In The Wild, Photo Share (If Possible To Capture).... Keep Your OneWheel In The Shot If You Can. (Updated Title)
Hey buddy!
Kinda cheating since I just have to walk out my back door but here goes:
Very cool to have those critters in the back yard!I almost got a goose by a pond today but thought twice as I could get attacked possibly?
I sometimes admire how tenacious life can be.
I know that you were thinking more animal life, so just look close and you will see a ladybug larva on the left hand bud. -
V1 and a praying mantis.
Another Kingdom altogether! Calvatia gigantea. Giant puffball fungus and a Plus.
@blkwalnutgrwr Love it! Living in the desert the only impressive fungus we get is on the heavily watered golf courses.
Upping the ante with an action shot as the goats mow the grass along the Sacramento river.
Sweet Shot... I will need to capture an action one next.... -
Ok Sage got a little wild and jumped into a tree. Not fully wildlife but plant life.....
Quack. They did not want to stick around once I stopped for the photo opp....
HHanahsDax @LidPhones 25 April 2020, 02:34 UTC
I wasn’t going to get any closer. -
@LidPhones 28 PSI!!??
Man, your brave! I dont know your weight but I'm 167 and I set it accordingly to 170 (unless toting a weighted bp) but 28?? I think I'd be flailing all over the road. I bet you get great milage though 👍 -
Wweirdcity 25 April 2020, 15:24 UTC
Herding cattle with the dog in the Texas hill country. -
@weirdcity Love it! Ranching with a Onewheel!
(To rotate a photo for this forum I find that if I rotate in my phone first and back to upright somehow it comes out upright when I post. To fix one already askew I edit, delete it and upload one that I rotated in my phone. Maybe this will help.) -
Wweirdcity @blkwalnutgrwr 26 April 2020, 14:15 UTC
Got it thanks. Had to rotate one way, then rotate it back then upload. Weird. -
@HanahsDax Porcupine? All my life I have only ever seen one in the wild.
HHanahsDax @blkwalnutgrwr 26 April 2020, 16:01 UTC
Yes, I’ve dubbed him “Stickers” and I ran into him again last night on the V1 ride. I was glad I was illuminated or I may have literally ran into him on the trail which would’ve not been pleasant. -
What is this new contraption and what do you plan to do with my human? Are you the reason she's gone every evening?
Virginia Bluebells... in Northeast Ohio.
Riding the V1 I feel much more on the edge than with my smooth and comfortable Plus... I love riding each one!
Woodland Trillium at the side of the trail.
The four whitetailed deer, the groundhog, and the rose-breasted grosbeak all moved too fast this evening for my shutter finger.
Wild trail Geranium and a V1 with a new Hoosier 5.5 treaded tire.
The porcupine with Onewheel is the most impressive photo here, although a skunk with a Onewheel would come a close second. A large barred owl flew, perched, and looked me square in the eye on my ride this morning, but I was too in awe to think about capturing a photo. So instead, here is some wild blue phlox by trailside.
@blkwalnutgrwr need to rensme this thread "Botany Wheel". 😉
HHanahsDax @stinkyface 10 May 2020, 00:32 UTC
@stinkyface @blkwalnutgrwr Totally digging the flower photos. I had a red-tailed hawk fly just a few feet above me on a recent ride but couldn’t even think fast enough to grab phone from my pocket and snap a shot.
How about evidence of wildlife -- fresh bear scat or maybe mountain lion spoor comes to mind.
We have here woodpecker work. -
Updated the title to reflect all the cool shots being shared....
;-) -
This guy was pretty curious. And friendly too. I scratched his nose...well, in between his attempts to lick my hand. We had a nice little chat.
Did it slither out of the way before you ran it down? -
Another small, slithering snake photo -- with an Original Onewheel!
Milk snake on a paved trail next to a Onewheel V1.
Far away, zoomed in like an effected photo, a skittish white-tailed deer crossed the trail ahead of my Onewheel.
Ducks in top right corner.
Thin -- but colorful -- evidence of wildlife.
Robin egg, very cool! I had a chance to snag a similar photo but was OW'n the dog and she was not going to wait for me..... -
Earlier this spring a beaver dropped a tree across the Greenway I frequent with my Onewheel. Trail maintenance had it cut up and moved before I encountered it. Here is the stump evidence, and also a fresh beaver dam nearby.
Sneaky snake.....
