Watching Action on the Leaderboards
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@HanahsDax If you are feeling generous in about a month you might change your mind. Less than 500 miles behind the leader, FranKtheTank may take the OVERALL #1 spot in mileage soon. PASCH has been happily static for a week or more now, liking his pleasing 14,444. Might be exciting if he values his status and wakes up.
Of course, if you were generous it would pull me up a little, too. My wife laughed when she learned that I am currently #7 in the wings of the V1 Daystreak. "How did you get up there so quick? Didn't you just drop off a couple weeks ago? -- Oh!!! I know, there is what... maybe only 20 riders on a V1?" And laughed with me when I kind of sheepishly nodded yes, that might be so.
Personally, I love riding the V1 because it feels so much more alive than the the much smoother Plus (and I assume the XR). While riding the V1 I have to pay much more attention to the feel and the motor sound. One beautiful day recently with the board and myself riding together in great form, I noticed my top speed graced 22.2 mph -- way higher than anything I have done with the Plus. -- Please note, though, I would not even think of riding that fast without extra battery support.
(Edit: Another note -- I also would not think of riding so fast without full safety gear, which for me includes shoulder armor, a hip pad, and even a tailbone pad, as well as a helmet, wrist guards, knee pads, and elbow pads. And I know they work because I have taken falls and have ridden away without even a bruise.)
It's entertaining to see on the Leaderboards riders playing with their handles. For example today on the Plus mileage leaderboard the rider in the #10 spot has the same handle as the one in the #1 spot. Does ONEWHEELJEFE really hold both places, or is someone teasing us? The Pint mileage board has all kinds of interactive messages in handles today -- personally I am glad I ride a V1 and a Plus. And then the new rider on the V1 Daystreak made me smile with 'ridersblock' as a handle. (puts me now at #6 there by the way.) I find geographical areas in the handle are useful for picturing where these riders ride -- mine is clear, Justin from Sarasota is clear, and Johnny Bell from Dallas/Fort Worth DFW is also clear. Others? Who knows?
@blkwalnutgrwr looking fwd to your thoughts on the Lukescheating conspiracy!
@stinkyface My thoughts? Already shared: "...personally I am glad I ride a V1 and a Plus."
An active day on the leaderboards, today. Dropping off the V1 Daystreak were 'Rodneycat' and 'ridersblock', making room for me -- 'S.Leon NE Ohio', and 'Wurman'. 'The1Moose' has been continuing his ascension up the XR mileage Leaderboard, passing by 'OnTheOne' recently, and coming up on 'Blue(^^)'. Big changes on the Pint mileage Leaderboard -- maybe someone could chime in here with an analysis -- I do not have a Pint and so have not watched closely. 'OneWheelJefe' is tied for eighth place at the moment with 'therealmatatat' on the Plus mileage Leaderboard. Likely from Arizona, judging from the rattlesnake icon and saguaro cactus icon by his handle, 'OneWheelJefe' holds two places on two separate Onewheels on the Plus mileage Leaderboard -- 1st and 8th, with 10577 miles and 6455 miles respectively for a combined total of 17032 miles! WOW!
(Edit: By the way, too, 'mekekgul' from Spain relinked his board, claiming the #2 spot on the V1 mileage Leaderboard. The relinking bumped me and the rest of the V1 riders down one rightful place.)
In a pleasing turnaround for me '@floatfanatics' has joined the V1 Daystreak -- below me. For all my 5000 mile daystreak '@floatfanatics' had been above me on the Leaderboard, so for me this is a welcome change.
HHanahsDax @blkwalnutgrwr 1 June 2020, 23:41 UTC
@blkwalnutgrwr the real question I have for you is when will you surpass me on day streak mileage? Wednesday, Thursday of this week?
Big news! FranKtheTank DIY on a V1 has just now taken the OVERALL #1 spot for mileage on one board! Congratulations Frank! (at 9:45am PST June 6, 2020)
HHanahsDax @blkwalnutgrwr 10 June 2020, 23:35 UTC
@blkwalnutgrwr title of this reply is “OW Problems.”
I’ve had a little cat and mouse chase with you surpassing me on miles for day streak which I thought was going to happen a week ago and not today. Amazing how many miles you can log so fast, especially on a V1. I realize you run range/battery extenders but still that’s awesome you are doing this on a V1. I’ve seriously considered letting it go for Frank and playing the V1 day streak leaderboard musical chairs. As previously stated, I’m gonna ride it so why not make it count.
On the XR side, I also got another mileage race going on with the number 5 day streak leader Lia from the U.K. I’ve recently decided I am going to try to hit 3,000 miles before that rider does. I’ve been passed on miles before and there are plenty of riders who have more than me with less days but I ride some gnarly rugged single tracks in the summer and spend a lot of time in the winter practicing tricks in a garage. I have never been much of a high mileage rider. I always tell people who reach out to me that it doesn’t matter the quantity of days in a row or miles but the quality of them. As long as you are having fun riding whatever you enjoy that’s all that matters. Onewheel problems, first world problems but good problems to have and I feel blessed. -
@HanahsDax Yes, ride that V1 and make it count! Your 'musical chairs' is a right-on description of the V1 daystreak -- many the same riders in various orders over the course of the year. I find it fun to set a goal to work toward, or to compete with other riders. You with Lia from the U.K., and me with Maxsimmmm from the Ukraine catching up.
Like I have said, my mainstay is a paved rails-to-trails through woods and farm fields -- and pipe-like in that the snowmobiles dish it out and roughen it up in the center. The ride is heavenly smooth, relaxing, beautiful, and nearby. And while the entire trail is forty-some miles long one way, my favorite section is the seven or eight miles nearest the snowmobile club garage. My favorite weather in which to ride is cool, and even cold. The only advantage of hot, humid, and buggy weather is that I get the trail to myself -- the few bike riders and dog walkers stay home in their air-conditioning (and they generally do not come out in the cold weather either).
Truly, be safe and have fun!
Three places on the Leaderboards for me, today! #5 Plus Daystreak & two #4s for V1!
HHanahsDax @blkwalnutgrwr 11 June 2020, 23:16 UTC
@blkwalnutgrwr damn you’ve been putting some miles in on the Plus. Triple threat!
'PASCH' got passed! Standing by his nice looking 14444 for weeks now, '@OnewheelWing' took advantage and passed 'PASCH' by for the #1 spot on the XR mileage Leaderboard. Too, '@OnewheelWing' now is not quite 200 miles behind 'FranKtheTank DIY' for overall mileage. Maybe he's motivated! -- but Frank can float like a rip tide, averaging more than 17.9 miles a day for the past 136 days.
Johnny Bell, #3 XR, is hovering at another number he seems to like: 12,500 miles. Now he claims to be floating through the McDonald Islands. 'CaptianBuddy' reclaimed the #9 spot on the XR mileage Leaderboard, but 'The1Moose' has some solid 340 miles on him, and is beginning to challenge 'Blue (<>)' who is only 138 miles up.
On the Plus mileage Leaderboard, 'Frankie mendiola' is a new name at #10. Other new names recently are 'andy64' at #5 on the Pint Daystreak, and '@loyal.6666' hailing from Chile at #4 on the Plus Daystreak.
Eight Onewheel riders now have logged over 10,000 miles on the Xr mileage Leaderboard! One on a Plus, and two on the V1 are also up there.
An interesting new name on the Pint mileage Leaderboard at #10 is 'Some1youknow'.
'FranKtheTank DIY' the overall mileage leader on a single Onewheel is soon to top 15,000 miles. Of course, with two boards on the Plus mileage Leaderboard 'OnewheelJefe' has logged a total of 17,276 miles as of this posting.
'HanahsDax continues to tenaciously hold two #1 daystreak slots, and I, 'S.Leon NE Ohio', continue racking up miles on two Onewheels, showing on two daystreaks and a mileage board. Other riders continuing to hold more than one slot on the Leaderboards are 'FranKtheTank DIY' and 'OnewheelJefe'. Edit: Forgive me! My international apologies! Another rider holding more than one place on the Leaderboards is the rider from France, 'French Flag TiY-@-N Onewheel Earth' which is about as close as I can get in replicating their handle (because I am not sure of gender, not because of more than one rider).
The main changes to the Leaderboards of late have been in the V1 and Plus #5 daystreak slots where there have been a number of turnovers. And the ante to enter the V1 Daystreak Leaderboard today is at a low 12 successive days of riding.
HHanahsDax @blkwalnutgrwr 25 June 2020, 00:03 UTC
@blkwalnutgrwr Well Lia beat me to 3K on the XR. I took a good spill and also had my XR slam into the back of my leg a couple weeks ago and didn’t put much mileage in while recovering. Mattsplat has passed Bro-King Ole-Douger recently on the Pint mileage leaderboard. Bro-King’s Pint is Bro-Ken. He said it won’t take a charge. He reps the Pint leaderboard well and actually inspired my two 50+ mile adventures from a “PiNt-sized” 50 mile ride he posted. It’s great to see a mutual respect between the two as they are pointing to each other in their current handles.
@HanahsDax Not sure there is such a thing as a good spill. And it sounds like a big bruise from the XR on the back of your leg. Glad you are able to continue to ride and maintain your status! Thank you, too for commenting on the Pint Leaderboard -- please continue doing so as positions shift, change, or otherwise become worthy of interest. Riders inspire riders!
An even FIFTEEN THOUSAND miles for 'FranKtheTanK DIY'!
Edit: Frank liked his impressive round number more than his #2 Daystreak -- let that slide off today.
Celebrating 'Maksimmmmm' joining the V1 Daystreak. Already on the mileage Leaderboard, 'Maksimmmmm' now holds two Leaderboard positions. An interesting fact, though, is that this must be with a different Onewheel, or at least a different controller, because on the mileage Leaderboard the miles have not gone up for quite a few days.
Edit: Eleven days in, whirlwind 'Maksimmmmm' is averaging 21 miles per day!
'@OneWheelWing' has passed 'FranKtheTanK'! and is now the OVERALL Onewheel leader in mileage. Is FranKtheTanK retiring? As a fellow rider of a V1 -- I hope not. But we will see. Hearty congratulations to '@OneWheelWing' on an XR!
'Flihi' (likely a phonetic 'Fly High') of the United Kingdom, long #2 in the XR Daystreak, must have despaired of ever reaching the #1 slot, dropping off the XR Daystreak Leaderboard today after a very impressive streak of 527 days of riding. The XR daystreak riders all moved up, and we welcome 'Chazmo' to the XR Daystreak Leaderboard with an impressive and previously unseen streak of 452 days.
All but the newest rider on the XR mileage Leaderboard now have over 10,000 Onewheel miles to their credit, and the freshest rider, at nearly 10,000 miles, claims a high pressure in the tire -- 'Burris@32psi' is the handle.
'Mr. Keith' has reappeared on the Plus mileage Leaderboard after some time unlinked. I have interacted with him in this Onewheel Community Forum at some point in the past. Welcome back!
The V1 Daystreak has had a fair number of turnovers lately, with perhaps a half dozen new names showing up/dropping off. This is the Leaderboard with the easiest entry point -- currently 15 days of riding. With eleven days now of riding my other V1 a mile or so each day, I am awaiting in the wings for one or more turnovers yet to come. To tell you the truth, I do not necessarily feel the need to reach #1 -- just to be represented and recognized as a serious rider is my goal. At one point the developer of the Community Edition App was playing with the idea of perhaps a new set of Leaderboards for the Onewheel community allowing wider participation.
And that's the way it is -- the Onewheel Leaderboard news for July 7th, 2020.
10,000 miles would be easier at 32PSI.
XR streak riders #2 to #5 only have 17days between them. After a year and half persisting with this competitive folly, you would be pretty pissed about not starting a week or 2 sooner all that time ago. If @HanahsDax ever hangs up the wrist guards, it will be on for young and old.
2 years would be an honourable measure to retire on? Mr Dax?
Sorry @HanahsDax for stealing the 3000mile marker, didn't realise I was coming up to it. Got my app set in KM.
Looking back through my screenshots; if not for that 100KM VNR test ride I did the day before hitting 3000miles you'd have beaten me for sure.
Sad to see my fellow UK leaderboard companion fall off #2.
HHanahsDax @blkwalnutgrwr 8 July 2020, 19:02 UTC
@blkwalnutgrwr To be honest, I always feel bad and selfish when the number 2 drops off. I’m a pretty selfless person, once taking out a young college dude for beers and a cruise from a story he wrote how his Onewheel has helped him cope with the loss of his mother but wasn’t his best financial move. Another time sending a kid a month worth of his savings at minimum wage because he spent his $500 “Pint savings fund” on an engagement ring for his girl. I try to honor those whose streak have ended for one reason or another by pushing one more day. My streak will end one day, that is a guarantee.
HHanahsDax @stinkyface 8 July 2020, 19:08 UTC
@stinkyface I’ve always set small, obtainable goals. First was to hit 300 days, then one year. After that it was 1st to 400 in a row and I dropped a video as a celebration. 500 was the next goal set, followed by 600. Now it’s 700 and after that it will be the 2 year mark. If those goals are accomplished and my board is still operating, 1000 days will be the next step. The long-term ultimate/on-going goal is just to push the next ranking day streakers to their full potential.
HHanahsDax @Lia 8 July 2020, 19:11 UTC
@Lia Yeah it was a fun little personal challenge I had. Keep on repping your country!
One aspect of the Leaderboards I really enjoy is the international participation. The United Kingdom and France are both represented on Daystreaks, and the V1 mileage Leaderboard has the most international flavor with seven countries currently represented: the United States, Spain, Austria, the Ukraine, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the Philippines -- and an eighth, Canada, in spot #11. The XR mileage Leaderboard has the Netherlands, and the Plus mileage Leaderboard has France. The only lists with riders solely from the United States are the Pint Leaderboards. States identified in the riders' handles include one in Ohio, one in Texas, and two in Florida -- although Colorado, (edit to add: Arizona or New Mexico), and Hawaii are certainly also represented. Any riders on the Leaderboards ready to chime in here with your state, or locale?
@blkwalnutgrwr this leaderboard is broken....
'PASCH' -- holding steady in the XR mileage Leaderboard for a long while at 14444 miles -- unlinked! And all XR riders moved up a notch. Temporary hiatus for 'PASCH'? Who knows?
@stinkyface -- Interesting how the Leaderboard glitch represented by your previous post seems only to happen to the V1 mileage Leaderboard. I have a couple screenshots when the top five riders are each doubled, but I had not seen the top three riders tripled!
Ach!!! Neglected to connect to the app yesterday and tumbled off the Daystreak with my Plus. The 'expires at midnight' can't be seen for a second or third Onewheel.
So anyway, welcome to the Plus Daystreak 'nyte.ryda' of Canada -- after seventy six days in the wings!
HHanahsDax @blkwalnutgrwr 16 July 2020, 15:44 UTC
@blkwalnutgrwr Bummer, you were racking up some serious miles on the + and I was looking forward to seeing you have 4 spots on the leaderboard.
@Lia -- I enjoyed watching your post of 'Onewheel Montage 1'!
Thankies @blkwalnutgrwr :)
Glad you enjoyed~ -
HHanahsDax @blkwalnutgrwr 24 July 2020, 01:58 UTC
I recently hit 1000 on my V1. Looks like you did too. Only faster. Nice work. -
@HanahsDax -- Nice round number! 1000
User error? Thought I was one day behind 'Robert 206' on the V1 Daystreak, but was passed over in favor of 'Ecchigun' out of Canada. Looks like I need to do daily screenshots for documentation.
Passed by again! This time 'terpentaster' is showing me that sometime in the past 12 days I missed my connection. Only about five? people are riding V1s these days, or so I thought.
'OnewheelJefe' is in the process of moving up on the Plus mileage Leaderboard. Having bumped 'Mr. Keith' from #7 in the past day or so, 'OnewheelJefe' is less than 20 miles from #6, 'jkhc'. Fun to watch the climb. After that it will be less than 100 miles to #5 -- meaning that in just a few more days 'OnewheelJefe' could hold two of the top five slots!
And a welcome to '@onewheelsk' of Slovakia cimbing up the Pint mileage Leaderboard -- now at #8.
On the Plus Daystreak 'Juan-wheel' of Spain, and 'Boonedog' perhaps of Kentucky, have been trading off, back and forth, for several days now.
I hope FM have been keeping logs of the leaderboard data over time.
Would love for them to one day come out with a timelapse of the data similar to what The Rankings does for various topics over on Youtube.
