC
No accident reports. Still waiting for my first board, the XR... But I think I have something useful to add.
I got t-boned by a car while riding my motorcycle, went about 40 feet through the air, landed on pavement. Hurt where the car hit me (for about a year), but no injuries from hitting the pavement.
No, I don't expect a cookie, or a star on my forehead... The reason I didn't get hurt was because of all the martial arts I've done. I've spent 1000s of hours practicing "ground engagement"
Spending some time to get comfortable with falling correctly will save you a lot of injuries. Rolling should be automatic, because you likely won't have time to think about it.
Ddesperado @mason 12 March 2018, 18:31 UTC
It's a "when" situation if you like to push your limits or ride on uneven terrain. Even a small pothole will end you if you don't see it coming. I have not gotten any injuries while wearing pads, and have fallen dozens of times going 10 to 15, never more than that. Sprained wrists and bloody knees when I skipped the protection. I drop into a roll mostly, but it's hard to do with no notice. I am only 150 lbs so that makes a huge difference. I would say, barring a board malfunction, you can ride in a way that is totally safe if you want to. -
I had a real noob accident when I received my OneWheel+ in August last year. I had my board fully charged, when I went downhill with it. Eventually, the board switched off (overcharging by regeneration) and my plan to gracefully steer the board into a piece of lawn next to the bike lane did not work out.
End of story, I hit the bike lane and broke the radius bone of my right arm (I am riding goofy). Furthermore, I slightly cracked two vertebras.
Even though I read the manual, I was not prepared for this. IMHO it would help to stress this (the danger with going downhill with a fully charged board) out more clear in the manual.
Mmason @dag0bert 19 March 2018, 21:33 UTC
@dag0bert Thanks for the info! Yeah, there's tons of stuff I've seen on the forums about riding stance, balance, charging/discharging, slowing down before hills, etc, etc... All of which aren't in the manual, which is making this thread super valuable to me... Holy shit, two vertibrae? I keep reading two types of posts... One type: Best ride of my life! Floatlife! #bestrideever. Type two: I broke my arm/collarbone/wrist/shoulder, but I still love it, can't wait to get riding again!
I'll take bruises and scrapes all day, but to hell with broken shit... Guess I'm padding up to 11 when my XR arrives...
GGwinntanamo @Onewheel Miami 20 March 2018, 20:22 UTC
@ow-miami this was my experience, too. Rider for >20 years, got on the OW, thought 'wow, this is so intuitive, let's RIP!' - boom, nosedive.
I'm 38, 190 lbs. I ride super hard now, but I stay just below the limit. Unfortunately, sometimes I hit a pothole or something (usually because I'm being careless), and I will eat shit. Broke my collarbone, sprained a wrist, bruised my hip countless times, and have a nagging shoulder injury. But, I ride every day. Most of my serious injuries were early on before I figured out the limits of the board.
Pad up. Get hip pads and elbow pads. Wear a helmet. Have fun!
MMrBrett131060 21 March 2018, 00:43 UTC
I’m gonna ride barefoot and flops all summer long, that’s my goal anyways lol. I hate shoes haha
MMrBrett131060 @MrBrett131060 21 March 2018, 00:48 UTC
Kayaking with a husky: ✅
Onewheeling with a husky: TBD lolIMG_0138.JPG
Aaymon @mason 30 November 2018, 01:02 UTC
@mason I got mine two days ago and on the first day I nosedived 4 times. It was the day after a heavy rain and I tried the offroading capabilities only to have mud act like a wall and send me flying off. Made me feel alive again TBH, as I turn 30 in December and haven't done anything extreme since I did parkour when I was 20.
I went flying off at like 13 mph on the street later that evening, and then, while floating at the corner of a sidewalk, a lady with her baby in a stroller commented on how cool those things look and how she wanted to get her brother one. I told them they are extremely fun but I had already fallen 3 times at speed earlier today, mind you, it it my first day. After we said goodbye and headed in the same direction I bailed at probably 14 mph and tumbled in the street and got my back scratched pretty bad and the tissue near my lower ribs hurt; I got back on it was so much fun I didn't care.
I got on my phone and video chatted with a doctor and showed them where it hurt, next day went into a visit, doctor poked at me, recommended a CT scan because maybe liver laceration. Waiting for that appointment.
@mason I’m 36, 6’2”, 250 lbs. no board prior experience. Got a minor concussion 2 weeks in. I was practicing low speed maneuvers and fell backwards and smacked my head on the pavement. I was wearing a helmet—so I was lucky.