Finally got a photo worth sharing. We have some awesome snakes in Australia. This one is pretty plain. A non-venomous python slowly gliding across the road as i was heading home tonight.
Great Blue Heron from on the covered bridge in Harpersfield, Ohio.
OK, maybe not 100% in the wild but I enjoy this unique "Tree" sculpture at Terra Park in Johnston, IA...
HHanahsDax @LidPhones 13 June 2020, 19:28 UTC
Caution: Sage Grouse Crossing
A Barred Owl with wide wings preceded me down the Onewheel trail to this perch, watched with big, black, sharp eyes as I fumbled to try to take the picture, then silently flew more down the trail and off into the deep woods. Although not the greatest photo, at least I snapped the shutter.
Two young skunks, not too close.
Turtle by the trail.
Wild lupines -- and a CarvePower pack.
@blkwalnutgrwr Very Nice! Purple really POPs....
Today on the Onewheel trail I saw three-legged whitetail deer. It was getting around quite well, obviously healed and adapted to the circumstance. No photo.
A very good result for old tripod. I decided not to post a poor little bunny that was on a trail after a battle with a car..... still moving but not well🤒 -
HHanahsDax @LidPhones 24 June 2020, 23:53 UTC
Finally got me a snake shot. This guy tried to take me out yesterday. I avoided him just in time and he rewarded me with this pic today. Pretty sure he tried to make me wipe out twice last year as a little guy. Same spot and around the same time of day each incident. I guess I’m trespassing his territory. -
Baby raccoon on the Greenway this week.
Wild Turkey feather found on the Onewheel trail.
@HanahsDax Rattler?
I lived in Colorado for some years, some years ago.
HHanahsDax @blkwalnutgrwr 27 June 2020, 15:15 UTC
@blkwalnutgrwr I think it was just a garter snake. The trail is near a marshy area that also has tons of voles.
There's 4 or 5 of these guys roaming around this path that I take pretty much daily. This is one of the adults. There's several babies, but they're more elusive. They haven't discovered how awesome OneWheeling is yet.
Very neat. Watch out for the young ones once they run fast across that trail. I always keep a close eye on rabbits that can not seem to decide which way to go 🤪 -
Australian ringtail possum sitting on the rail.
It stayed just long enough for a closer shot. No OW in this one.
Not a bad view for a 545' hill climb
What? No frogs or toads yet? Not even a worm or a slug! How about a freshly caught fish? Or maybe a lizard. This is an interesting and fun thread -- let's keep it going!
Ssquirrelguy 13 July 2020, 14:29 UTC
Here's a jellyfish in Hilton Head.
Also, I learned on this same ride that OneWheels aren't allowed on the beach there. But I got a 10 mile ride in anyway.
Also, I learned later that week after riding every day that OneWheels aren't allowed anywhere in Sea Pines. Oops.
All great ideas, now to post them. Might be able to get the frogs as they arrive on the trails in the evenings...... -
"Black Beetle" - Sing it!
Little guy jumped on my leg but fell on the deck before I could snap the in motion photo...
Oh Deer!
Fungus by the trailside. And a wild cardinal flower by the trail - beside an unseen stream.
HHanahsDax @blkwalnutgrwr 7 August 2020, 23:18 UTC
Gettin a little squirrelly. -
I raise you a Velociraptor!
(and Peppa Pig... this totally counts right?)
That absolutely counts. Sweet OW range extender setup!!! -
Thankies @LidPhones :)
If you're interested in the battery and the flight fin battery capacity display adapter I released the files and parts on Thingiverse/MyMiniFactory.
Grasshopper hitching a ride on the V1. -
We were told not to stare at the sun as kids but it’s so hard when it looks like this. My first action pic as this was taken while riding to work this morning. CO needs some rain desperately. -
Hornets' nest by the trailside.
Bboardsurfer @blkwalnutgrwr 29 August 2020, 20:49 UTC
@blkwalnutgrwr That trail looks awesome
@blkwalnutgrwr Is that a battery on the fender?
@Lia -- On the Onewheel fender in a fender bag, paralleled into the stock battery, is a CarvePower booster with two high capacity CarvePower batteries. With it on my Plus I can count on twenty-five miles (~42km) or more. Three seasons of the year it is my favorite system. For heavy power draws (like through snow) an EGO battery paralleled in seems better.
@blkwalnutgrwr Nice one, do you have many issues with the weight up there on the fender?