LLewDog9296 29 July 2020, 02:16 UTC
I'm new here so I'm sorry if this is covered somewhere. Just please direct me there. Here's the deal though. I just got a OW XR and I've been riding it every day for a little over a week. A few days ago, I rode it and watched the leader board and it wasn't updating. My phone was connected. I could see my milage and all data. But it wouldn't update saying "Expires at Midnight". I thought, must update over night. Well it didn't. No biggie, I'm only a few days in. I continue riding and today the same thing. It says "Expires at Midnight". I just went out and got in a quick miler just to keep the streak going. Am I missing something to push the connection and make sure I don't lose my streak?
@LewDog9296 there is a minimum distance each day to keep your streak going. Its about 2.5km i think.
LLewDog9296 @stinkyface 30 July 2020, 03:18 UTC
@stinkyface Thanks man! I was wondering if there was a distance. Looks like I'll keep it at 2.5km. Since then I watched and it might be one mile.
Every once in a while I get a peek further down the Leaderboard rankings. Today, #19 on the Plus Daystreak has 26 days in, and with 32 days riding an XR someone has reached #209.
A while back I had seen relatively new XR and Pint riders post mileage rankings in the 20,000's -- meaning that that many riders of those model Onewheels have more mileage than they do.
All this data comes from random screenshots posted on the Onewheel Riders group on Facebook. -
A new name on the XR Daystreak -- 'Jaxdashbolt'. It is hard to imagine riding day in and day out for more than 14 months before being noticed for it by the Onewheel world.
'BHunt' joined the XR Mileage Leaderboard this week.
'Insta @Daymos_Glider' achieved the Pint Daystreak recently.
And '@FloatFanatics' is back on the musical chairs of the V1 Daystreak.
Welcome to the Leaderboard!
Crossing one full year this week of riding a Pint every single day is Daystreak #1 'ShreddieMcSkateOSBS'.
A total at the moment of seven Onewheel riders on the Leaderboards have more than a year, and 'Hanahsdax' is my odds-on to cross two full years of daily riding -- come early November.
HHanahsDax @blkwalnutgrwr 12 August 2020, 02:49 UTC
Congrats to @ShreddieMcskate for rolling over 365! Thanks @blkwalnutgrwr for the continued support. The V1 needs a year rider now so let’s make it happen. I got a strong feeling it could be a guy from Northeast Ohio.
Wow! 19.79 average miles per day over 435 days so far! That's '@VINCEVAUGHN' of the Netherlands, longtime inhabitant of the XR mileage Leaderboard, now showing up on the XR Daystreak. And I thought 'fuser' was doing well with a 6936 mile daystreak -- '@VINCEVAUGHN' is well up there with 8609 miles in the streak. (And it beats a 17.86 mile average that I had had in a 5000 mile V1 daystreak over 280 days -- with 155 more days at it to boot! Wow!)
In other news 'PASCH' relinked on the XR mileage Leaderboard -- a welcome presence there.
'Boonedog' and 'Juan-wheel' continue still to trade-off back and forth at #5 on the Plus Daystreak.
And to answer the question of who will be first to achieve a full year's daystreak on a V1 -- the answer is that it has already been accomplished by '@FloatFanatics' early in the year 2020.
Sometime between August 13 and September 1 of last year is when 'HanahsDax' first took the #1 spot on the XR Daystreak. So now it is celebration of one full year as #1! Keep it up there, David!
@blkwalnutgrwr Also had Jaredz briefly appear as #10 on the Pint Mileage leaderboard Yesterday.
Seems Some1youknow has reclaimed the spot though as of today. -
HHanahsDax @blkwalnutgrwr 20 August 2020, 01:03 UTC
@blkwalnutgrwr Nice work today sharing the top 3 spot for overall mileage on a V1 while also holding the #2 day streak spot on the same board.
@HanahsDax -- The numbers do look good together, don't they? Thanks for noticing!
'Mattsplat' took #1 in Pint mileage! Busy watching my own board I had not noticed.
HHanahsDax @blkwalnutgrwr 24 August 2020, 06:07 UTC
@blkwalnutgrwr congrats on the #1 day streak for a V1. You deserve it!
@HanahsDax -- Thank you. You shouldn't have. But that brings up another issue: On my other V1, OW002346, I have screenshots documenting a day streak from at least July 28th to now. At least twenty-eight days in a row today... to seventeen for the new #5, 'Iamjoeking'. Could it be that holding two places on a single Daystreak Leaderboard is not allowed? (Edit: From Future Motion that is indeed the case -- limit one board per rider on any given Streak Leaderboard.)
MMrV6 3 September 2020, 16:30 UTC
After reading the posts on this thread I understand why it is taking me so long to progress up the ladder. At #15 (XR+) I realize I'm getting into some rarefied air in the Onewheel streak community. Keep up the good work and congrats to the riders ahead of me!
Will someone else take over here; without a phone I can no longer see the Leaderboards (nor connect for a daystreak).
@blkwalnutgrwr Not sure if I'd be able to keep up but will try to update it if you want :)
RIP streak, did the phone break?Little know gem, you don't need the app to see Rides/Leaderboard info. FM let you view it through a browser. day I want to try using the rides page to scrape info and make a tool to collage all rides for a specified user with a defined search area for rides. Got very simple programming experience so haven't gotten the courage to start D:
Until then I've been doing it manually for myself in Photoshop and snipping tool lol. -
Looking forward to a new perpective! Thank you, Lia. Follow your instincts in following the action. I tried to post often enough to stay afloat on the first page of 'recent'. A hearty welcome to a new voice, and new ideas!
Hi all,
As the new Leaderboard watcher I've decided to do a week summary of positions followed by notes below of anything else interesting that may have happened along the way. Since I only really stared logging since yesterday not much has occurred.
Feel free to add any additional context or notes that I might have missed along the way :)
End of week 39 of 2020.
First thing of note is TiY has fallen off position 3 on the Onewheel+ daystreak bumping nyte.ryda and Glassalchemist up the ranks.
Va_Breeze has joined the board at position 5 only 2 days less than Glassalchemist at position 4Mileage
Nothing seemingly to report on for the Mileage boards. I'm sure with the seasons changing the southern hemisphere will begin to catch up with the northern hemisphere again now that it's getting warmer for them and colder for the northern side. -
@Lia -- Very effective graphic! It makes the Leaderboard changes easy to see.
A note on the V1 mileage Leaderboard -- "FranKtheTanK" must have recently unlinked his 15,000 mile V1, artificially bumping everyone else up a place. The benefit to me is moving up to #2.
Thanks @blkwalnutgrwr , now that you point it out I can't believe I missed that missing on the list, didn't even notice!
Congrats to Bigpoppa88 for hitting the 1 year daystreak milestone on the Pint.
Crazy to see this many people hitting 1 year of logged rides in a row! -
Bit of activity today, must be decent weather for you lot. Pretty grey and cold here in the UK!
The V1 has a new daystreak leader. Congrats to FloatFanatics for reaching #1 at 76 days.
Robert 208 (formerly #1) dropped off allowing BradMoh to get on the board at #5Stevie_Wonda has overtaken CarpetFace on the XR mileage board, swapping positions at 4 and 5
Graz[hopp]er has been knocked off the Pint mileage board by jonnyboomboom, appearing at #10
Another week down, another summary image for you all. Seems like almost all the changes are occurring on the V1 this week.
- V1 has seen Robert208 and InoBevious fall of the daystreak leaving room for BradMCH and workwithbillyfunk to get on the top 5 with under 2 weeks of streak.
XR has stevie_wondaa and CarpetFace trade positions #4 and #5.
Graz[hopp]er seems to have unlinked their board since they have vanished from the Pint mileage board. jonnyboomboom has in turn secured position #10
#3 Thormax and #5 onewheeltour have disappeared off the list leading to #9 and #10 to be populated by tigermiketea and J-Glide.
I think for future to keep things simple I'll from now on update shifts in positions on these Sunday posts with the occasional note on other days if other interesting things appear.
Since starting I have been saving a copy of for each day so we should now have a sort of historic record to refer back to providing I continue to remember to do it.
Week 41 locked in, lets see how things have progressed.
- Daystreak wise nothing new except for the V1 where we see workwithbillyfunk fall off #5 and in their place bryanrapoza appear.
- On the XR board CaptainBuddy has overtaken TheJanimal now at #7 and #8 respectively. Nguyen@808 has also been wiped off the board with YONHNA Joel Ojo taking position #10.
- For the Plus Mr. Keith has vanished from #7 allowing everyone below to move up and see Robinal take up #10
That's all for this week, hope everyone is enjoying the updates :)
FrankTheTank is back! With a different V1! Now at #5 on the mileage Leaderboard with 6703 miles (in addition to the 15,000 miles on his first V1)! Welcome back Frank! Sorry to scoop you Lia! I am sure we would have heard it from you tomorrow.
Sunday again, that week went quick!
- FloatFanatics has resigned from #1 on the V1. Everyone has moved up the board again with workwithbillyfunk re-appearing at #5 having dropped off that same position last week.
- On the Plus chickenZIGGY has overtaken Robinal, knocking them off the board to pinch #10
- As @blkwalnutgrwr noticed yesterday FranKtheTanK has re-appeared on the V1 mileage board at #5. This has in turn shifted everyone below down a peg so we see J-Slide no longer at #10.
Wonder if FranKtheTanK is going to get this board to 15000miles like the other V1. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
Another rider joins the 1 year club for Daystreak.
Congratulations to andy64 for riding 1 year straight on the Pint.We're nearly at the point where all top 5 positions are a year long for the Pint. Unfortunately we'll have to wait a bit longer as it seems Daymos_Glider fell off the board at 351 days yesterday. As a fellow UK rider I can only assume it was due to the usual rubbish Autumn weather. In their place we welcome XXUXXO from Argentina to #5.
Assuming XXUXXO (#5 at 332 days) can do another month the bar to entry for Pint daystreak will be 1 year.
I don't think a week will go by without something changing on the leaderboard.
This week has been no exception with at least 1 position changing on each leaderboard (except the XR's daystreak, that one rarely changes and I'm partly to blame)
- Daymos_Glider has dropped off the Pint daystreak only 2 weeks away from managing an entire year round trip. XXUXXO has taken their place at #5.
- Over on the Plus Johnwheel relieves #2 bumping everyone up the ranks with Middle-aged-boy appearing at #5
- On the V1 something odd has happened and I'm still wrapping my brain round it. Last week bryanrapoza and workwithbillyfunk were neck and neck at 24 days into a streak. However this week workwithbillyfunk is 2 days ahead (32) with bryanrapoza at 30 days. I suspect workwithbillyfunk has multiple boards as they seem to hop about positions a lot. Other than that BradMch has lost their streak at #3 so the board shifts up. chet-boii floats in at #5
- VINCEVAUGHN overtakes PASCH having them trade #2 and #3 on the XR. Yonhna Frisco TX has also edged out TheJanimal having them trade #9 and #10
- VRP has knocked jonnyboomboom off the top 10 for the Pint, stealing #10 from them.
- OnewheelJefe and Jeffrey Gerred have swapped positions too with Jefe taking #4 from Jeffrey.
- Lastly BuddayBinko has appeared at #10 on the V1, taking tigermilktea down a peg and off the top 10.
Very active leaderboard this week. I imagine with the seasons continuing to change we'll see a lot more of it.
For anyone still reading you may notice I change the little image on the banner for each week. I tend to just scrape something off google however if you've got any images you think would look great squished down into that banner feel free to suggest any :)
A 10,000 mile XR Daystreak is about to happen! The rider is @VINCEVAUGHN and if he keeps riding like he has been all along, the threshold will be crossed tomorrow or the next day - maybe the celebration party will be on Halloween. Good going, @VINCEVAUGHN!!!
Also well worth watching, HanahsDax is just a few short days away from two straight years of riding a Onewheel XR day in and day out. See it happen!
@blkwalnutgrwr Looks like you're right. Vince is currently sitting at 9999miles on the leaderboard, presumably waiting to push it over the edge on the spoopiest day of the year tomorrow.
Ya boi has done it. Vince crossed the 10,000 mark today (or yesterday since it's 2AM here in the UK). Can we stop and take a moment to realise how far that is to have done on a streak. If going in a straight line around the equator Vince will have nearly gone half way around the globe.
If you'd rather something a bit more do-able to imagine if you were to ride the Pan American Highway (19,000MI) from the furthest point in Alaska all the way down to the lowest point in South America he'd currently be around Columbia or Ecuador by now!!!
Next to reach the milestone may well be #2 Fuser on the XR sitting at a rather impressive 8074MI at the time of typing this.
On the topic of distance I've just noticed @HanahsDax overtook me back on the 4th of October D: I'm coming for you Dax!
More leaderboard goodies for you all to end the weekend (yes it's Sunday again, booooo)
- No changes on XR or the Pint.
- On the Plus VA Breeze has ended their streak and in doing so made room for a familiar face to appear; FranKtheTanK has appeared on the daystreak for the Plus at #5.
- Over on the V1 Jerry wagener has resigned from #2. Up the ranks everyone goes and yet another familiar face; @blkwalnutgrwr shows up at #5. An ever growing list of dual leaderboard members is beginning to form.
- No changes again for XR, Pint or V1. less image fiddling for me so I'm not complaining ;) Mattsplat appears to have changed their name on the Pint board, I'll withhold any comments being a UK citizen.
- Plus see's Jeffrey Gerred and OnewheelJefe still fighting over #4, once again having swapped places. You boys stop fighting!
Congratulations @HanahsDax !!! And nicely presented @Lia !!!
HHanahsDax @Lia 5 November 2020, 18:47 UTC
@Lia Since you took the time to create such an amazing piece of artwork I thought I would take the time to try and recreate it.
@HanahsDax Aha amazing, you even went and matched the outfit and drink!
Glad you liked it :) -
Sun has set here in the UK, time to update the sheet.
- Nothing... we all just went up 7 days since last Sunday ;)
- On the XR Yonhna Frisco TX continues to climb up the ranks, trading positions 8 and 9 with CaptainBuddy.
- makekgul has seemingly unlinked their board as @blkwalnutgrwr is now positioned at #1 for the V1. Congratulations! As usual this leads to everyone moving up the list with tigermilktea appearing at #10 again. Welcome back to the top 10.
- Nothing... we all just went up 7 days since last Sunday ;)
2020/11/17 EDIT: FM appear to have resolved the issue with 2 positions being wildly out of place. Updated the stats for Week 46
Seems to be an upset with the mileage boards this week. We have 2 new riders appear seemingly out of nowhere.
I can only assume these are riders that never used the app before however since there is a new achievements update they have loaded it up and caused their distance to be logged.
Previous stat image can be found below if interested.
- Only the V1 has seen activity here, workwithbillyfunk has lost their streak as has chet_boii. Up goes the positions with FloatFanatics and Andre Danforth appearing at #4 and #5.
On the XR we've got Moto_hoon from the UK appearing at #2 at 16716 MI at the time of typing this. Certainly an impressive distance to have wracked up especially over here in the land of bad weather. This has of course shifted everyone down the list (except Blue who managed to maintain #7). The Janimal has also been knocked off #10.The Pint has seen a similar change on the board although this one doesn't appear to be legitimate. Domislit also from the UK has appeared at #1 with a distance logged of 16599 MI, over double the distance of the former #1 spot Mattsplat at 7395 MI. Down goes everyone on the board (except Double J and AHaas) causing VRP to fall off the top 10.- On the XR Blue and McDicks1772 have traded positions #6 and #7.
- Pint rider F.A.T has fallen behind being overtaken by both Double J and AHaas. F.A.T Now at #5 with Double J and AHaas at #3 and #4 respectively.
Curious on everyone else's opinions on the changes that have occurred this week. -
2020/11/17 EDIT: FM appear to have resolved the issue with 2 positions being wildly out of place. Updated the stats for Week 46.
Something weird is going on, various different users on the XR (and Pint) are appearing out of nowhere with ever increasing distances but never appearing at the same time.Logged at 2020/11/16 16:42 GMT
Logged at 2020/11/16 17:40 GMT
Logged at 2020/11/16 18:24 GMT
Logged at 2020/11/17 00:43 GMT
Logged at 2020/11/17 01:20 GMT
I've been editing , deleting and restoring this reply a fair bit since at the start it was difficult to make a judgement on what's going on. Now it appears that since these different names are actual different accounts confirmed via the rider search that this isn't one person just faking their distance but something else.Anyone else noticing this and got any clue as to what is actually going on?
I'm off to bed since it's like 1am so would be grateful if anyone else minds keeping an eye on this?2020/11/17 EDIT: FM appear to have resolved the issue with 2 positions being wildly out of place. Updated the stats for Week 46.
Looks like we're back to normal this week. Here's some updates.
