Plastic OW Toy....
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Bbraswell @rue1013 15 January 2016, 00:00 UTC
@rue1013 I think these were a holiday gift/ employee gift at one point
I hope my newly repaired OW that just arrived today has it!
Cant wait till I'm home already to rideeeeeee
What is this? A Onewheel for ants?!
@rue1013 Sorry for the delays we been having. We been working hard to soon make them a story of the past. Hopefully the mini Onewheel surprise makes you forget about the waiting!
-Julian -
Bbraswell 15 January 2016, 01:30 UTC
ahhh! ^^^
@braswell I know Right, My friend billy told me they don't Exist but I told him YES THEY DO!!
@rue1013 does it roll?
Yeah, but had 20 psi when i got it which seemed a lil firm...rolls much better at around but it does roll.
@rue1013 hahahahhaaa
I also got a small OneWheel a long time ago which they sent me for christmas, so awesome!
CCasey_S 15 January 2016, 08:24 UTC
Heh. This prompted me to open the box for the fender I received a few days ago, lo and behold there it was.
Slightly used, $1500. Good chance to skip the line.
I'm OW toy with the fender I received.... WHY???
Bbraswell 15 January 2016, 09:30 UTC
Maybe they're just trying to compete with @njcustom hehe ;)
@braswell hahahaa I was thinking that too :)
@braswell Ha Ha HA ... Right.
Sscalthom 16 January 2016, 04:29 UTC
So the people only waiting 4-6 weeks get a bonus gift for their wait time, yet the people that waited 12-13 weeks were given nothing but lies (told 4-6 wait time when ordered)? Way to go Future Motion!
@scalthom Ha HA.... I Don't think so. This is an up and coming company Expanding at an incredible rate with such a high demand constraining their supplies. They are doing there best within what they have. I think it's great that random People are getting these mini Onewheels. @future-motion Keep up the great work!!
RRyan_Sp @scalthom 16 January 2016, 21:53 UTC
This post is deleted! -
CCasey_S 16 January 2016, 21:56 UTC
@scalthom wrong-o. I received my onewheel after 10 weeks, and oddly enough the fender separately after 12 despite ordering them at once.
I haven't even received my order yet and I feel this strongly about the product and company. I can't wait to ride.
I got my fingerboard today! It came along with my fender! Thanks guys!
Sscalthom 19 January 2016, 20:25 UTC
Just saying.... Bad business management
My fender came yesterday and after reading this thread I tore open the box looking for the little toy and sure enough it was there. I haven't done anything with the fender (I bought one of the magnetic ones from @njcustom and I love that), but I was SUPER excited for the little plastic toy! It's the little things in life I guess.
Llaurentdiving 21 January 2016, 08:26 UTC
Hi guys, love my onewheel and ll like to get a plastic one, is there any chance to get the 3D model file to print it at home??
@njcustom had to one up us did you?.....nah, but that custom finger OW is rad!! nice work sir!!
@rue1013 hahahaa thanks