I went for a tether and backpack solution for mine but did wonder if a fender mount would work fine. -
@Lia -- Hi Lia, Personally, I like the weight/mass just aft of center. Experimenting, I've been making wooden box fenders that give the battery mass a very stable platform base, and I can ratchet strap them down. But I have even stacked and strapped two EGO batteries precariously on top of each other on the fender and the board still felt fine -- even good, to have them up against the calf of my leg. That said, I am not doing drops, tricks, or hard-core off-road with any of my set-ups. The only time I seem to be able to tolerate the backpack solution is in the cold of winter when I already have bulky overwear on. Oh, and to amend an earlier assertion, I do have one board with which I use a paralleled EGO exclusively; somehow otherwise its voltage sag happens all too easily.
Luxuriously thick, wild grapevine sinews just off the Onewheel trail.
@Swinefeaster -- Getting a little wild there.
Sweet twisted vines. Like the utility fender, better for cargo. -
Hell of a NoseDive... ;-) -
Elusive weasel on the Sacramento river bike path . . . my OW isn't in the pic, but the shadow of me riding is! :D
🦈 Shark Attack....
Red tail hawk in flight
fresh and ready! just got it yesterday
@Swinefeaster That's a pretty board, something about orange on a OW is really appealing.
Now, your homework for today is to go get it dirty and scuff it up a little. No excuses ;)
yeah working on it!
@Swinefeaster said in In The Wild, Photo Share (If Possible To Capture).... Keep Your OneWheel In The Shot If You Can. (Updated Title):
fresh and ready! just got it yesterday
Very Clean...... Now go get Dirty!
Giant spherical fungi; boxy, rectangular parallelepiped Onewheel fender.
@blkwalnutgrwr some serious cojones!
...and nice juxtaposition on the shapes
@blkwalnutgrwr with balls tha... I mean, batts that big she must be a bit top heavy?
Looking kind of Mad Max 'ish. Very cool... -
Just a Hawk looking for snacks...
Spot the bird in this shot! (hint: its on the ground)
Australian Bush stone Curlew also known as "Screaming Woman Bird".
Their defence is to stand still, which is why I could get this close. Not the best defence. To hear the amazing call, check this, starts at 0:24 and imagine this noise at 2am in the morning just outside your bedroom window. this photo at 7.30am on my run into work. The bird was in the same place at 5.30pm that afternoon!!!
Going through the pics on my phone and forgot I took this back in August.
Small herd of deer enclosed within the boundaries of a local farm. It's the only good view you get of them if you can find this small little bridleway tucked in a bush.
HHanahsDax @Lia 15 October 2020, 13:00 UTC
A camp robber and a couple voodoo rangers while I charge up half way thru another trail ride. Palmyra peak in the background. -
Hard to tell but fish popping above the surface of the lake just behind the Pint. Plus nice fall leaves...
Small, unidentified snake on the Western Reserve Greenway Trail.
@blkwalnutgrwr No
step onfloat over snek.Such a smol wiggly dude, I'd have been so tempted to play around with it for a bit.
A Zombie in the Wild.... Ok my new, but older OW+ eZombie. Love the Fall colors...
Pair of Water Dragons sunning themselves early in the morning.
HHanahsDax @Swinefeaster 7 November 2020, 13:46 UTC
Why did the fox cross the road? To check out the Onewheel. -
@HanahsDax Great Pic, it looks like it was as confused to see you as you were to see it with that pose lol.
Foxes are my fave animal, I've yet to see one in the wild though D: -
@HanahsDax awesome!
Fan dance... Giant sycamore leaf.
@blkwalnutgrwr I'm just imagining that beast getting blown in someones face riding at speed... I didn't know those could get that big D:
@blkwalnutgrwr That is one HUGE leaf
Famous December Trail Deer....
Abominable snow creature?
Twas The Season.... Forgot to post this one...
Onewheel relaxing at home, looking out the window at a red cardinal.
Onewheeling in the PNW. Nightrider along the Columbia River!
Wenatchee, WA January 14, 2021 -
Squirrel tracks in a dusting of snow.
Such a neat capture.... The fragile snow and tiny critter tracks.... -
Good doggo inbound!
Clip in case anyone wants it -
Songbird tracks.
That is one thick stick! -
No way to get the board in the shot easily.... Neat frosted tree line shot.
Fresh flowers and Onewheel Plus.