- Pint rider XXUXXO is 1 day away from managing a year daystreak. Tomorrow will mark the day both XR and Pint daystreaks see the bar to entry at 1 whole year of riding.
- Zigon CBR has leapt onto the leaderboards at #9 on the XR; knocking CaptianBuddy down to #10 and TheJanimal off the top 10.
- For the Pint AHaas and Double J have traded #3 and #4 as has Jaredz-OneWheel and David trading #7 and #8.
- TiY and timmy for the Plus have switched #2 and #3 whilst MaddMike edges onto #10 bumping Robinal off the top 10.
- andrew_mangel on the V1 appears to have unlinked their board causing everyone below to move up a spot. J-Glide moves up into the top 10 again.
Roll on up floaters, I've got some fresh leaderboard updates on the menu.
- ShreddieMcSkateOnYT has resigned from their daystreak at #1 on the Pint. Congrats to chomieniec as the new front runner. Everyone once again moves up a position where BonusTacos appears at #5
- 2 Riders drop off the V1 daystreak this week. FloatFanatics and Andre Danforth previously #4 and #5. In their place Clorentz and Jerry Wagner appear.
- stevie_wondaa and Pasch trade #3 and #4 over on the XR whilst Yonhna Frisco TX overtakes Blue and McDicks1772; taking #6 and knocking them down to #7 and #8.
- David and Jaredz-OneWheel trade positions #7 and #8 again on the Pint.
Nice to see 'Robert 206' join the V1 mileage Leaderboard since Lia posted the week's changes. Feels good to have another active rider moving up the board. Welcome!
Daystreak- Over on the V1 Clorentz and Jerry Wagener have departed from #4 and #5 letting both hafid and Robert 206 onto those spots.
- Pint has more spots being traded with Double J and Ahaas swapping #3 and #4 once again!
- As @blkwalnutgrwr mentioned Robert 206 on the V1 has peaked their head onto the leaderboard for the mileage at #10 due to shea_nb dropping off #5.
@HanahsDax -- Nice to see you again on the V1 Daystreak Leaderboard!
HHanahsDax @blkwalnutgrwr 10 December 2020, 19:01 UTC
@blkwalnutgrwr Thanks, been using the V1 to collect some badges. The lights still work on the V1. I also like the riding difference between the treaded on the XR and the slick on the V1.
Nearly slept through today, that could have been a disaster!
- Over on the Pint we've seen BonusTacos drop off the #5 spot, in their place wheelking has arrived.
- As @blkwalnutgrwr noted earlier this week @HanahsDax has poked their head into the V1 leaderboard at #5 having replaced Robert 208. Curious to see if they can make it to #1 there too.
- XR has again got a few places changing. Yonhna Frisco TX and CarpetFace trade #4 and #5 whilst Zigon CBR and Mcdicks1772 trade #8 and #9.
- Looks like JScheibe has changed their name to Witz on the Pint. I wonder if that's possibly WitzWheel?
- therealmatatat and MaddMike on the Plus trade #9 and #10.
- On the V1 EgaenotS appear to have unlinked their board as everyone below #6 has moved up with hafid appearing at #10.
Leaderboard ranking numbers that look good together:
And round total mileage as of January 4, 2021 :
Since the next update will be after the holidays I've themed this weeks one more festively, enjoy <3
- TimmyT on the Plus has ended their streak. All the riders move up with 631TonyRoberts303 appearing at #5.
- V1 has a bit of a shuffle around. Both kevinharpertime and hafid have stopped their streak. Everyone moves up with Bujubson and Clorentz taking positions #4 and #5.
- XR rider Yonhna Frisco TX has jumped up the list again, taking #4 from PASCH.
- Pint riders AHaas and Double J have traded #3 and #4. Position #6; formerly JScheibe / Witz has been changed to Natzters2020.
- MaddMike and therealmatatat have again traded #9 and #10.
See you all after the holiday season, hope you all have a wonderful time!
TimmyT had a great, long streak with a Plus -- worthy of celebration. By contrast, a here-and-gone so fast on the V1 Daystreak that only by chance I saw it and took a screenshot, was Frasse of Sweden in the #5 slot early Saturday morning.
@blkwalnutgrwr It's always a shame to see a long streak vanish especially those over a year or in their case a 1.5 years! I wonder if the plus will ever see a streak that long again?
I'd love for FM to maybe have a page dedicated to streaks so they're not lost to time once you stop. I imagine the data exists somewhere on their database.
HHanahsDax @blkwalnutgrwr 23 December 2020, 01:51 UTC
@blkwalnutgrwr Nice current odometer reading of 9876.
Guess who forgot what day it is!
Last update of 2020. Thank you everyone for trying to make the most of 2020. It's been a pretty diabolical year for a lot of people so everyone's efforts to make it more bearable. Here's hoping to a better 2021!Before we get into it, anyone got any goals for next year?
- On the Pint XXUXXO has dropped off #4 after their year+ streak. wheelking has taken their place with Nomaddreamer taking #5.
For the Plus 63TonyRoberts303 has ended their daystreak making room for OnewheelMobShop at #5.- Correction: 63TonyRoberts303 appears to have renamed themselves to OnewheelMobShop *
- Likewise on the V1 Clorentz has ended their streak with asaptamale taking #5.
- Not a whole lot happened this week. On the V1 andrew_mangel relinked their board appearing at #3. In doing so everyone else moved down knocking hafid off #10.
Hi @Lia -- Action under the radar this week: On the V1 Daystreak Leaderboard that I like to watch, first 'Clorentz' and 'Bujubson' traded places a few times in a few days - slight mileage advantages one way and the other being the deciding factor. Then when 'Clorentz' ended their streak, a succession of several different riders from several different countries appeared, traded in and out, and like 'Frasse' from Sweden last week, faded from Leaderboard awareness. From the United Kingdom 'ajfawaz' made an appearance, from Spain it was 'Gabito', and at least twice this week, from the United States, 'asaptamale'. At one point this week entry to slot five on the V1 Daystreak Leaderboard -- at its lowest -- was simply three days riding.
And I think two riders changed their handles: 'Natzters' added 'Witzwheel' - her sponsor, and '631TonyRobert303' changed to '@OnewheelMobShop' -- maybe another sponsorship? Any thoughts on a possible trend here to Onewheel Leaderboard sponsorships?
@blkwalnutgrwr Wow a lot did happen. I do notice by the end of the week a few places change around frequently.
I assumed with the daystreaks if 2 riders had the same streak it would be whoever updated their streak for that day stayed first. Is it actually based on mileage from your experience?
ajfawaz is a familiar name, I think I've seen their rides show on my map in the neighbouring city MK. Maybe next time I'm riding round there I'll see if I can do a group ride or something since they're still active. I am, as far as I'm aware, the only active rider for a few miles in my area according to the ride map :(
Do you think it's a sponsorship for Natzters? I did notice the name changed a few times on my last post where they had previously been JScheibe and Witz too. As for OnewheelMobShop could they have changed the name after repairing a board or something or even just own the boards themselves? It does appear to be the same rider as 631TonyRobert303 having looked back at my logs of the leaderboard so I'll correct the image in the previous post :)
Not sure how to feel about sponsorships on the leaderboard. People are free to do as they please but it just corperatises the leaderboard and gives it a value other than achievement and recognition amongst peers. It doesn't bother me either way, I just don't think I'd personally sell my name in exchange for advertisement.
@Lia -- I love your Onewheel cartoon character more or less fruitlessly, gently poking and prodding the Leaderboard into action with a stick, "C'mon, do something." Some of the coolest things about the Leaderboards are the hidden stories. You ride in the mist, the rain, the dark, and through flowing streams daily in the UK. HannahsDax showed us having Onewheel winter fun with lights and celebration in Colorado. I enjoy watching riders challenging each other and leap-frogging for position on the Leaderboard.
I am pretty sure that if two or more riders tie for number of days in a streak, then the second criteria is mileage. We should watch closely next time it happens.
While I usually ride solo, on three occasions I have encountered other riders in the wild in my 'neighborhood.' Exciting it was to see, and to stop and talk a bit. Rarely have I ridden with others.
Witz had a recent post on Facebook in which he introduced his sponsored rider. A serious mileage rider, she had trouble with her board I think, and Witz renewed it. I do like her naming solution -- 'Handle-Sponsor' -- which preserves the individual achievement.
While I am not sure about sponsorships myself either, if I was desperate to get back to riding and had not other means with which to do so, I would likely consider it. Many sports use sponsorships.
@blkwalnutgrwr Aha thanks, just a tweak to an existing meme. Was the only time I'd seen the entire daystreak section not move for a week. I would like to see a few more stories shared about journeys, maybe an overhaul of the ride feature to let you pin spots with pics or videos. I only say this because those 20km+ rides can never be summed up with a single image.
The leap frogging is quite fun to see, especially on the mileage board where the same names frequently pull ahead now and then.
I've ridden once with another Onewheeler. Was a friend of my brother who got an XR but later sold it. Was a shame but he didn't ride it all that much. Can't wait for the one day I do ride across another rider lol.
Ah that makes sense. Witz did post a fair bit on Reddit but hasn't recently. I assume it's due to the rules regarding the bi-weekly vendor post limit which may discourage him posting. Was a shame since I really enjoyed seeing repaired Onewheels. On that topic I'm soon to be the proud owner of a Pint that got snapped in half by a hit and run up north of me. Rider was fine but the board looked pretty beaten up...
I guess putting it that way it makes a bit more sense. Onewheeling albeit not entirely physical is certainly worth classifying as a sport.
@Lia -- The broken-in-half Pint rebuild sounds like a fun project with interesting possibilities! Best of luck, and please share how it goes!
HHanahsDax @blkwalnutgrwr 30 December 2020, 19:16 UTC
@blkwalnutgrwr Some action on the XR overall mileage leaderboard between VinceVaughn and stevie_wondaa going on. At one point on Monday stevie was #2.
@HanahsDax -- Yes! A mile apart as of this moment! Fun to watch how long it can keep up, matching and trading places -- very aware of each others progress.
Musical chairs, indeed! Four of the five current riders on the V1 Daystreak have already held the number one slot! And every other position, too, there! Such a small world of V1 riders.
Apologies for it being a day late D:
New year, new roadmap ahead. Hope you've all got plenty of stoke planned this year!
- Appears only the V1 has seen some movement this week with asaptamale resigning #5 with kevinharpertime taking their place.
- More fighting on the XR side, this week stevie_wondaa has nudged ahead of VINCEVAUGN taking #2 from them.
- For the Pint it appears VRP has been overtake by i2aul who sits at the #10 spot.
Hi @Lia -- Looks more to me like @stevie_wondaa has done the nudging to #2 on the XR mileage Leaderboard. A question is, can they keep it up? -- Because overall, VINCEVAUGHN has been averaging very close to 19 miles per day for more than a year and a half now. At this point in time almost 100 miles separate the two riders.
@blkwalnutgrwr Ah the layer in PS was still transparent. Fixed!
@blkwalnutgrwr Looks like a couple riders have decided to add their location to their username/handle on the XR leaderboard like a rider from Northeast Ohio has been doing for awhile. A couple East coast riders racking up miles in D.C. and N.Y.C.
I will not show up for a bit in day streaks but making some strides by getting into top 50 for Pint (119 days), under top 40 for the XR (228 days) and the OW+ seems easy at top 30 (6 days, I took a few weeks off at end of 2020).
@LidPhones Congrats on the progress so far, how have you found the journey riding daily on those boards?
I'm impressed you have the time to keep it up on 3 boards, that must add a few challenges on it's own. -
@Lia for sure the challenges of a OneWheel rider is unique when winter hits your region. In Iowa our temps currently are between 8 F to 40 F (if we are lucky). So when the streets are not icy I do a quick mile (sometimes more 🤪) on each board and done. When ice is outside it is time to do circles in the garage. I think I will create an exercise routine for centrifugal squats 😂😂.
@LidPhones True, we've not had a real winter here in the UK for a few years. Still below freezing for most of it mind you with the usual black ice to keep you getting too comfortable on sweeping corners just haven't had any snow to mess around with.
I did similar, last 2 years I used the office as my means to get my rides in, doing laps round the desk island till I got bored after 5pm. Now working from home and my place not being big enough to do loops I'm out in the thick of it everyday to keep my streak.
Sounds like you need to get on that idea, I'm imagining it being done in the spirit of a cheesy 80's exercise VHS xD
@Lia Hey what ever it take to get a ride in right? You are absolutely correct on the music style options... I was thinking something for everyone 80s, 90s and up... Stay safe out there
A couple notable changes today. S. Leon NE Ohio is now the current “day streak” V1 mileage leader passing the current V1 #1 day streak leader by 8 miles in 15 less days. The Pint day streak leaderboard now has another year long rider in wheelking.
Sunday again!
Lots of movement on the mileage side, lets see where everything has settled this week.
- V1 see's some activity as usual. Bujubson and kevinharpertime have ended their streak at positions #4 and #5. In their place davidteehee and a familiar Clorentz rejoin the top 5.
- More shuffling around across all boards this week. Blue and CarpetFace exchange #6 and #7 while Mcdicks unlinks their board making way for CaptainBuddy to move up the ranks to #9 with Nguyen taking #10.
- i2aul and McFloaty on the Pint have swapped #9 and #10.
- MaddMike has overtaken chickenZiggy, taking #8 as they climb up the top 10 on the Plus.
- EgaenotS has relinked their board after nearly a month, reclaiming their spot on the top 10 at #7. Everyone else below moves down and in turn knocks Robert 208 off the top 10.
Great work on tracking the changes. Super clear to follow...On a side note the OW+ might get me in the top 20 soon. Crazy how I am advancing in just days vs on the XR and Pint to make even one position advancement takes a week sometimes.
@LidPhones Many thanks :)
To be honest @blkwalnutgrwr does a much better job keeping track, I just do a graphic every Sunday at this point so I sometimes miss things that happen between the 2.
Look forward to seeing you up there. The newer models appear to have more active riders on them so moving up the ranks can be difficult. I haven't seen the XR daystreak update in a very long time lol.
@LidPhones -- Impressed with your dedication of riding three boards daily, I have a question. To see the progress on all three, do you have three accounts set up? And if so, then how much hassle is it to switch from one to another? At this moment in time I am almost ready to unlink my V1 in order to see progress on my Plus. Thanks for posting the screenshots of the status of each of your boards.
Yes to not get a blended experience with more than one OW on an account I created unique accounts for each OW. Then luckily I have access to 3 devices (phones and tablets) to capture data on. If you wanted to log in on one device it works well and is not that bad on iOS devices where the passwords are saved with either face id or touch id. Doing this method of logging in and out means your recorded rides may need to be download each time. Ideally I got an iPod touch vs the old android phone so it is smoother and unifies the interface. -
- Nomaddreamer has woken from the dream causing them to fall off their daystreak for the Pint. Warm welcome to Rkies at #5 with 314 days under their belt currently.
- Clorentz has left the top 5 again making way for bridgetheckler to seize #5. I'm sure we'll see them again soon.
- With positions #5 through to #8 being within a few hundred miles on the XR it's not uncommon to see these places shift around as we've done previously. However this week Zigon CBR has leapt up 2 positions now sitting at #6. CarpetFace managed to get some extra mile in leaving Blue to lose 2 positions and find themselves at #8.
- Mattsplat has changed their name on the Pint to Closermypretty. Maybe in reference to coming near 10,000 miles (or 9000 if that's still relevant). Natztera has edged out F.A.T, stealing #5 from them.
- On the V1 @blkwalnutgrwr has updated their name to include their model number.
"Closer my pretty..." is a line used in the 1940's movie "The Wizard of Oz" by the Wicked Witch beckoning the main character, young Dorothy. Perhaps it is used here as a beckoning or acknowledgement of Natzters-Witzwheel in their avowed quest to climb the Pint mileage Leaderboard to the top.
@blkwalnutgrwr That's also another possible reason. We best keep an eye on it and see what happens.
@Lia -- Another name/handle change this week (and perhaps reflecting a new sponsorship) has been on the Plus mileage Leaderboard: chickenZIGGY is now @mattsheltz.
It finally happened, my streak didn't register and looks like I've fallen off. To say I'm gutted is an understatement. Checked the app just a while ago to find it didn't sync, it has now but after the midnight cutoff so I'm met with the "No Daystreak" message with my 3km quick roll around the town not counting.
650 days was a good run I guess. Best of luck to everyone else keeping theirs alive.
HHanahsDax @Lia 19 January 2021, 02:09 UTC
@Lia Damn, so sorry to hear. I hope it recognizes your lifetime odometer change and corrects when it hits midnight in the U.S. I always expected you to be the one to pass my current streak with your knowledge and tenacity. You had a great run and should be proud of your accomplishment. If I wake tomorrow morning, day 808 will be dedicated to Lia/ComikzInk.