I’ve been riding for a few months now. No more falls. I make sure to keep it 15 and below. I started riding in Mission and would experience a few nosedives when mounting and accelerating from a stop. I was able to recover all of them because they were all as I was accelerating from a standstill. I think the board in Mission struggled to compensate for my size when accelerating. I’ve since changed to Delirium after the Gemini update and I haven’t nosedived from a standstill since. I think the board is more prepared to “catch me” when attempting to accelerate from a stop while in Delirium.Basically: I recommend you get one. It is AMAZING. Ride in Delirium, keep it 15 and below. Wear a helmet and write guards. You should be fine. Looks like fangs help, I mounted 3/4” casters on the front of my XR. Looks a bit goofy, but they caught me every time I nosedived.
Kkrobmonty 30 November 2018, 05:10 UTC
27 year old male (novice board experience) 235lbs
Onewheel+ XR <1 mile (only rode a few feet) Torn MCL in knee day one...Sad new owner of onewheel+ XR
Was so excited to be a part of this community and start having some fun. Been researching for months and weighing out risks and benefits. Studied hard to figure out proper safe riding techniques. Watched hundreds of youtube videos and read thru tons of forums.Got my XR in day before yesterday and strapped on safety gear and started practicing mounting and dismounting. Rolled around my soft back yard and lowest speed possible and got used to coming to a stop and dismounting. Jumped off with two feet a few times when it got awkward. Was really starting to have a blast when I came to one final stop and I stepped off with one foot and the other foot rolled away causing me to do a big split which in turn snapped my MCL inner knee and kick my left leg outwards. Only 10 minutes logged and this thing will be putting me thru possible surgery and months of recovery from just one small awkward step. I will most likely be forced to sell due to medical bills and fear of riding. Such a simple mistake made at 0 miles per hour has cost me dearly. A part of me died inside too as this was supposed to be my therapy session/fun/decompress hobby. And possibly transportation to work only 4 miles away. I planned to take it very slow and purchased front wheels to help curb nosedives and all safety gear. Knee destroyed and heart broken. Good luck out there and remember to jump off with both feet every time. It's an awkward skill to learn without being on a board.
Oowpete @eckit 30 November 2018, 18:12 UTC
What are "3/4” casters? Could you post Pictures?
Could you describe a Little more concrete what happend during your nosedives, which you obviously caught? -
@owpete sure, I can post pictures later tonight. As far as my nosedives, they were not “at speed”.
Instead, when I stop at a light in NYC, I tend to dismount. When the light turns green, I mount and naturally try to begin my forward motion simultaneously. Admittedly this is NOT what you are supposed to to. You are supposed to mount, come to level, let the board adjust, and only then are you supposed to attempt to move forward.
I rode in Mission exclusively prior to the recent Gemini update. Mission is supposed to have more of a floating feel than Delirium. So it would make sense that it had more “give” and therefore would not be able to be responsive enough to keep my big frame upright from a standstill.
Since switching to Delirium, I haven’t experienced that type of nosedive. -
Rraz 1 December 2018, 17:36 UTC
experienced rider here. go ahead and get padded g-form undies. i have hillbilly padded under wear also, but they make you look like you have poopy pants or a colostomy bag. i just can't make myself put them on unless its doing really stupid stuff. love my hillbilly wrist guards. g-form knees, and some other kind of elbow pads i like. i like the get hard on impact pads. not quite the pad protection, but mine don't slide off when i eat it. this is huge huge huge.
if you have ever been an adrenaline junkie, you're gonna eat it. i ate it at 22.9mph on downhill pavement last sunday. i was low, i was padded up and in a helmet, couple steps, roll and slide. not too much problem. another hip bruise and knee bruise. i also had a small alcohol buzz. i def recommend a shot of liquor before riding. that's me. i'm 51. start doing suspension training or something similar. its cheap, it'll help your flexibility, and strengthen the muscles you'll really need when riding. it'll help your knees. this thing is so exciting. have a blast. don't be afraid of your board. get to know it.
Ssurferdude @mason 3 December 2018, 08:36 UTC
@mason I just got my XR on Friday! Haven't been on it yet. Waiting for my protective gear! At 65 I have no plans on slowing down! Ride Safe!
My new adventure is paramotoring!Surf's Up Somewheres!
Ssurferdude @krobmonty 3 December 2018, 08:41 UTC
@krobmonty dude sorry about your knee! Heal quick and get back on it! I just got my XR in Friday! I haven't gotten on it yet ... Waiting for my protective gear to come in.