HHanahsDax @Lia 17 April 2021, 23:30 UTC
What did you say about my Llama?!
Virginia Bluebells
Apple blossom time!
Spot the critter, this was after it jumped across the path and I did a bonk off it!
Small snapping turtle!
@blkwalnutgrwr , Extra points for keeping your feet in the shot with the board (even on the board) with the "wild." Well done!
🦆 Quack!
Surprisingly small snake on the Greenway.
Not super “In The Wild”, still a unique pair.
Who's faster NOW?
@NotSure -- A tortoise to go with your hare.
Bird lime.
Edit: Another, very fresh, wet, and VERY LARGE bird splat. These are very likely from a great blue heron, which are fairly common around here -- majestic birds with long thin necks and huge wingspans of six feet or more.
Ribbon snake. The gold stripes were especially crisp and richly vibrant in person.
Foggy dawn geese
Ribbit 🐸
Metal Monster
I wanna know what the latch plate is for
Hi @b0ardski -- The wooden fender tends to drift during a ride; the broken strike plate and something similar on the other side act as guides to keep it in place.
you knew you threw that in the junk drawer for a reason, eh
waste not, want not
Fledgling barn swallow.
Another view, closer with wings spread. -
Sry, not on point "in the wild" but somewhat away from residential areas.
1:1 life-size Alien
... and more of details.
Can you spot the butterfly?
@HanahsDax said in In The Wild, Photo Share (If Possible To Capture).... Keep Your OneWheel In The Shot If You Can. (Updated Title):
Can you spot the butterfly?
Nice, black and white upper middle left....needed my glasses for that one. 🥸
One of the huge trees on my daily route appears to have lost an entire branch that gashed itself on the way down :(
Impressive to look at mind you, hope the tree survives.
I'd imagine it's extremely old given the trunk is almost the width of a car. -
Evidence of a red-tailed hawk I am pretty sure.
Black bear silhouettes -- lawn decoration on the Greenway. Although there actually are black bears here locally, except for these plywood cut-out placeholders, I, personally, have never actually seen one.
@blkwalnutgrwr It's probably a good thing I don't live there. I can't help but want to interact with fluffy animals D:
On one hand I'd get to stroke the fluffy bear, on the other... well that hand is now missing. -
@Lia said in In The Wild, Photo Share (If Possible To Capture).... Keep Your OneWheel In The Shot If You Can. (Updated Title):
@blkwalnutgrwr It's probably a good thing I don't live there. I can't help but want to interact with fluffy animals D:
On one hand I'd get to stroke the fluffy bear, on the other... well that hand is now Montana we call pepper spay "tourist seasoning"
@LidPhones only some Wild Wheelers here..
@LidPhones -- Impressive tower of Onewheels!
@blkwalnutgrwr Our locals came together for a group ride. It was a great afternoon, even had 3 riders drive to Des Moines, IA from Minneapolis.
Had a long ride around my town earlier. Took my GF back to the airport since her time here was up. Rode around all the places I took her to see while she was here and finished up at the old castle mound. It's by far my favourite spot and have to resist taking yet another picture up there each time I visit.... but I can't help myself when it looks this pretty.
Looks like that tree I mentioned the other month might be getting cut down. More branches have been taken down and additional "No Cross PLZ" tape has been put in place. Sad to see since it's such a massive tree, I can't imagine how old it is, will certainly find out if they end up reducing it to a stump :(
One last pic, another spot where we went. We followed a little stream running alongside a wooded area backing onto a new housing development. Last week I jumped it to stand on a small bit of land where the stream meandered around it however on this trip someone stuck a stick where I had been. It looked like a cool staff with how the top expanded and hollowed out as if you could place something in the middle. The temptation to take it home with me was insane but I respected someone's desire to have it there.
Cold ride today despite the sun being out and the sky mostly void of clouds. Trees have begun littering the ground with leaves that were still soggy this morning, ewwy... Summer truly has abandoned me. On the plus side I came by a family of swans that tend to hang around this part of the canal.
Lil bonus image from a bit further down, mouth of the Blisworth Tunnel that stretches just shy of 3km from Blisworth to Stoke Bruerne. Sadly there's no towpath inside so if you want to ride (or walk) to the other side you need to take the footpath above ground that snakes it's way over or the road that mostly follows it above.
Fresh white forest fungus.
Northern watersnake sunning itself on the Greenway today.