Thanks @HanahsDax , I’d like for it to update but I’ll accept my loss if not. Seen plenty lose their streak without getting on the board so I’m at least happy I got some time up on the top 5.
Many thanks for the tribute to my streak, I appreciate the gesture. Keep up that streak of yours for me :)
@Lia -- Wow! One of the rarified few longest streaks achieved!
@Lia top 5 is out of this world. I'd be happy with top 100.
I'd suggest celebrating the accomplishment with a nice long ride to remember it's not only for the leaderboard cred.
That is a real bummer on your lost streak... -
Thanks for all the support, happy to be around others that share a similar attachment to the challenge that is keeping up a daystreak.
Was considering taking a break after this with the weather being unusally horrible and lockdown limiting me to ride no further than within my small town. However I figured since I know I rode yesterday I'll keep going. Albeit my official streak ended; personally I'm still going and never stopped.
Besides... gives me a new challenge to not only reach #1 but get back up there in the first place.
...Just this time I'll stare at the app till it registers the damn ride! -
HHanahsDax @stinkyface 20 January 2021, 01:30 UTC
@stinkyface Agreed, I hope @Lia continues to ride everyday and takes a screenshot like I think she has been doing for awhile to document her progress.
The day streak leaderboard is already inaccurate. I got my XR on June 19, 2018. I rode everyday while connecting to app and never made the day streak leaderboard even though my records said I should’ve been at number 1 after a few months.
Out of frustration and attending an in-laws wedding on September 28, 2018 I didn’t ride that day, the only day I haven’t rode my XR since ownership. I woke up the next day and was pissed off at myself for not riding, I had my board just chose not to, believing I would never get on the leaderboard. My day streak record should be at 843 not 808. For some weird reason the app decided my streak began on November 3, 2018 while we were on a vacation/road trip from Colorado to Las Vegas and California.Not sure why.
I’ve earn the respect from fellow riders who I share the same respect for and to me that’s more important than any FM recognition. “When we were kids, belonging felt good. But having respect. That feels even better.”
@HanahsDax Learnt to keep screenies early on although I only started doing daily ones a bit later. Always fun to look back on them, see the names that were on there and enjoy the pics and vids I took along the way.
Interesting quirk of the leaderboard you noticed, wonder if those were early teething problems that the previous gen boards had too? I've noticed a few issues too which are still occurring today.
- If you ride more than 16km but don't have the app open then later sync the app it will always say you rode no more than 16km on the daystreak's mileage counter. If you have the app open while riding it doesn't do this. Oddly enough the mileage leaderboard counter doesn't have this same issue. This loss isn't later added back on so if you ride 16Km+ without syncing that counter begins to slip. I think my previous streak was a few hundred out before I noticed.
- Also on 60km+ rides the main page's trip odometer resets at a certain point even while riding. Can't remember the exact number but it's around 60-70Km. Watched it do it when testing my big 16Ah VNR battery and was extremely confused. Watched it do it again on another super long ride so it wasn't a one off.
I like that saying, rings very true. Thankful for all the genuine and friendly people I've had the pleasure of sharing the same hobby and commitment with.
Here we are, Sunday again and looks like a lot has gone on in the prior week.
So much so I've had to once again extend the daystreak area!
- Feels odd reporting on myself, Lia on the XR is a numpty and fell off #3. #4 and #5 move up a place and in turn BUHLL appears at #5 with a year and a half under their belt. Unless @Future-Motion come out with a new flagship board I can see the bar to entry on the XR being 2 years soon!
- Plus rider Middle-Aged-Boy has ended their streak at #3 with all below moving up the ranks. Chuckb takes #5 with nearly half a year of riding daily.
- V1.... where do I begin. #1 Bryanrapoza , #2 @blkwalnutgrwr , #4 davidteehee and #5 bridgetheckler have all ended their streak, leaving @HanahsDax to take up #1. Filling the void of positions we have #2 Robert 208 , #3 Wesley , #4 Moist_Pinecone and #5 davinmackay.
- Zigon CBR on the XR continues their climb up the ranks now taking #5 from PASCH. At this rate it looks like they'll be at #2 in no time.
- Another rider climbing the board is Natztera-Witzwheel over on the Pint who has overtaken Double J; taking #4.
- Odd one on the Plus, OnewheelJefe has unlinked one of their boards being the one up at #1 however still holding their other Plus which has taken #4 after the positions all move up. All except NJacobs at #7 who was overtaken by MaddMikes at #6. At #10 we see Vunveel appear.
In the V1 Daystreak churn, 14 unique riders graced the chart this week -- and we also had a cool rider's reprise. In addition to the names on Lia's report above, five more riders came and went. Some are familiar names and some new:
rickyrick54 which then changed to MM26
and Stormflash.
And then almost as soon as the week's tally was posted, davidteehee reappeared after having dropped off earlier -- making the same leaderboard twice in one week.
This is certainly a most active daystreak board!And by the way, warm congratulations to HanahsDax for now holding two number one Leaderboard Daystreak positions simultaneously -- for the second time! Great work and dedication, David!
January is over, last Sunday of the month. Hope you're all doing well so far!
Daystreak- Pint rider wheelking has departed #4 after their over year long streak making way for Morgankat to take #5.
- V1 as expected sees more changes. Wesley at #3 and davinmackay #5 leave the leaderboard. Clorentz, a familiar face takes up #4 and Jimbo21 at #5.
- Blue and Carpetface are battling it out still for #7 on the XR as Blue this week takes the spot. Yonhna Frisco TX has also updated their name to JimmyParman <3 RIP DFW.
I couldn't find what this may be in reference too (I live under many rocks apparently) but I wish all the best regarding the nature of the name change.Jimmy Parman has passed away, done a bit more digging after being made aware. - Pint rider Natztera is just rocketing up the leaderboard, now at #3. When do we start placing bets on when they get to #1? Mattsplat has changed their name back again too.
- On the Plus we see MaddMikes overtake grahelton1, trading #5 and #6.
- EDIT: Can't believe I missed this one... @blkwalnutgrwr has unlinked their board on the V1. Being up top we see the everyone shoot up a position with Robert 208 re-appearing at #10
Hi @Lia -- If one blinks, one can miss intra-weekly exchanges on the V1 Daystreak. Although not quite as active as last week, the board displayed eleven distinct riders this week: Those on your chart above, and Todd, Luhrs41, BradSmith8184, and Andre Danforth. Enjoying the action, that is a board I like to watch closely. (Oh! And Jimbo21 rides in the UK.)
A highly respected, seasoned rider and innovator that people looked up to -- active in his local community as well as the larger community -- took an unfortunate spill. The community is a little stunned.
Oh did you just do it earlier? I logged the data around 5pm GMT and only got around to editing the image a bit later.Nevermind... apparently I was looking at the wrong page. Data captured was correct I must have been staring at last weeks D: Updated!I was worried it was something like that, may they rest in peace.
@Lia -- I unlinked a week ago Sunday night, joining FranKtheTank and mekegul -- although I may sometime return because that board is more securely waterproof for the spring rains. In the meantime I am chalking up snowy miles and winter days on my Plus.
@blkwalnutgrwr Just realised when checking my saved pages, Corrected the error!
Look forward to seeing you back up there soon. Any plans for the board while it's waiting for it's return and where abouts are you sitting on the Plus? -
@Lia -- On my Plus I am at #42 and #15 -- and holding. Thanks for your interest. And again, your charts present the action so clearly!
@blkwalnutgrwr Oh wow! I'm astonished by the commitment it must take to rack up that much distance and get them there.
No problem, I'm really interested in the passion and lengths riders will go to with their board(s).Many thanks, I wish I was more observant and didn't make these silly mistakes though >.>
HHanahsDax @Lia 1 February 2021, 01:24 UTC
@Lia Thanks for taking the time to update this thread.
You, me and this weeks leaderboard update now.
Daystreak- Only changes on the V1 this week, looks like there was plenty since #4 Clorentz has maintained their position having started their streak again. Robert 208 ends their streak with Jimbo21 leaving Moist_Pinecone to take up #2, Andre Danforth with #3 and Orio at #5 with HanahsDax still holding onto #1 at a lucky 77 days currently.
- For the XR Yonhna Frisco TX (currently JimmyParman <3 RIP DFW) has overtaken VINCEVAUGN with only 140km between them. Zigon CBR appears to have updated their name to SuperBarilaroKart. Pretty sure this is a FriedlyJordies reference to Australian politician John Barilaro.
- Over on the Pint it looks like i2aul has taken #8 from Jaredzaz, in doing so they've updated their name to state they're riding with a stock board as has Mattsplat.
Hi @Lia -- Action on the V1 Daystreak continues with six more names beyond your chart, on and off during this week 6: Joberg8340, @kevinharpertime, Wesley, erikondecc, Wewe, and Reid Litster. Only three days of riding to gain entry to the V1 Daystreak Leaderboard in some cases this week! And another rider making the board two times in a single week! Thank goodness for stability at the top!
@blkwalnutgrwr I noticed Clorentz had fallen off and reclaimed #4 so had assumed there was plenty going on throughout the week. Pretty nice to see such a variety of names show up sprinkled in between a few regulars.
Lots of movement this week. Really making me put some effort into updating these >.>
- So looks like the V1 as usual has seen an almost complete new list of users show up. @HanahsDax still holding #1 with an odd twist showing below. Both riders Cosimosi and davidteehee are showing at #2. They appear to have the exact same mileage for the streak so has caused the leaderboard to put them at the same position, thus meaning this week #3 doesn't exist and instead has hafid on #4 and Robert 208 making a repeat apperance at #5.
- Blue and PASCH are at it again swapping #6 and #7 on the XR
- Pint rider Natztera as expected has shot up the board again now taking #2. Might be a few more weeks till they're floating up on Mattsplat's tail.
- Plus has seen 2 riders unlink their board. Timmy at #2 and grahelton1 at #6. Everyone moves up with loyal.6666 and TMLS-L taking #9 and #10. MaddMikes has changed their name to MdubMsFMsellusparts!. I second that.
- V1, not to be outdone by a change-around has seen 3 riders unlink. at #1, Budday Binko at #7 and tigermilktea at #8. Everyone moves up with kevinharpertime, hafid and Normanda appearing at #8, #9 and #10.
I don't usually do minor updates but a Caboozel has lost their streak at position #19 on the Pint after 244 days due to a board failure preventing them from charging the board. Hoping the repair is cheap, quick and they get back to their mission of continuing a streak.
So 90 days or so might get me into the 20 on the Pint which runs on pace with my current ~ 5 spots / 30 day advancement. Of coarse this is all given someone above me has an issue and did not log the Daily Mile... Hey that could be a great Onewheel blog..... "The Daily Mile" -
Okay... I have an Idea to share soon. I also just captured -
With a streak of ONE SINGLE DAY a V1 rider achieved entry onto the Daystreak Leaderboard!
Screenshot taken at 11:54 am EST, February 16, 2021. -
@blkwalnutgrwr Has it ever been just 4 places before?
Curious if there has been a day where only 4 riders rode. Would be a sad day to see mind you. -
@Lia -- Sputtering out! This is the first I have ever seen a Onewheel rider on the Leaderboard with a single day's ride. Two and three day streaks are pathetic, too -- although it is kind of fun, almost just owning a V1 can give a person a claim to fame.
I agree and have thought about trying to buy my V1 back if possible. My only concern is the 500 watt motor that was a bit low on power for my 240 lbs.... ;-) -
@LidPhones -- For great torque reserves on a V1 (or a Plus), parallel in an EGO battery -- the bigger the better.
Absolutely agree. I have 50Ah (updated from 30Ah) of EGO on the ready for the Plus. I have been a fan of the ego machines for some years. -
@LidPhones Part of me hopes you've tried wiring up all 30Ah to see how far you could get before you ran out of daylight.
I have a goal to do 250 plus (300 ideally) miles in a day this spring or likely summer. I should have my hot swapping Plus built out with a ego 2.5 inside and then two 5 or 7.5s on the fender mounts.In 2020 I did 100 miles in 24hours with an ego extender and factory internal on my XR (50% down time for charging)
With all EGO and and a charging crew to follow me I should be done in say 21 hours....
@LidPhones That's nuts!!! Can't wait to hear how that goes. Would love to see you document the journey in a thread :)
Pales in comparison to your setup and intentions but I've got a DIY 16Ah battery that I've managed about 60mi on in one go but plan one day to grab a hypercharger and attempt 120mi if my legs will survive. Not sure they will considering my footwear choice is far from ideal >.>
@LidPhones said in Watching Action on the Leaderboards:
I have a goal to do 250 plus (300 ideally) miles in a day this spring or likely summer.
With all EGO and and a charging crew to follow me I should be done in say 21 hours....WOW! Can't wait to hear about this amazing adventure. (My legs are weak just thinking of such mileage.) If you give us a heads up we'll be praying for your safety, strength and perseverance.
@LidPhones -- I am curious about your hot-swap technique. With my V1 I can hot-swap because I removed the onboard battery and BMS entirely, so the EGO is the only power. You have another option?
My Zombied Plus still has an OEM battery and my plan is to modify the deck and battery compartment to allow for swapping a 2.5AH Ego in that area and then wire in parallel 7.5Ah and 5Ah on the fender (might make an aluminum version). -
@LidPhones -- I will be very curious to see the fit of a 2.5 ah EGO in or on the tail of a Onewheel. If it is workable, I would be up for trying it.
A word of caution, as you probably know, take care in the parallel hook-up. Adjusting the straps holding two EGO batteries to my fender, one battery fell out of its pronged connector, the prongs of which arced and shorted on my aluminum rail -- saved from major damage by the internal fuse of the EGO. But then I had to dismantle the EGO with the blown fuse and solder in a replacement.
Now, using two EGO batteries I use friction-fit stays holding the connectors tightly in their respective batteries.
Absolutely. I plan to use lock in battery connections on the EGO packs -
@Lia said in Caboozel has lost their streak at position #19 on the Pint after 244 days due to a board failure preventing them from charging the board. Hoping the repair is cheap, quick and they get back to their mission of continuing a streak.
Yeah, I was hoping when FM did the app update a few months ago then a “rider” wouldn’t be connected to just one board. Kinda they way they made it seem. Meaning if I rode my V1 it would count towards the “rider” streak not just the particular model.
@blkwalnutgrwr You seem to keep good documentation on the leaderboard. Correct me if I am wrong but @FranKtheTanK unlinked a V1 with 15,000 miles and the #1 V1 overall mileage leader. They also have a 238 day streak on a Plus with almost 4,000 miles while also currently being #2 on the V1 overall mileage on another board with almost 7,000 miles on it giving them around 26,000 total miles. Unless one of the boards was purchased used and had thousands of miles recorded already, this rider is truly the highest mileage rider.
@HanahsDax -- Indeed, FranKtheTanK is a long time SERIOUS DISTANCE RIDER who I am in awe of!
And you, HanahsDax, are a long time SERIOUS STREAK RIDER who I am also in awe of!
@HanahsDax said in Watching Action on the Leaderboards:
Yeah, I was hoping when FM did the app update a few months ago then a “rider” wouldn’t be connected to just one board. Kinda they way they made it seem. Meaning if I rode my V1 it would count towards the “rider” streak not just the particular model.
Hadn't thought about that, would really suck if that was the case.
I have wondered with the Pint if it's worth me using an old phone and separate account or keep them both on the same account.I'm still on the previous update and not sure I'll go to this one. Features seem cool but seen a few posts about bad ride data have put me off along with the continued locking down of the boards.
Starting to see some more activity recently.
- New week, new riders on the V1 #2 - #5. Cosimosi, hafid and Robert 208 have departed the leaderboard. Wesley, Kunnieva and Todd take #2,#3 and #4 with davidteehee reappearing at #5.
- Plus rider OnewheelMobShop has updated their name to "VNR your plus" with FranKtheTanK adding a skull in front of their name.
- Pint Rider Cameron- fuego has unlinked their board meaning everyone below #3 move up. VRP re-appears at #10.
- Over on the Plus OnewheelJefe has linked their second board-reclaiming #1 as well as holding #4. TMLS-L has in turn be knocked off #10.
- Budday Binko on the V1 has relinked their board and showing up at #6 and causing Normanda Onewheel off the top 10.
@Lia -- So fast and furious was the action on the V1 Daystreak Leaderboard that I probably did not keep up with the blizzard. Besides the eight riders you mention, I saw thirteen others make appearances on the board -- only five whose names I recognized from past weeks. That's at least twenty-one riders placing in one single week!