Ssurferdude @Onewheel Miami 3 December 2018, 08:45 UTC
@Onewheel-Miami I got some. Hope they work well!
Ccoldgrimjim @surferdude 3 December 2018, 10:44 UTC
@surferdude hey bra, when you do get on it can you please record it? And upload it 2 youtube? I want to show my grandpa that you could still do new things 👍 my grandma recently passed ,And I want to see him get out of the house, and you getting on that Onewheel at his same age mite do the trick 😊 thanks man🤝
Fflix123 11 January 2019, 13:30 UTC
Hi. I have tried to put together a small survey for people that have experienced nosedives to better understand the conditions that are leading to them. It might help new riders (like me) to assess the risks riding this thing and to work out what are the common factors for people that have had this happen to them. Please take the survey if you have had a nosedive experience (if you havn't already done so - I also posted on F-book) . You can fill in the form multiple times for multiple nosedives.
The survey results are also public, anyone is welcome to have a look here:
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdD1eRpwgWshBo4akp7grf5GymajfDjJgaN668WxcwjSGwkcg/viewanalytics -
GGlyph @flix123 11 January 2019, 14:11 UTC
@flix123 - this is interesting data to have, but you may want to include some caveats to people in re: interpreting the data.
For example, people may see a lot more nosedives in Mission than Delirium on that pie chart and therefore conclude that Mission is more prone to nosedive (and, there may be technical reasons why that could possibly be true) - but it also could be because Mission has been AROUND a lot longer than Delirium and so has racked up more nosedives, or that more people ride Mission than ride Delirium in general.
Likewise, the weight chart may tell you less about how much weight a rider can carry before increased risk of nosedive, and more about the average weight of the OW rider in general - if most OW riders are between 150-200 lbs., then it stands to reason that's ALSO where the nosedives will cluster - but that's correlation not causation.
Fflix123 @Glyph 11 January 2019, 14:59 UTC
@Glyph Absolutely, the interpretation is totally up to the viewer. With statistics the conclusions are never straight forward and need some thinking about, feel free to list all your caveats, no offence taken :).
Questions like the rider weight or the riding mode are there to find out if perhaps a less likely answer has the most hits, for example, wouldn't it be interesting if ONLY very heavy riders have ND, or ONLY Delirium mode or so.
But even then the data can give some interesting clues and I already found some surprises that I did not expect, for example:
- Majority of N-Dives are at 0-15 mph. This is a surprise, as I thought its mainly the high speeders that have this.
- Most people don't feel pushback.
- Most N-Dives are with an XR (could it be the XR is now the most sold board..and simply more abundant? I don't know but would not have thought so as its more expensive, AND i thought less prone to ND because of more power to the motor)
- Most people hurt themselves. I would have thought that its possible to outrun it quite often, esp at lower speeds
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@ZeroVoice said in OW Owners: Injury Survey:
@J0nKn1ght I don't understand why this would need to be updated for a specific board. It's for Onewheel owners reporting injuries, not just V1, XR or Plus owners. Go ahead and post!
Well, there are 2 questions in there that will not align, No. 01 - which model? and No. 05 - which ride mode? I agree these answers could just be fudged, but if you really want the most accurate results I'd suggest adding the Pint options as answers.
FYR Pint's 4 ride modes are: Redwood, Pacific, Elevate & Skyline. Redwood's settings max it out at a TS of 12 MPH so it will start to pushback much sooner than everything else.
Oh man, really? Wow , how depressing. Couldn't read very many of these posts. I'm thinking a bubble wrap suit or maybe some hobby involving foam floors and walls may be needed. I wouldn't recommend water sports because no one would live to tell there stories. Now I know why there are suddenly so many boards for sale everywhere...LOL FYI , My son and all his buddies never get hurt playing their video games...Hint, Hint
Ya'll take it easy and have fun....Have a Pint or two or three or whatever.... -
yeah. screw going outside into the real world, let's go kill zombies instead of riding at sun set
Hell ya bud... how about one of those Virtual reality 3d rigs ! I think my mind maybe a little too dangerous for a super accessible hobby with no limits . 10 minutes thinking about all the possibilities ( my head may tend to go straight to the gutter)I I'd probably have a heart attack . I'm probably better off busting my butt now and then to bring me back to reality sometimes. Doesn't hurt to dream though, eh?
@Enterusername I was going to get an occulus and worthy computer but opted for the XR instead, now I've added the pint so virtual reality would've been cheaper lol
@a_onekatie My Bad, I didn't see that there was an actual link to a survey in this post. I just though people were posting about their injuries. It all makes sense now lol.