@blkwalnutgrwr That's amazing. I guess that's one benefit to the V1 streak being the way it is, we get to see a variety or current riders.
That being said at one point I wanted to work on a thread dedicated to logging everyone I could that's ever featured legitimately on the leaderboard. With the variety of those on the V1 I think I'd have gotten worn out adding new people daily. It would have probably ended up as a community project to crowdsource data since mine only goes back so far which would be a shame to miss some classic riders who deserve to have their names recognised.
Thought I would share this screenshot from a few days ago. Who knows when the next time the leaderboard will have 4 riders with the same amount of days with just the mileage separating the rankings.
Last day of February, Spring is round the corner!!!
Daystreak- Hell froze over again, the XR top 5 has updated. Unfortunately this means another devoted rider has lost their streak. VinceVaughn appears to have dropped off of #4 with Buhll taking their spot. Peaking their head at #5 onewheelwaiter appears at an impressive year and a half of streakage.
- V1 time, looks like we've got more commitment this week as almost all riders have been at it more than a week. We say goodbye to Wesley, Kunnieva, Todd and davidteehee and in comes hafid, Clorentz, Andre Danforth and AeroConcepts at positions #2 through to #5 respectively. Assuming more V1 riders come out of hibernation we may see less variety in names appearing.
- YonhnoFrisco has overtaken stevie_wondaa on the XR, taking #2 from them. The gap between them and #1 OneWheelWing is still an insane 10000km though so if they're after that spot they've got a lot of ground to cover. Most XR's don't even have that sort of distance logged on them might I add!
- Pint rider David has been dropped down to #8 as i2aul and Jaredzaz zoom ahead taking #6 and #7. As fast as VRP re-appears on the top 10 they get knocked off again as Ksway19 swoops in and takes the spot from them.
Very cool grab.... -
Daystreak- Looks like the V1 riders have indeed come out of hibernation as only one rider from last week has departed the top 5.
- On the XR CarpetFace and PASCH have traded #7 and #8. Looking back PASCH needs to do some catching up or may find themselves dropping off the top 10.
- Scoot over i2aul, Jaredzaz is gonna share a spot with you for a bit. Both Pint riders sit occupying #6 since they both have identical mileage.
- grshelton1 has linked their board again and popped back up at #6 on the Plus. Everyone below shifts down a spot causing loyal.6666 to fall off the top 10.
- makekgul has returned back to the V1 mileage top 10, claiming #1 and knocking everyone down a position except hafid because kevinharpertime has unlinked their board which helped them maintain #10.
Happy Mothers Day from here in the UK~
- Only some updates on the V1 this week. Hafid, AeroConcepts and Cosimosi have left the top5 with Clorentz taking #2. At #3 and below we have Axel Foley, Ander Danforth and workwithbillyfunk.
- Pint rider Jaredzaz doesn't appear to have been able to edge out i2aul and has returned to #7 this week.
- Timmy on the Plus has appeared at #3 having everyone below drop a rank causing Vuneel to get knocked off the top10.
- For the V1 Czech takes up #2 and bumps those below down a peg except Robert 208 who managed to retain #9 by overtaking J-Glide. As with the daystreak hafid dissapears from the Top10 mileage boards for this week, I'm sure they'll be back.
@Lia -- Nice to see 'timmy' back on the Plus mileage Leaderboard! And we haven't seen 'Czech' for a long time either on the V1 mileage board -- good to see top riders once again active!
Reddit user mark3t has managed to achieve a full year of riding on the XR which places them at #16 on the leaderboard.
(source)That means there are currently 11 riders occupying the space between them and #5 202 days apart. Congrats to everyone there still keeping the streak alive, your perseverance is inspiring.
I mean I guess it made my life easier this Sunday, put that leftover effort into the gif instead ;)Alright had my fun, on with the actual stuff.
Daystreak- V1 has seen an almost complete clean slate again, this time with some riders not completely fresh off the press as whosway and 8 0 1 W H E E L have been streaking for 10 days each holding positions #2 and #3. At #4 and #5 we have Ballagio and lizbell.
- XR rider PASCH has added "AZ OW OG" to the end of their name, other than that the XR mileage charts stay the same.
- Plus rider NJacobs has overtaken grshelton1 leaving them at #8 as they go on to take up the #7 spot.
<Insert quirky statement about it being Sunday>
Daystreak- After a year and a half of riding daily on the Pint, Bigpoppa88 has ended their streak. Appearing at #5 a fellow UK rider trappedinanelevator shows up. Happy to see another rider from my little island show up again.
- V1 see's a little shuffling. whosway and lizbell drop off #2 and #5 with hafid and aruuhii2yo appearing at #4 and #5.
- Pint rider Double J has added "Tire Sire" to the end of their name.
- On the Plus chickenZIGGY has overtaken grshelton1, taking #8 from them.
Happy Easter everyone, hope you all got in a good ride today!
Was considering making another dumb meme for this week but I'll save those for special occasions.Daystreak
- In an amazing turn of events across the entire daystreak charts only 1 rider on the top 5 lost their streak this week; that being aruuhii2yo on the V1 formerly at #5. Other than that you've all been wonderfully consistent. Keep it up!
- Fuser has crossed over the 2Y mark on the XR Daystreak. Long time to be keeping a streak going, let's see if the XR riders can reach 3Y.
- Fuser, #2 on the XR daystreak has steamrolled their way onto the top 10 mileage list. A rider certainly worth keeping an eye on to see how far they can climb the ranks. This has however meant Nguyen@808 has fallen off the top 10.
- Over on the Plus chickenZIGGY has pulled ahead of NJacobs and swapped #8 for #7.
Currently a total of five Onewheel riders show on the Leaderboards more than once: HanahsDax with longtime 1st in the XR Daystreak and 1st, too, in the V1 Daystreak; fuser in 2nd in XR Daystreak and 10th in XR mileage; FranKtheTanK in 3rd in the Plus Daystreak and 4th in V1 mileage (as well as above #1 with another board on that same V1 chart); OnewheelJefe longtime 1st in Plus mileage, and also 6th on the same Plus mileage Leaderboard; and hafid is 4th on the V1 Daystreak and 10th in V1 mileage. All Onewheel riders who are strong in performance!
Edit: A sixth rider has joined the current (April 15, 2021) total of multiple showings on the Leaderboards: Robert206 -- with placement at 5th and 8th on the V1 Leaderboards. -
Been a good week, seems a lot has happened and as @blkwalnutgrwr noted we've got a lot of familiar and committed riders on the leaderboards recently. Maybe @Future-Motion could reach out and do some stuff with more riders like they did with OneWheelWing, would be nice to see some more engagement with some of the other members on the list (pretty please).
Anyway, on with the updates!
Daystreak- Had to double check I didn't make a mistake on the last one, looks like on the V1 Nate Dogg has dropped their streak and aruuhii2yo takes up #5. This being the reverse of last week.
- SuperBarilaroKart has taken up #4 on the XR leaderboard, knocking VINCEVAUGHN down to #5.
- Mattsplat has updated their name on the Pint having swapped their stock battery for a Chi battery. Likewise i2aul has removed "stock" from their name and put DelandFL there instead.
- MdubM over on the Plus decided #5 would look better next to their name so has zipped on by OnewheelJefe leaving them with #6
- V1 rider andrew_mangel has unlinked their board causing everyone but FranKtheTanK to go up a position. RodneyCat overtook Frank so they managed to retain #4 after the reshuffle. With this ll taking place we see hafid re-appear at #10, welcome back.
Please let me know if this is the wrong place to post personal levels that do not appear on the published leaderboard.
On Saturday I broke into the double digits for XR Daystreak! I hit #98!
This was quickly moved to #96 on Sunday and to #94 today (@91 days).I feel as if reaching the double digits is a major (personal) milestone. I'm thrilled and excited. :)
@HorsePlay I see no issue, it's about the leaderboard and an achievement worthy of a congratulations :)
Much harder to hit top 100 on the XR these days, go back to 2019 and all you needed was 2 weeks to get there.Funnily enough I'm close behind you at #105 (84 days). Good to know I'm maybe a week away from getting into double digits again soon too :)
V1 only updates this week~
Daystreak- The ever changing position 5 on the V1 has landed on Robert208 again as they reappear on the list in place of aruuhii2yo.
- EgaanotS has unlinked their board, causing positions #7 and below to move up a spot. Hafid managed to secure themselves a higher spot this week, overtaking J-glide which has them keeping their place at #9. Kevinharpertime peeks their head back onto the top 10 with the reshuffle too.
HHanahsDax @Lia 18 April 2021, 23:25 UTC
@Lia There was a notable accomplishment this week by @OneWheelWing. Riding the length/distance of the equator on his XR. Basically this rider has rode enough to go around the world. A huge milestone to say the least.
@HanahsDax Oh wow you're right, Good catch!
I don't know how he does it, I only managed a combined 145k this weekend and I can barely walk (no joke I've been crawling the past few hours).
Looking back at my logs he did an average of 70k a day this past week. Insane numbers. -
@NotSure , surely we've all thought about doing exactly that (riding on a treadmill), right? Especially on bad weather days ... ?
@Lia , were these long distances part of the "Spring!" ride posted on Reddit? Those shoes, girl! How do you do it?
@HorsePlay Oh the ones from this post?
I'm a bit in the dark when it comes to shoes, are they not known for comfort?
Other than the seam on the inside rubbing they were good to me the whole weekend. -
@Lia, Your photos are completely lovely ... especially the one at the bridge. Nicely done!
@HorsePlay Aww thanks :)
In a strange turn of events on the Leaderboards, no names or countries are showing this morning on my app -- only mileages and streak lengths! A temporary glitch?
@blkwalnutgrwr Might have been a glitch, I'm seeing them there in app and on the website currently. Very strange glitch.
Wasn't looking forward to this weeks chart. In honour of HanahsDax loosing their streak the Onewheel I put in the top banner is his XR this week. Here's hoping it gets rolling again soon!
Daystreak- @HanahsDax has unfortunately lost their streak due to an unknown fault causing the board to not work. The streak standing at 2 years and 172 days is currently the longest standing daystreak which is an unimaginably impressive run. Who knows how far it could have been taken if this fault had never occurred!
In usual fashion we see the other riders move up a position and here we see our newest member of the top 5 being Billet float. - Pint rider Morgankat has unfortunately also departed the top 5 and ending their year long streak. #4 and #5 are taken up by trappedinanelevator and Bslaw.
- Still more updates, this time on the Plus with former #2 seandonn has stopped their streak. In their place FranKtheTanK climbs another rung as does OneWheelMobShop, CharlieB and the latest #5 being Maulin Marto.
- What would a leaderboard update be without the V1. Ballagio and Robert 208 drop off the streak from positions #3 and #5. Hafid takes up #3 while the newest members Axel Foley and Andre Danforth sit on #4 and #5.
- Very little happened this side of the leaderboard this week. On the Pint David has pinched #7 from Jaredzaz leaving them with #8.
- For the V1 kevinharpertime who formerly sat at #10 has swapped places with J-Glide securing their spot a little better at #9.
- @HanahsDax has unfortunately lost their streak due to an unknown fault causing the board to not work. The streak standing at 2 years and 172 days is currently the longest standing daystreak which is an unimaginably impressive run. Who knows how far it could have been taken if this fault had never occurred!
200th post on this thread!
Enough of that, let's see what's been going on.
Daystreak- Had to double check this since it's not often you see daystreaks change place. V1 riders Andre Danforth and Axel Foley have swapped #4 and #5. Looks like they both occupy the same streak but Andre Danforth has put some more mileage on their belt casing the leaderboard to reflect them as ahead of Axel Foley.
- Plus rider MdubM has shot past Jeffrey Gerred, taking #4 from them in the process.
- Hafid over on the V1 is on a mission. Only 2 months ago was he swept off the top10 but is now up to #7 after making good progress over the past few weeks.
Was dreading this one a few days ago but thankfully after the dust settled the leaderboards seem to have been mostly intact.
Daystreak- On the Pint Bslaw has lost their streak, possibly due to the server issues this week. In their place Dan 0 takes their spot at #5 while having a year+ long streak. Not sure the Pint, much like the XR is going to return to sub 1Y streaks on the top 5 at least until a new model comes out.
- V1 see's a usual shuffle about with HanahsDax updating their name to reflect the streak they have managed with both the XR and V1. hafid and Axel Foley depart the top 5 with Andre Danforth moving up to #3 plus Ballagio and BradMch appearing at #4 and #5.
- Nothing new other than reappearing at #3 on the V1. Everyone below moves down the list causing J-Glide to leave the top 10.
HanahsDax -- The count of total rider days that you show and share on your V1 Daystreak makes the movement of it feel alive and happening! Great technique!
Crazy to think we're nearly halfway through the year. I still feel like I'm waiting for better weather to come round.
Daystreak- So last week Pint rider Dan 0 took Bslaw's place at #5 however it looks like Bslaw didn't lose their streak but instead looks like both are streaking together with the same amount of days. Bslaw has more distance than Dan 0 so it looks like anytime Dan 0 registers their streak before Bslaw they take the spot.
- V1 riders 801WHEEL and Ballagio have dropped their streak leaving behind #2 and #4. Axel Foley makes a return at #4 with Phil Chéplus coming in at #5 .
- V1 rider EgaenotS has relinked their board having them re-appear at #7 which knocks everyone below down. kevinharpertime has in turn been pushed off the top 10 this week.
Been trying to take some time offline. Didn't want to miss a week though so I've returned to bless you all with another weekly leaderboard graphic because I know you all secretly love them ;)
( Apologies if I've missed anything that needed my attention while I've been away :( )
Daystreak- We're nearing peak commitment again, only one change on the entire daystreak section this week. V1 rider Andre Danforth relieves #2 having everyone below move up with 801WHEEL re-appearing at #5.
- Seeing a few riders appear in the top10 causing a reshuffle on all but the XR. Pint rider Carl Tire Sire jumps up into #9 knocking McFloaty down to #10 with Ksway19 being knocked off the top 10 entirely.
- A familiar name; FranKtheTanK overtakes therealnatstat and takes #10 from them on the Plus whilst maintaining their daystreak at #2.
- V1 rider andrew_mangel re-links their board taking up #4 this time. In doing so everyone below shifts down and bumps Robert 208 off the top10.
@Lia said in Watching Action on the Leaderboards:
Been trying to take some time offline. Didn't want to miss a week though so I've returned to bless you all with another weekly leaderboard graphic because I know you all secretly love them ;)
So glad for your time offline! And, thank you, yes, I look forward to your weekly Leaderboard update. :)
Hi @Lia -- Glad to see the weekly update! Exciting to me to see is the whirlwind, FranKtheTank, taking his place on the Plus mileage board. Besides this and his Plus Daystreak, Frank holds two places on the V1 mileage Leaderboard -- above first place with 15,000 miles on his original board, and current sixth with another V1 having logged 6703 miles on it. More than 28,233 miles total!
@blkwalnutgrwr It is nice to see familiar names appear on the leaderboard now and again. Frank's frequent re-appearance does make me wonder what those boards get up to when they're not linked up. Onewheel vacation maybe?
I think I'm back properly now. 2 weeks and a few days off was nice, helped clear out the mind!
This weeks changes are lacking but maybe that just means next week will be jam packed.
- V1 only updates again, Axel Foley has dropped their streak again at #3. New to #5 we see WildChild.
- i2aul and Ole Douger have swapped spots with i2aul taking up #5 on the Pint.
- After appearing on the V1 top10 last week andrew_mangel has changed their name to Sn2401.
@Lia -- Nice to see this week's Leaderboard Update. Maybe andrew_mangel is celebrating an early V1 serial number.
@blkwalnutgrwr Oh that is totally what that is, I can't believe I missed how obvious that was!
2401 is pretty low down, I wonder what the lowest one publicly bought is (and not just handed out). -
Interesting race for #10 going on on the V1 mileage Leaderboard: Yesterday, 'Robert206' overtook 'hafid' -- and now this morning '@kevinharpertime' overtook 'Robert206'. The three riders have jockeyed here before, as well as on the Daystreak Leaderboard. From interaction on another site I learned that 'Robert206' is a Pacific Northwest rider, '@kevinharpertime' is a Florida rider, and 'hafid' rides in Europe. It is fun to watch the scramble -- as I expect to see changes any moment.
Edit: The rapid leap-frogging I expected did not occur. Hmmm...
Edit: Now, a week later, 'hafid' has taken #10 back, so maybe we will see some more back-and-forth there.
Edit, yet again: Thursday, June 10, 2021 'Robert206' has leap-frogged over 'hafid' to fill the #10 slot on the V1 mileage Leaderboard with 4492 miles.
Another Edit: As of Saturday morning, June 12, '@kevinharpertime' has now leap-frogged over 'Robert206' by twenty miles. I am enjoying the neck-and-neck contest between the three.
Tuesday, June 15, 'Robert206' took #10 back. Mileage now at 4523.
Thursday, June 17, '@kevinharpertime' is today at #10 -- 5 miles up at 4528.
Hope you all had a good weekend, as the sun sets here in the UK it's time for some updates.
Daystreak- Only the one update on this side of the leaderboard. On the V1 WildChild has ended their streak and been replaced at #5 with Andre Danforth.
- XR riders CaptainBuddy and PASCH have swapped places with CaptainBuddy taking #7 from them.
- Over on the Pint Ksway19 has overtaken McFloaty, knocking them off the top10
- V1 rider andrew_mangel has changed their name back from Sn2401. As @blkwalnutgrwr noted the other day there was a battle for #10 with kevinharpertime taking the spot as of this post.
Had my first jab followed by a long ride, very sleepy so apologies for the lack of energy D:
Daystreak- V1 only updates again here, proud of all you committed riders! Andre_Danforth drops off the top 5 again, in their place Moa.ball appears at #5
- XR rider SuperBarilaroKart overtakes stevie_wondaa and trades position #4 for #3
- Jaredzaz unlink's their Pint, relinquishing #8 and allowing everyone below to move up a position meaning McFloaty re-appears after getting knocked off last week.
- FranKtheTanK, clearly never satisfied without absolutely cranking the distance on their board's moves up from #10 on the Plus chart taking #9 from grshelton1.
Ima go sleep now,
worst case scenario I get the day off work ;P
edit : I could barely function this morning. way too tired to string sentences together. Called it lol. -
wizardprincess is never late, she arrives precisely when she means to...
...okay I was late home and should have done this earlier. Cue the graphic!
- FranKtheTanK has cut their daystreak short of a year on the plus, only with a few days left to complete it. With as many accomplishments under their belt a year of riding straight pales in comparison but still a worth challenge. Shifting off #2 we see the_J_Wheel pop up at #5 as everyone moved up a slot.
- V1 updates still keep coming. Another #5 falling off as we see Moa.ball end their streak to make way for WildChild.
- Only one update down here, Plus rider grshelton1 has either been overtaken or changed their name to "NnF 3way Tie at#8?". Not seeing a tie at #8 currently so when the name changes to something else we'll see if grshelton1 is still holding #10.
Hi @Lia, it's me at #10 on the Plus mileage Leaderboard trying to arrange a triple tie at #8 with Nathan Jacobs and FranKtheTanK. First, Thursday when I made #10 I had my name displayed, then, Friday, a greeting to Nathan and Frank, and then, Sunday, the proposed tie. If it works the Leaderboard will read 1234567...8...8...8, instead of 8...9...10.
From posts on another site I gather that Nathan has had battery problems, and has not moved for a while.
Frank responded today, Sunday, by changing one of his emojis to a funny face, and then switching the emojis' order. So the triple 8 tie might just happen -- maybe by mid-week. I have seen two-way ties, but not yet a three-way tie on the Leaderboard. -
@blkwalnutgrwr a worthy challenge. Make sure to get a screenshot of that.
@blkwalnutgrwr Ah makes sense. I should have figured that out by the emoji!
Let us know when you make it happens :) -
Midway through the year, it's going quick!
Daystreak- Plus rider the_J_Wheel having recently only just touched the top 5 has dropped off and made way for chrisbehan to roll on up into #5.
- No updates on the V1. Last time we didn't see an update was back on week 47 last year!
- Only Plus updates here too, timmy formerly at #3 has unlinked their board, dropping off the top 10 and having everyone below jump up a place allowing grshelton to peak back in at #10. @blkwalnutgrwr shifts up to #7 from #10 while NJacobs drops down to #9. Did the legendary tripple8 come to fruition or might the new goal be a tripple 7?
Going to start using Firefox to log these entries, for whatever reason Chrome doesn't display half of them but Firefox does so next week you might see some emoji's popping up as they do in the app.
Hi @Lia -- FranKtheTanK passed on mutual docking at #8. Since, we have been leapfrogging, each racking up mileage. So, triple #7? Maybe, but probably not. Upward bound we are, though -- and at a brisk and quickly moving pace.
@blkwalnutgrwr It was a good challenge nonetheless. Keep racking up those numbers :)
@DaBehanwheel -- Is that you riding a Plus with 105 days at #5 on the Daystreak? Congratulations, if so! and nice to meet you. On my Plus I am down off that page at #11; Lidphones on the forum here also has a non-showing Daystreak on a Plus.
Eeeeey look I finally got the emoji's to show up. 20% cooler already!
Daystreak- It was too good to be true, nearly had the holy
trilogyquadrilogy of all 4 daystreaks frozen for a week. V1 rider WildChild drops off #5 leaving space for a Ballagio to re-enter the top 5.
- @blkwalnutgrwr is on a mission, climbing yet another spot now at #6 on the Plus with chickenZIGGY taking the former spot.
- Mekekgul has unlinked their board, dethroning themselves of #1 making Czech the current board with the longest distance covered showing on the list. This makes way for everyone to shift up a spot with hafid appearing at #10.
Little side note, while looking for another banner art I stumbled across OneWheelWing posing for a shot. Nice to see some familiar faces when digging through Google. Anyway turns out he did an interview back in May with a news site called WTOP regarding having the insane mileage he has clocked on the XR. Linky in case anyone wants to check it out.
Just thought I'd share ;)
- It was too good to be true, nearly had the holy
DDaBehanwheel @blkwalnutgrwr 8 July 2021, 18:20 UTC
@DaBehanwheel I would say welcome to the forum but you out-do me and quite a few others by a large margin.
Nonetheless pleasure to meet another leaderboard member here :) -
We did it, the Daystreak board has successfully been frozen for a week.
Well done to you all for keeping that streak up.
Daystreak- As mentioned there haven't been any changes in position across the daystreak boards however... @HanahsDax is approaching 1000 days very soon. Less than 3 weeks until the huge milestone has been reached!
- Looks like on the Pint Natztera has unlinked their board having everyone below move up except McFloaty and tire_sire who maintained their spots due to Ksway19 leaping ahead and trappedinanelevator jumping from off the board to #9.
- Not the one to sit around FranKtheTanK on their Plus moves up a spot, leaving chickenZIGGY to hold #8.
- Maksimmmmm makes a re-appearance to the top 10, re-syncing their board and taking up #2. This in turn has send everyone down a peg having us say goodbye to hafid again who only just got back on the top 10 last week. I'm sure we'll see them again soon.
Surprise! Seemingly materializing out of thin air we have a new name at the very tip-top of the Pint Leaderboard for mileage ranking: 'Bentleyja' with 13,581 miles on this Tuesday, July 13, 2021.
@blkwalnutgrwr - It’s a free leaderboard and all that, but it seems a little unsociable to just pop up there at the top without getting to greet everyone else along the way.
@hattifnatt -- I agree it is kind of a shock, a rider taking the top position by surprise. It is not me, I'm just the messenger/reporter.
@hattifnatt said in Watching Action on the Leaderboards:
... but it seems a little unsociable to just pop up there at the top without getting to greet everyone else along the way.
WORD! :)
It's a bit odd, could be a number of reasons for it like they only just setup an account or got the board second hand with that monstrous mileage on the clock (albeit unlikely).
Personally like to assume no ill intent but the idea of someone just utterly crushing the leaderboard without warning does make me giggle a little just from the absurdity alone.
@blkwalnutgrwr - I’d like to imagine that some random furry character without a smart phone has been killing it, and then someone be like “You go how far every day?!?” and they get them connected to the app, and then blammo.
But prolly not. 🤣
HHanahsDax @hattifnatt 14 July 2021, 21:26 UTC
@hattifnatt I got some suspicious screenshots a few months ago of a rider clocking 7 miles in 10 minutes on several occasions. I hope the “leaderboard” isn’t turning into a “cheater board.”
@HanahsDax - I’m close enough to the leaderboard now that I hope to make a quick Hello World at some point soon, so that extra entry at no. 1 has me recalIbrating slightly. 🙄 I don’t sweat the micro-glitches, though. Sometimes that’s all it is - just a glitch.
Hmmm... I do notice that 'bentleyja' has not ridden any miles at all in the three days since appearing at the top of the Pint mileage Leaderboard.
And gone again... 'bentleyja' is no longer on the Pint Leaderboard for mileage this morning.
@blkwalnutgrwr I tried name searching them in the app and google but found nothing yesterday :(
Very sus!
@Lia “bentleyja” was very prominent in mentions of Premier League football players’ cars in posts written in Croatian. Totes a clue? 🤣
Usually making these is bittersweet for me, marks the end of a weekend...
Daystreak- Jaxdashbolt has ended their streak after over 2 years of keeping it up. Big respect for anyone that makes it a year let alone 2. Everyone moves up and we see our newest member to the top 5 being Guvnor. I usually like to stay positive on these things and I'm biting my tongue a little with this but I do have to question that extremely low mileage for the course of the streak. I'll just leave it at that >.>
- Over on the Plus @DaBehanwheel has updated their name to goneFishin. Hope you're having fun~
- More Plus news, TiY has taken the top #1 spot, overtaking one of OnewheelJefe's boards. As @blkwalnutgrwr noted earlier in the week he's managed to seat hhimself inline with OnewheelJefe's other board, awaiting FranKtheTanK to join them at #5
- As is tradition the V1 leaderboard likes to move aroudn a lot. This week mekegul and @blkwalnutgrwr rejoin the top spots at #1 and #2 respectively. In doing so everyone shifts down having us wave goodbye to Buddy BINKO and kevinharpertime for the time being.
That's all for this week, got some other things to share in other threads but it's sooooo hot here in the UK right now and my brain is all melty. Might save it for tomorrow or much later.
Have you ever noticed that Egaenots currently #10 on the V1 mileage leaderboard is Stoneage spelled backwards?
And @Lia, is that Caleb Catron's Onewheel stance on this week's banner?
@blkwalnutgrwr You're good at spotting these, seem so obvious once you point it out.
As for the image I'm not entirely sure, I usually look through google images of new pics and see what might fit well in the banner. Sometimes I'll look for something specific and other times it'll be something eye catching.
The last one was this image which appears to be taken by Neonstain but I can't find a reference to who is actually in the shots.
@Lia said in Watching Action on the Leaderboards:
appears to be taken by Neonstain
So cool. These photos have some powerful storytelling! I really enjoyed spending some time with them this morning. Thanks for posting the link!
Thought it was Saturday today. I need power cycling...
Daystreak- Back to the V1 for our daystreak updates. Ballagio ends their streak at #5 again, in their place Alukth pops up.
- Pint rider McFloaty has been overtaken and bumped off the top10. Taking the #10 spot is AnguaOfStockholm.
- Back to the V1 again, andrew_mangel has edged ahead of, taking #5 from them.
Figured I'd start crediting the banner photo's in case anyone wants to know where they come from. This week's one was from San Diego Onewheel.
@Lia said in Watching Action on the Leaderboards:
This week's one was from San Diego Onewheel.
Hmmm ... Jesse's feet?
Edited to add: Where are you finding that the Leaderboard shows a banner photo?
@HorsePlay I usually just google "Onewheel" then in the tools option ask it to only show me images from at most 1 week ago. That way I lessen the chances of re-using the same image which I've nearly done a few times having done a few of these now :)
Oooooh! So you are creating that banner. Very cool. Thx!
(I was going slightly nuts wondering what app/webpage you were capturing that included the banner and the 4-column format. I couldn't find that layout anywhere ... lol.)
HHanahsDax 25 July 2021, 23:31 UTC
Congratulations @hattifnatt a.k.a. AngusOfStockholm on reaching the top 10 mileage leaderboard on a Pint. Nice work!
@HanahsDax Haha, thanks! I love my Pint and I’ve always admired the dedication of the people on the leaderboards, so it feels really cool to join the group.
Pint isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but I don’t have any kind of attitude - so I just keep on waving to little kids and old ladies wherever I ride, and just basically try to have a happy time whether I’m in the city, on country highways or forest trails. Float life. 🤙
HHanahsDax @Lia 30 July 2021, 15:15 UTC
@Lia Thanks, that was great! A couple days ago I decided to have onewheel_souvenirs create a tag for me. My intentions are to pass this tag on to the next rider who reaches 1000 days of riding in a row and have them pass it on to the next rider and so on. I can’t wait to see it in your hands one day.
@HanahsDax -- Impressive! Riding with verve, persistence and dedication! Congratulations!
@HanahsDax Congratulations on 1000! Time flew since your last milestone.
Hope that 1000th ride was as zen as I imagine it should be for such a monumentous achievement.Love the idea of a tag to pass around to the next rider. Wonder if @Future-Motion has something planned to give you to celebrate also. Regardless I've been secretly working on something to send back to you with the controller that you get to keep in celebration of 1000 days.
Any plans to celebrate the occasion? Very fitting it landed on a Friday ;)
HHanahsDax @Lia 30 July 2021, 20:57 UTC
@Lia That’s wonderful. Thanks again. No big plans just another day of riding.
The Leaderboard has been "inop" for me most of today. My hubby noticed it, too. We both went out to ride another mile at 9P local when the leaderboard came back ... but our miles didn't register. So ... I might lose my streak at 200 days. At least it is a nice number.
Anyone else notice leaderboard issues today?
EDITED TO ADD: Just found a comment from Lia on Reddit noting that FM's servers were down, service "spotty." Hoping it comes back up and resyncs correctly!
@Lia, thanks for putting a comment out there in today's livestream chat. :)
I can't believe how that finished ... what a day. What an exciting finish ... especially for those of us in San Diego! Wowza. -
@HorsePlay Don't think streaks will be lost thankfully :) Funnily enough the issue started around the time I was logging my streak, was there at the start and gone before I finished the ride.
Mine never updated before the midnight cutoff yesterday yet the streak still shows as it did before the deadline so I suspect the leaderboards are in a "Read-Only" state. I imagine they got the servers back up since I can see them again but for whatever reason they entered a safe mode to protect data and left it there to work on today or just missed it (which happens, I've been there lol)
RFTR was insane. I thought the women's was tense but the boys turned it up a level! Chat was lovely too, first time catching these live and I don't regret staying past 3am both nights to catch it lol.
@Lia said in Watching Action on the Leaderboards:
Mine never updated before the midnight cutoff yesterday yet the streak still shows as it did before the deadline so I suspect the leaderboards are in a "Read-Only" state. I imagine they got the servers back up since I can see them again but for whatever reason they entered a safe mode to protect data and left it there to work on today or just missed it (which happens, I've been there lol)
My poor hubby was so bent out of shape over the Leaderboard's behaviors yesterday and especially late last night. A couple of his comments were pretty cute ...
- "FM's IT is their Achilles Heel. It is time to make this robust and quit running it off Ted's laptop."
- "FM should be clustering their servers ... sure have some on US West Coast but, more importantly, put some in the UK and have @Lia manage them. She has the technical chops!"
@HorsePlay Awww I feel the pain, been there a few times. Loving the comments :)
I think there will be clustering on the server, it looks like it's hosted on an AWS server (Amazon). IP has been changing a few times, not sure if that's just load balancing or related to the work being carried out.
Would be an honour to be given access to the big "reboot" button but I'm happy being an end user xD
Got the stress of maintaining hosted telecoms for the dayjob and even then I'm not "senior engineer" (thankfully lol). -
Been a phenomenal amount of great things happen this week!
First of all a big congratulations to Tyler James and Zoe Thomas for winning this years Race For The Rail. Was an amazing set of races and well worth the watch with plenty of action.Moreover in case anyone missed it @HanahsDax finally made it to 1000 days of unbroken riding. Although not officially noticed by the leaderboards due to the XR falling victim to a hardware failure the V1 in all it's glory carried the torch... or rather Dax to that milestone.
Currently FM are experiencing server issues which has been ongoing for over 24 hours. Because of this today's info is technically yesterdays. Fingers crossed the resolve the freeze and everyone retains their positions.
- Billet float over on the XR has ended their streak not too far off 2 years. Guvnor moves into position #4 whilst 801WHEEL -sToker J takes #5. I'm assuming this is the same 801Wheel from the V1 streak.
- PASCH appears to have unlinked their XR allowing Fuser to jump up to #9 and Nguyen to make their way back into the top 10.
- Pint riders trappedinanelevator and Ksway19 have swapped places with Carl maintaining #8 in the middle of them.
- @blkwalnutgrwr and Frank maintain a joint #5 on the Plus whilst OnewheelJefe drops off the triple 5 club down to #7.