I'd say keep it well under 15 mph, closer to 10 mph, and monitor your battery life. I am over 200 lbs and tall, so that's a lot more leverage required to keep me balanced when going fast or over a difficult obstruction. There is a limited amount of torque available, and when it is used up, NOSEDIVE! My one and only true nosedive was going approx. 19 mph in "Elevated" mode. This mode adjusts the level point to slightly off-level to keep the nose raised higher than usual to better avoid obstacles. I was ignorant of what "Elevated" meant and pushed through pushback without realizing I had entered a point of no return. I don't remember exactly what happened in the fraction of a second before the board conked out, but I believe the board freewheeled, I panicked and the nose touched down into the asphalt, which sent me and my wrist directly into the ground. I had lightly padded fingerless gloves and a helmet. An MRI showed a dent in the cartilage of my radius and bruising on my scaphoid. A couple periods of bracing and rest and my wrist still isn't quite right a year later. Get yourself some good motorcycle gloves and a quality helmet. If you have experience with inline or skateboarding, you probably know how to fall. However, be sure you can outrun your fall at whatever speed the board is traveling when (not if) it conks out.
60 years old, snowboarded off and on for 25 years... I play golf riding a phatscooter and just purchased OW to ride on the course too. XR+ arrived Friday. By Sunday, I was feeling really comfortable and confident after nearly 40 miles on pavement... starting to carve, going faster... Then last night I nosedived accelerating up a steep incline. I was wearing a helmet and wrist guards. Wishing I had knee and hip pads... I guess I was fortunate to walk away with a little pain and scraped up. I was very surprised by how fast that board launches you to the ground. Anyway, I got up this morning and rode it to the course and played 18 holes. I took it easy, nothing fast, rode our bumpy paved cartpaths and bumpy fairways. And no falls. I bought this for golf, but I was surprised how much fun I was having on the roads. But I'm just too old to hit the pavement! Hoping little more padding and a little more caution keeps me upright! fwiw, I didn't have any nosedives in Mission mode... I had recently switched to Delirium when I bit it.
@rboult Just turned 61, was 59 when I got my first +, then got an XR last fall. I had a couple of nasty nosedives when starting, then decided to slow down a bit. I ride exclusively in Delirium, but since I was thrown off at 21 mph 600 miles into my OW career, I've kept my speed at or below 15 mph, added fangs to both boards, and haven't had an issue since. I'm approaching 3000 miles combined on my + and XR.
Enjoy the float!
Thanks @OneDan (old man)... I'm definitely going to keep my speed down now, and be extra careful on steep inclines! I'm feeling a little frustrated and gunshy because I was really feeling confident on it already. Anyway, in addition to more padding, I'll check out the fangs too. You've logged some serious miles already!!
879 miles in and I get to add my "eat it" story.
I was on my way home from work when I can across something of a traffic snarl. On Mondays our local food bank gives out food to pretty much anybody who shows up. This always causes a traffic issue there. So I am coming up on this mess. There is about 50 people waiting in line. Parked cars are jamming up both sides of the street, and there is a mess of cars both behind and coming at me. So I make the poor snap decision to cut off the road and ride through the parking lot to avoid the gridlock. I swerve and BAM, faster then I could even start to react I am on my left side in the parking lot. I get back up without any real issue, to the wide eyed stares of everybody in line. I guess if you are going to go, Go Big!
It appears that in my rush, and with the sun just right, I failed to see this lip in the asphalt.
The padded leather jacket prevented any road rash, but I did get a lovely bruise that is turning all kinds of fun colors.
@Sponge315 ouch, that's quite a bruise! glad it's not worse -- how fast do you think you were going?
@Franko said in OW Owners: Injury Survey:
@Sponge315 ouch, that's quite a bruise! glad it's not worse -- how fast do you think you were going?
Not too fast, I would guess 8-10 MPH. I think I may have caught that cement curb in the back ground with my hip.
I'm part of the old brittle bones group (aka Old Man Club -- and I've got the shirt to prove it :) ). I've only had a sore arm. Crash was my fault. Looked at one obstacle knew I didn't have the skills to ride over it, and chose option B without looking close at it. Tire fell into a hole and play superman did I. Friend of mine thought I broke my ankle for the screen grab I took from the video, but my foot was fine.
@Sponge315 Unfortunately, that's a very steep climb depending on your weight. I've found that nudging up the juice in the customization helps overcome these sorts of obstacles better (at the expense of runtime).