@Lia said in Watching Action on the Leaderboards:
First of all a big congratulations to Tyler James and Zoe Thomas for winning this years Race For The Rail. Was an amazing set of races and well worth the watch with plenty of action.
Indeed! Nail biting!
(A bit tense for me with the Men's run. I've been a Kyle/AJ fan since my earliest OneWheel research. Great vids!)
@HorsePlay That vid was really decent, makes me want to learn to do some tricks. I can barely ride switch or even reverse for long periods >.>
@Lia said in Watching Action on the Leaderboards:
makes me want to learn to do some tricks.
Not to hijack the Leaderboard thread ... but here is a vid with Kyle, Tyler and, I believe, Allison practicing tricks on the streets of downtown San Diego.
Edited to add: I love your banner for this week's graphic!
@HorsePlay No probs ;) It was a great vid! Had to sub since the content looks great!
Glad you liked it, thought I had to do them some justice.
Managed to pull their images from the little splashes FM put up during the stream. -
Done this one early, feel sleepy after a 50km ride to get my second vaccine.
Didn't want to accidentally doze off and miss it ;)
- Plus rider OneWheelMobShop has dropped off #2. Seandonn shows up at #5 after everyone moves up the list.
- More V1 updates, Phil Chéplus departs #3 which has Ballagio re-appear at #5
- Over on the Pint AngusOfStockholm leaps up the ranks going from #10 to #8, leaving Carl and Ksway19 behind.
Banner image is from Instagram user rideonexperience
You lot are really making me work for these weekly leaderboard updates ;)
- Just shy of 2 years chromianiec has ended their streak on the Pint. Hat's off to them for the lengthy streak, I only hope it was on their own terms since more and more of us are losing them for reasons out of our control.
- Plus rider seandonn has updated their name to gotafli. I would assume this means we won't see them up there next week. Hope they enjoy their flight.
- CarpetFace and Blue trade #7 and #6 over on the XR with Nguyen updating their name to ItsAFiesta.
- Fair bit of movement on the Pint. trappedinanelevator shifts up to #6 and Ksway19 rockets up to #8 having a few shuffle down a few places.
- OnewheelJefe unlinks one of their Plus boards having various riders move up with chi_gnar appear at #10.
- @blkwalnutgrwr unlinks their V1 from #2. Everyone below leaps up a rank with kevinharpertime re-appearing at #10.
Banner image is a snippet from FM's latest video "DIRT". Some gnarly tricks (and falls) in it, recommend giving it a watch.
Can I also say how happy I am to see the forum so lively recently.
Usually to update this post I just look at "recent" and click it from the top few results however I had to scroll for it this time. In the span of a week there were like 8 other active threads going which is really nice to see :) -
@Lia said in Watching Action on the Leaderboards:
Banner image is a snippet from FM's latest video "DIRT". Some gnarly tricks (and falls) in it, recommend giving it a watch.
Guessing these are Bodhi's feet?
Late... bleh Sunday slipped by me like it never existed. It was all a blur of waking late, soldering and research.
Hope everyone else had a much more stable and eventful weekend~ :D
Daystreak- Pretty much radio silence. Seandonn has changed their name back on the Plus.
- Pint rider Ole Douger has unlinked their board having everyone below #5 shift up a space. At #10 ScottxGRAY appears.
- @blkwalnutgrwr on a mission to run parallel with other riders on the list has matched i2aul at #4 as he climbs the ranks on the Plus.
- V1 riders FranKtheTanK and RogueStar unlink their boards too having everyone move up. Shea_nb out of nowhere leaps up to #7 while #10 is populated by Budday BINKO.
Banner image was of a Onewheel stack on an Orlando group ride. Pic taken by floatgangco (linky)
MMrV6 23 August 2021, 15:18 UTC
Well there wasn't much action at the top of the leaderboard...BUT...those #8 and down have moved up a spot. I still can't believe I missed turning on the app yesterday during my ride but after 615 days in a row and #7 on the board I woke up to the dreaded NO DAYSTREAK message. Damn. Anyway, for this 61 year old guy it was quite a run and I've already logged my ride to climb back today so...congratulations to all of the streakers on the boards and keep riding!
MMrV6 23 August 2021, 15:22 UTC
One last I just might change that Vega that I have...or maybe I'll go for the original tire mileage record. Still looks pretty decent after 4100 miles....
@MrV6 Oh no I know that pain. So close to where I lost mine too (650 days).
Sorry to hear it slipped by although good on you for picking up the torch and starting again. Like myself and a few others we're all keeping our own "unofficial" streaks alive so you're in good company :) -
Although it is not likely to interest anyone but me, at the moment FranKtheTanK is twelve miles away from a three-way tie with me and Jeffrey Gerred for fourth place on the Plus Leaderboard for mileage. To get a screenshot when it happens I plan to monitor the Leaderboard every half hour to detect movement, and once I see he is riding, then every few minutes until he is a mile or two out, then constant monitoring.
@blkwalnutgrwr I like the sound of this, hoping you manage to do it!
Trying to line things up sounds like a mighty task.
@Lia -- Unpredictable Frank in the past has stopped for a day a mile or so short of where I want him to be, then breezed past with the tie lasting only as long as it took to ride the mile. Maybe, however, he is accommodating to the idea of a triple mileage tie as 12 miles is one of his standard run.
Edit: Well, Frank rode 6 miles this morning in another of his regular runs -- possibly a commute. It means that I have to watch at closer time intervals to catch when he is moving again.
Edit again: Another 3 miles that Frank logged means that I might miss the tie when it comes unless I stay right on top of the phone.
@blkwalnutgrwr Sounds promising if he's left space for a normal run. Got my fingers crossed for you :)
Oh, so sorry to read of the restart, @MrV6 ! #7, That is so amazing! And 4100 miles on the original tire? Wow!
I can totally feel your disappointment on realizing that you'd forgotten to sync with the app. UGH! Glad you are already tracking your return towards the top ... isn't it fun for the first few months to see big number changes every day!?!
One moment FranKtheTanK is on the Leaderboard 3 miles back behind the two-way tie of me and Jeffrey Gerred, and the next moment I look and he is 11 miles ahead of us -- I am guessing that (perhaps aiming to avoid the three-way tie) Frank rode first, and afterward linked to the app. No screenshot thus available; I am glad I got one of the three-way tie at #5.
HHanahsDax @blkwalnutgrwr 25 August 2021, 23:51 UTC
@blkwalnutgrwr You had me watching all day long. Bummer. I guess 3 way tie for third?
@HanahsDax -- Mike at #3 is a thousand miles ahead and, like Frank and me too, loves to ride his Onewheel! It'll be months to even touch his shadow. I'll take a break for a few days now, work on my board, and then I'll push ahead back into the race.
Edit: Maybe with cooperation we could achieve a four-way tie at #2. There are about three thousand miles in which to arrange it.
@blkwalnutgrwr did you try reaching out to Frank via the cheesy PM/DM feature in the App? Very likely he is completely unaware.
@stinkyface -- I used my name space on the Leaderboard to communicate. Frank responded by changing the skull icon in his name space to a funnyface, then nixed my original suggestion of a three-way tie at #8 by bumping Nathan to #9 before I got there. Assuming the riders most likely to watch the Leaderboards are those on one, I am pretty sure Frank is more in favor of independent action than cooperative game play -- which is fine.
@blkwalnutgrwr clearly he is intimidated by your capability to deliver miles...
Bank holiday Monday tomorrow so
completelynearly forgot it was Sunday today.
- So it looks like seandonn and gotafli are actually 2 seperate riders on the Plus occupying the #5 spot. When they're not holding #5 I can't tell if they've lost the streak or just behind so I'll assume if they're not there then it's no longer going... just in case.
- Pint riders Ksway19 and SCOTTxGRAY have both jumped ahead a spot, taking #6 and #9 respectively while knocking David and Carl down to #7 and #10.
- As mentioned a earlier in the thread FranKtheTanK has moved on up having missed the 3x 4th place between himself, Jeffrey and @blkwalnutgrwr who now currently maintains #4 with Frank at #5 and Jeffrey now sitting on #6.
Banner image this week is from SUPrents. The full image looks like a great place to ride so I remommend taking a peak ;)
MMrV6 @HorsePlay 31 August 2021, 00:57 UTC
@HorsePlay Yes it is. Started at 7800 and have whittled it down to 722. I gave the tire a good look over and I think it'll be ready for the scrap heap around 4500 miles. I'm reasonably gentle on this thing and I do run stupid high tire pressure so there's that.
Nothing clever to say up here this week, I'm out of funny juice ;) You'll just have to put up with my ramblings instead.
- V1 rider BradMoh has ended their streak. Managed well over 100 days so it's a fair spot to take a rest especially as summer draws to a close (that hurt to type...). Up the ranks everyone goes as we see RetroLego appear at #5.
- Pint updates, damn you're all active recently. Natztera re-appears on the board at #3 as does Ole Douger sending a variety of riders down the ranks and knocking Scott and Carl off the top10. Angus during the turmoil overtakes David who now sits tentatively at #10.
- Plus rider chickenziggy unlinks their board causing therealmatatat to appear at #10 again.
- Little update over on the V1 with kevinharpertime taking #8 from EgaenotS.
Banner image was from this article posted earlier in the week from an online aircraft magazine. Cool to see other seemingly detached hobbies make a crossover every now and then.
Missed yesterday as I was out most of the day.
I did however snag screenies of the leaderboard yesterday so worked off that today to make sure it's valid still :)
Daystreak- Plus rider seandonn sweeps in and takes the #5 spot again having gotafli disappear again.
- RetroLego, having only been up on the V1 top 5 briefly has lost their streak with aruuhii2yo taking their spot.
- AngusOfStockholm overtook Ole Douger on the Pint, taking the #8 spot from them.
- FranKtheTanK relinked their V1, appearing back at #7 and sending Buddy Binko off the top 10.
Image is from a recent Burning Man event where Heather Feather can be seen carving on a folding chair mounted on a a very happy looking board.
@Lia said in Watching Action on the Leaderboards:
Image is from a recent Burning Man event where Heather Feather can be seen carving on a folding chair mounted on a a very happy looking board.
So I checked the linked article and cannot make out heads/tails of the photo's caption.
Quote: "Heather Feather has dun as she curses seated on a Onewheel at "Renegade" Burning Man in Black Rock Desert near Gerlach, Nev. on Sept. 4, 2021"Huh?
- "... has dun ..." ??
Is this supposed to be "... has fun ..."?? - "... as she curses seated ..."??
Is this supposed to be "... as she cruises seated ... "?
Is it just me? (Do I need another cuppa joe this morning?)
- "... has dun ..." ??
@HorsePlay You know what I read those while tired and they somehow made sense to me at the time. Reading them again I have no idea... Maybe whoever typed it was in the same sleep-deprived headspace lol.
@Lia I used to work as a copy editor. Now there are no copy editors anymore … and it shows. 😂 So lucky I got out of the business when I did and learned them multimedias.
@hattifnatt I'm terrible for obvious errors. I have a habit of cutting out segments of text I typed up then forgetting other bits relied on it to make sense.
Shame that profession has seemingly vanished, auto-correct is an awful replacement ;)
Been a bit offline again the past 2 weeks so sorry if I missed anything. Another very exhausting Sunday but I managed to plonk myself down at the desk.
Daystreak- For the Plus Seandonn and gotafli are continuing to fight for #5.
- aruuhii2yo over on the V1 has ended their streak having BradMoh take up #5.
- Some more shuffling around on the Pint side. Trappedinanelevator has taken #5 from i2aul whilst SCOTTxGRAY appears at #9 knocking David off the top10 and placing Ole Douger at #10.
- OnewheelJefe has unlinked their board so everyone shifts up with jrfent appearing at #10.
Struggled a little for a banner image this week so I found another from FM's Dirt video :)
On a separate note next week will be a years worth of me doing this.
Thanks @blkwalnutgrwr for letting me do this! If anyone else would like a go let me know, wouldn't want to keep anyone else from having a go if they want :) -
@Lia -- You do a great job! Thank you for watching the action on the leaderboards, posting the changes, and sharing commentary.
@Lia said in Watching Action on the Leaderboards:
On a separate note next week will be a years worth of me doing this.
@blkwalnutgrwr @HorsePlay <3
@Lia Thanks a million for doing this. I guess a lot of people hate on the stats and standings, but it’s just a harmless bit of fun to follow and comment on the happenings. I have always enjoyed this little project. :)))
Was making a thumbnail earlier and realised something kinda cool, if not for the issue back in January; tomorrow would be my 900th daystreak, alas it will officially be 250 days.
Didn't realise how fast that came up... barely finished making Dax's 1000th celebratory thingy.
On another note the 27th will be the 3rd birthday for my board as of opening it.
- 25th : 900 daystreak
- 26th : Reddit cake day
- 27th : Slushy's 3rd birthday
How cute that those all line up. If I'd have known sooner I might have planned something >.>
Decided to knock this one out early in case I clock out of today early due to my neck hurting a lot.
- The battle of the Plus's has ended with seandonn taking victory as gotafli ends their streak. GoneFishin has also ended their streak having Mikejdriver join the top5.
- Nothing this week ¯\_(ツ)__/¯
This weeks banner if from the Detroit Onewheel Facebook group ~
@Lia , Sorry to hear of your pain! A literal "pain in the neck," hmm? I hope you are able to determine the root cause and to straighten it out quickly (perhaps with some chiropractic help??).
My app, this morning, says, "No Daystreak." Hubby and I both noticed that yesterday's activity had not given us credit for the day ... but figured it would simply roll over as it had been doing in similar outages over recent weeks/months. We were riding in an area that had no cell coverage -- but were able to get rides recorded using GPS so we held the "usual hope." Nope; dreaded "No Daystreak."
Edited to add: Yesterday I was #44 with 257 days.
Edit #2: My hubby just checked his app ... same. No Daystreak.
@HorsePlay -- Now you get to watch your climb, again. Forty-four is pretty impressive on the XR Daystreak -- among the most dedicated riders, day in and day out.
@HorsePlay It's slowly going away, seems like mostly swelling left to let subside.
Sorry to hear both the streaks ended :( Keep an eye on it as it's possible there was a lapse in the database updating and may just need the fresh data to jog it. Happened to me a few months back and recovered after giving me the "No Daystreak" message for a day.
I managed to update mine earlier so maybe doing a ride now will give it the kick it needs?
HHanahsDax @HorsePlay 29 September 2021, 00:43 UTC
@HorsePlay Nice work to both of you on making it to the top 50, you guys can join a good group of riders keeping track of their own personal day streak records. Let us know when you guys hit 300 days!
@Lia said in Watching Action on the Leaderboards:
It's slowly going away, seems like mostly swelling left to let subside.
How are you feeling? How is your inner Ben today? ;-)
Edited to add an important question from the comments:
Mike in Tampa, "Laser, did you eat that cinnamon bun?" -
@HorsePlay said in Watching Action on the Leaderboards:
How are you feeling? How is your inner Ben today? ;-)
Now that is an inside joke! Been giggling for the past 5 minutes having just put that together xD
Made my day, thanks :)Did the streak recover in the end?
@Lia said in Watching Action on the Leaderboards:
Did the streak recover in the end?
No, sadly. So my return to standings looks like this:
Day 1: #7174
Day 2: #3189
Day 3: #2050 :(I've been writing FM back and forth but I don't think they are willing to help. Much of their help, so far, is "be sure to connect before midnight." They just aren't hearing that their server is playing an evil role in the storyline.
I'm riding daily ... but it isn't as fun looking at these large numbers! ;-)
@blkwalnutgrwr and @HanahsDax and @Lia: Thanks for your kind words of encouragement!! :)
@HorsePlay Sorry to hear that :(
Shame FM haven't helped out yet, I guess it's the tier 1 support where they have very little involvement outside of reading scripts. If you keep trying they should eventually escalate.
I know for some ISP's over here there are a magic set of words to get something raised. Usually along the lines of "I'm not happy with the service I am receiving" gets things moving ;) That being said it may not be applicable here since it's a product rather than a utility/service.Should be able to break out of the large numbers soon, if it's anything like when you first started the numbers thin out after a few weeks. Since winter is creeping up I imagine you'll jump into sub 100 around no more than 2-3 months :)
I'm kicking myself pretty hard right now because we cancelled a trip for Oct 1-8 because of not wanting to break our streaks. We can't fly with the boards and didn't want to drive cross country ... so we actually cancelled our intention (and reservations) to attend WDW's 50th Anniversary event. Ugh. (Assume I am hitting my head against a wall while chanting, "Stupid, stupid, stupid.")
@HorsePlay -- Oh girl!! True Onewheel dedication!
@blkwalnutgrwr said in Watching Action on the Leaderboards:
Oh girl!! True Onewheel dedication!
For the sake of full disclosure, it isn't so much dedication to the OneWheel -- but to my own success. (Let that sink in for a moment.)
If it weren't for the Leaderboard I would not have taken the board very seriously. I likely would have quit when it proved difficult for me. I would have been an "on again, off again" rider and not very competent. I would have remained afraid of the board rather than developing the feel, timing and understanding of the subtle communications that I've "earned" in my muscles, nervous system, balance, etc.
The Leaderboard, like my Apple Watch rings, was exactly the right motivation for me. It gave me reason to ride every day, to overcome weather conditions, messy ground conditions, get past the "blah, I don't feel like it" internal conditions, etc. I'm determined: Gotta close my rings every day and gotta get my mile.
So, I'm glad (oh, so glad!) for the streak that I had going. Yeah, if I'd known in advance that it would break in late Sept, I would have kept the WDW trip on our schedule. Oh, well. (I seem to be saying that often lately, "Oh, well.")
Thanks for letting me explore this thought! :)
Happy Sunday all, hope everyone is having fun :)
Daystreak- Only update this week, XR rider Onewheelwaiter has ended their streak after 2 years + of non stop commitment. Popping up a few weeks shy of 2 years MBD appears at #5.
- No updates here D:
Couldn't find an image to use on the banner for this week from the past 7 days so used my own for this one. Will look extra hard next week ;)
@Lia -- Slushy's banner is distinct, colorful, and personally involved!
@blkwalnutgrwr Aww thanks :)
Maybe for the next few I'll add in each of our boards for a change too ;) -
Day 11: I'm once again below 500! Currently showing #492 give or take through the day.
@HorsePlay Hope your streak has been refreshing and fun to keep track of. Broken past #300 or is that in sight?
- Bit more happening this week, Plus rider seandonn has left the top5 around a half year into their streak allowing Free to appear at #5.
- Alukth and Balligio have ended their streaks on the V1. In their place we see WildChild and aruuhii2yo re-appear at #4 and #5.
- Ole Douger gets overtaken by Pint rider McFloaty, taking #10 from them.
- Over on the Plus timmy has returned after nearly 3 months taking the #2 spot and knocking jrfent off #10.
As promised, showing some of our boards off in the banner.
This week it's @HanahsDax XR from this post :) -
Post(s) 309-322 are missing from the archive :(
Know where these posts are? Visit the new forum for how to help get them added :) -
@blkwalnutgrwr I have in my OW garage the following... Fully functional OW plus, OW Plus Zombie (no BMS), XR and Pint.
On the purchased used OW plus (was to be 100% functional). It has a controller issue (likely a bad capacitor, will be fixed soon). It would just power down if amps went above like 20, where a good controller can handle above 30 amps and keep spinning the tire. I switch out my zombie controller to the newer 100% (with BMS) board. It now behaves as expected. I captured screen video of the issue and planned to share a DIY diagnostic video (bad vs good).
I thought you would still be ahead of me on the streak... keep up the good work and hopefully others will slip out between us....
Made it to 9th in 30 days.... Seems that we have less steady OW Plus riders currently.
Was only awake 4 hours yesterday so saved the page to work on it today so I didn't miss anything.
Daystreak- Plus rider Repapits departs the top 5 as jameslinsangan takes the #5 spot.
- Over on the V1 aruuhii2yo and Ballagio end their streaks with WildChild and Andre Danforth returning at #4 and #5.
Banner image was yoinked from this web article.
Great fun watching the action on the new Pint X Leaderboards. Quite a bit of flux today for sure, and changes will likely continue, although it has settled down some. This morning there were several people on the Pint X mileage Leaderboard with zero miles! Some of the names are familiar.
@blkwalnutgrwr That's wild, I missed seeing that!
I only recognise Wren on there currently, any others on there you know of? -
@Lia said in Watching Action on the Leaderboards:
@blkwalnutgrwr That's wild, I missed seeing that!
I only recognise Wren on there currently, any others on there you know of?On the mileage Pint X board: Floaty McFly (Brenden Schurmeier) and Jeff McCosker - both of TFL and perhaps riding the same board? (Jeff posted a nice unboxing and first ride video on Thursday.)
I find it curious that the Pint X mileage board only has 9 entries. Were so few boards shipped for "day 1" arrival ... were so few boards ordered? Hmm. That seemed strange to me.
@HorsePlay Wow I was tired last night, didn't think to look at the mileage side. Seeing a few more familiar names now xD
As for only 9 being present it looks like that's because JoeBiden (giggling at the thought of Ol' POTUS floating) and Tyler Maus are sharing #7 currently. I do agree it's a bit odd to see such low numbers though. Would have expected a few floaters to be battling for the earlybird top entries before the extra committed floaters blazed ahead.
Yes I spent an hour modifying this. No I don't regret it ;)
Happy Halloween~
- Guvnor over on the XR has departed #3, at #5 we see Jaden TFK SPFF appear at nearly 600 days.
- Pint X having just been released this week shows some new faces. In order we have Djsheed, Dang Ol' Dave, Peter on a pint, Tannerite and Wheeler. Welcome to the leaderboards Pint X riders
- V1 see's some more activity,BradMoh and WildChild end their streaks having LeDewulf and Oneweelpapi appear at #4 and #5
- Likely to change over the next few weeks we have some fresh faces on the Pint X. In order currently is Peter on a pint, Tannerite, Wheeler, Joe Biden, Turlock OW Club, Djsheed, Floaty McFly, Slumdog209, Rockjsy and Bubbas33.
- Over to the normal OG Pint SCOTTxGRAY and AngusOfStockholm ( @hattifnatt ) have swapped place with Scott claiming #8.
Banner image is from FM's own web banner showing off the Pint, GT and Pint X.
Also the background with the cute ghosts is from here :) -
@Lia AngusOfStockholm here...
First, I LOVE that pumpkin you made. I have made three jack-o-lanterns myself this Halloween season, since I have a lot of extra time on my hands. "What's that? Extra time you say?" Yes, because I've blown some computery part on my Pint that I can't fix myself. I'm out of commission for now, and considering whether I should try to take my board with me for repair when I go to states-side around the holidays.
Boo! (Hoo.)
@hattifnatt Oh hiya, lemme update that, I'm terrible with remembering names D:
Totally need to see these pumpkins now :)What’s up with the Pint, giving any specific error?
@Lia - Oh, gosh. I’d be pretty happy if there were an error code. The fact is that I can measure a good charge on the battery with my multimeter right where it goes into the circuit board in the battery box, but the board is completely dark now whether or not it’s on the charger or if you press the power button. Just a whole lot of nothing. :(
@hattifnatt Huh, sounds like the BMS then if even the charger does nothing, what was the voltage off the pack when you measured and do you have pics of what the BMS looked like?
Love the pumpkins too, the faces are adorable~
Hey HanahsDax! Three years of daily riding! Well done! May there be many more to come!
HHanahsDax @blkwalnutgrwr 3 November 2021, 00:04 UTC
@blkwalnutgrwr Thanks, it’s been a fun journey. I’ve still got a couple badges to collect and some bucket list spots to ride.
This Sunday has just disappeared. I swear it was 5pm moments ago and here I am now... midnight D:
- Pint X is still updating rapidly, probably a month or so till the top5 settles for a bit. This week Djsheed and Dang Ol' Dave aren't up there with JeffCaldwell and Turlock OW Club making an appearance.
- Mikejdriverover on the Plus has ended their streak. FilthyMcNasty takes the opportunity to show up at #5 with over 100 days under their belt.
- Just the one V1 rider ending their streak this week. Onewheelpapi departs giving their spot to WildChild who makes a repeat appearance.
- ItsAFiestaXR808 finds time to overtake fuser, taking #9 on their way up the chart for the XR.
- Pint X... is a free for all. I don't know where to begin with this, I had to increase my chart length...
Hisdudeness420 steamrolls up to #1 knocking Peter on a pint down to #2. Turlock OW Club manages to gain 2 places as they take up #3 whilst #4 see's the departure of Joe Biden in place of Logang. Tannerite falls down to #5 with Djsheed and Floaty McFly getting knocked off #6. Slumdog209 zooms on over to #6 with narrowly behind at #7. Wheeler slips down to #8 whilst the_trafhaus [DMV] rolls on up into #9. #10 formerly held by Bubbas33 is now occupied by Rockisy who dropped down a place.
Banner image this week was pulled from The Gadget Flow.
@Lia said in Watching Action on the Leaderboards:
This Sunday has just disappeared. I swear it was 5pm moments ago and here I am now... midnight D:
Yeah -- it went fast here, too! Pretty typical for the fall time change. Hubby and I were out riding our boards when I asked for a turn around at 3p. Eeek! I had only another hour until sunset (!) and had to get home to start the evening feed cycle (horses). Wow, so few hours of daylight.
@HorsePlay said in Watching Action on the Leaderboards:
I had only another hour until sunset (!) and had to get home to start the evening feed cycle (horses).
who'd you feed the horses to?
PintX is shuffling around a lot. The GT launch coupled with this is gonna be insane for these updates... RIP me lol.
If I was smart enough I'd automate this... but then where would the passion be right?
- PintX updates. Okay so... Peter on a pint drops off #1 and instead Turlock OW Club takes the place whilst JeffCaldwell falls off #4 with Slumdog209 and Rzar take up #4 and #5.
- V1 riders Andre Danforth and LeDewulf depart #3 and #4. WildChild, Bergie40 and asaptamale roll up and take #3, #4 and #5.
- XR rider CaptainBuddy changed their name to Dennis the Menace whilst fuser and ItsAFiestaXR808 trade #9 and #10 again.
- PintX riders... can y'all chill for a hot second I had to extend the board again lol. Logang #4, Slumdog208 #6, #7, Wheeler #8 and Rockjsy #10 all drop off the top 10. Turlock OW Club rolls up to #2 while Peter on a pint slips down to #3. JazzTheTenisBaller and VESCdreamerX DFW climb up to #4 and #5 with ShawnHart, Trafhaus [DMV] taking #6 and #7. Bmore Opal_not_oval and Chitm48 roll into #8 and #9 with Tannerite dropping down to #10.
- EgaenotS over on the V1 gets knocked off the top 10 as Budday BINKO takes the spot.
This weeks banner image is from e-surfer.
@Lia -- Fast and furious, the Pint X action!
@HanahsDax -- Nice round, even number today on your V1 Daystreak: One thousand miles! And getting very close to the three hundred sixty-five days, one year mark in this streak!
This post is deleted! -
@Lia said in Watching Action on the Leaderboards:
If I was smart enough I'd automate this... but then where would the passion be right?
starts with an algorithm. do u have one already? if so ur practically there. describe the algorithm.
@NotSure Nah I kinda like doing it manually :)
@Lia said in Watching Action on the Leaderboards:
@NotSure Nah I kinda like doing it manually :)
lol ur the boss! i too would choose to automate the somewhat mind numbing stuff like tracking ids or even assembling core summaries, and just focus on the creative parts.
i often begin with just a basic list of procedures and the necessary variables written down in a text file. A recipe like any other. if ur just screenshotting stuff from ur phone, then ur gonna need a bigger boat lol.
Last of the leaves on the tree I see from my kitchen window fell today. Truly is Autumn now D:
- PintX updates again, seems to be settling with only a few sharing the top streaks. Tannerite shifts up to #2 with Wheeler slipping to #3. Slumdog209 and Rzar drop off the top 5 and are replaced by JaredHirst and BuddahMonk.
- V1 see's HanahsDax tick by 1111 days total streaking. WildChild, Bargie40 and asaptamale drop off the top 5 having ROBOEI, Streetfloating808 and aruuhii2yo take up #3, #4 and #5.
- More PintX updates, like the Daystreak the gaps between positions is widening so updates should thin out. However... not this week. Hisdudeness420 drops off the entire list from #1 allowing Onewheelinmf to take the spot followed by JazzTheTenisBaller. Peter on a pint departs the list from #3 with Chitm48 taking the spot. Next in line is PintQueenDC at #4 with Turlock slipping down to #5. Trafhaus leaves the leaderboard giving #7 to Wbowser whilst VESCdreamer and opal_not_oval drop into #8 and #9. Lastly Tannerite is knocked off #10 as STUNNA overtakes them and claims the spot.
- For the Pint McFloaty gets bumped off the top 10 by 0newheelRider .eu
- Likewise Plus rider therealmatat gets passed by jkhc claiming #10 from them.
- V1 rider mikeflynn8 unlinks their board having everyone below #4 move up with hafid making a return to the top10
This weeks banner image is from CanyonLakeAdventures however the site isn't loading atm so here is the extremely pretty image.
@lia said in Watching Action on the Leaderboards:
Last of the leaves on the tree I see from my kitchen window fell today. Truly is Autumn now D:
I'm seriously considering moving for the next 3 months lol.
@notsure Don't blame you.
Ngl I've been considering moving to the US for the past year or so. A warmer state for sure since I envy not needing to check the weather for what I plan to do on an hourly basis xD
@lia said in Watching Action on the Leaderboards:
@notsure Don't blame you.
Ngl I've been considering moving to the US for the past year or so. A warmer state for sure since I envy not needing to check the weather for what I plan to do on an hourly basis xD
do it!
HHanahsDax 25 November 2021, 02:00 UTC
A lap around the Sun a couple days ago on the V1. -
@hanahsdax , That is so lovely! Congratulations!
@hanahsdax Another dub to add to the collection!
How long has it been since we've had a 1Y up on the V1 charts? -
Snowed here, not much but enough to have me consider how I rode today.
- Pint X riders Wheeler and BuddahMonk leave the top 5 this week. JaredHirst and NurxglsMyHero take up #3 and #4 while Rzar reappears at #5. We're a month in from launch and curious how long we'll see those top spots remain as is.
- Over on the Pint Bslaw falls off #4 allowing Jenna and Tdawgthegreat slip into #4 and #5.
- ROBOEI and aruuhii2yo depart the V1 leaderboard this week. Streetfloating and FinnRides roll up into #3 and #4 with Bmassmann taking #5.
- Blue unlinks their XR having Dennis the Menace, fuser, ItsAFiesta and Eponyx move up to #7 through to #10.
- PintX, hmmm only 2 names leave the list, thos being VESCdreamerX and STUNNA. B parks shoots all the way up to #1 as PintQueen makes her way to #3. Chitm48 and Onewheelinmf drop to #4 and #5 with opal_not_oval hot on their tails climbing to #6. Turlock slips down to #7 with nurxglsMyHero climbing to #8. ShawnHart and Wbowser find themselves close to the danger zone dropping to #9 and #10.
- Cameron-fuego links their Pint up again taking up #6 causing everyone below to drop down a peg with 0newheelRider .eu dropping off the top 10.
- V1 rider hafid finds themselves being overtaken and removed from #10 by chase.
This weeks utterly stunning image is by Christopher Meyer over on Bookface.
Like... seriously go look at the full version it's amazing! Give them some love~ (from me too, I don't have FB)
December has snuck up on me, 2 and a bit weeks till Crimbo already???
- BUHLL, after a lengthy streak nearly 900 days long has ended it on their XR, relinquishing the #2 spot. Appearing at #5 is Mark3T with 627 days. Bar to entry sure has gotten high!
- PintX rider Rzar sped past JaredHirst and nurxgIsMyHero cleaiming #3
- V1 riders FinnRides and Bmassmann drop off #4 and #5. Taking their places is W bay and Hairmoss.
- Settled down a bit more this week now that their's nearly a 100% difference between #1 and #10 for the PintX riders. JazzTheTenisBaller and PintQueenDC zip on past claiming #1 and #2 whilst B Parks drops to #3. STUNNA makes a return as they claim #10 from wbowser.
- Pint see's just the single change this week as Ksway19 pinches #7 from Hani B.
- A few Plus updates this time. MdubM jumps up a spot, taking #2 from timmy whilst Jeffrey Gerred unlinks their board. Everyone below #6 moved up a spot except grshelton who kept #8. therealmatatat makes a comeback too by appearing once again at #10. @blkwalnutgrwr updates their name too due to a tumble recently. Hoping for a speedy recovery so you can be out floating again soon <3
This weeks banner image is courtesy of 2 Redditers who posted the same image of their recent group float.
DesertPunk86 and Know0neSpecial 's posts :) -
@lia said in Watching Action on the Leaderboards:
With 1005 miles, this PintX is already beyond warranty! Wowza -- that is a whole lotta riding in a short time.
@horseplay Oh wow yeah you're right! Barely past a month and they've surpassed the warranty.