Security and Anti-Theft Features.

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  • b0ardski @Glyph 29 August 2020, 16:20 UTC

    @Glyph said in Security and Anti-Theft Features.:

    @Lia Some of it's preference, for sure, but here's the way I conceptualize it.

    Delirium: Torquier at the low-end, quickly and aggressively (and this is what "aggressive" means in this context - "sharply") corrects the board back to level when it dips down. This is what makes it so good for offroad applications, it keeps the deck more level and easier to stand on, and the extra torque is there for sand-slippage, root-climbing, etc. This is also why it eats more battery. I suspect Delirium may be slightly less prone to nosedives at lower speeds due to this torque.

    Mission - less torquey, brings the board back to level more slowly and gently (giving it that floaty loose feel and allowing the rider more control on how quickly to level out). Makes it harder to stay atop on rough ground, but eats less battery. I suspect Mission may be slightly less prone to nosedives at higher speeds, because it has a little more power headroom left over to accelerate and get the board back under the rider if the nose dips down too far.

    with custom I can get delerium response but tone down the jumpiness,
    or mission surfiness with a bit more acceleration

  • G
    Glyph @b0ardski 31 August 2020, 14:49 UTC

    @b0ardski - I definitely spent some time playing around with Custom trying to find something that had the best characteristics of Mission & Delirium all in one package. But I could never really find a happy medium (the aggressiveness & carviness settings kind of work against one another) and just went back to Mission for pavement, and Delirium for off-road.

    I just wish I could switch between them on the go, ideally with a voice command.

  • b0ardski @Glyph 31 August 2020, 15:50 UTC

    @Glyph stopping to reset parameters makes sense to me but an on the fly toggle would be cool. I also like custom for switch practice, (+3 -0- +7)very mission like but I like it better flat. my plaid mode (+5 +3- +11) feels like delirium with less jumpiness and trail mode(+4 +2 +10) for slower single track, I just like to tinker

  • Swinefeaster 1 September 2020, 17:29 UTC

    i wish there was a way to have the charger mount inside the onewheel, so i wouldn't have to carry a backpack around, just spool out a cable and plug it in at coffee shop. of course this would add some weight, but maybe some kind of optional add on mount.

  • Lia @Swinefeaster 1 September 2020, 20:01 UTC

    @Swinefeaster Would be cool but I imagine having a live circuit within the board which spends it's time in the elements could lead to some issues. They'd need to really seal up that port and definitely have an earth connection to the frame in the event of a fault. Could totally be done though as it's been done on other kit too but probably not going to happen :(

  • Swinefeaster @Lia 1 September 2020, 21:21 UTC

    @Lia yeah, though i guess you could just NOT have it always plugged into the port. just have an adapter + cable spool kit that was mounted to the wheel like the mag handle, just on the other side. when you wanna charge, you just pull out the cord, plug one end into the board, and the other end into a wall socket.

  • Lia @Swinefeaster 1 September 2020, 22:41 UTC

    @Swinefeaster Oh nvm I'm dumb, I thought you meant in a future version they build the brick into the board with an AC in port somewhere.

    Your idea sounds reasonable, if your fender looks anything like mine strapping the brick to it wouldn't look too out of place with all the other clutter on mine currently.

  • Swinefeaster @Lia 2 September 2020, 01:28 UTC

    @Lia i'm learning curb nudges and rolling the board a lot, so i don't think i'll be strapping anything to my fender anytime soon. hell i guess i could put the brick in my pocket, though it make make my pants slide off if i'm not careful. i am getting the hyper charger soon... wonder if it's the same size.

  • b0ardski 2 September 2020, 02:53 UTC

    the hypercharger is big, it will not fit in my cargo pocket where the regular charger does, and at least a pound heavier

  • Swinefeaster @b0ardski 2 September 2020, 05:44 UTC

    @b0ardski damn there goes that dream

    i wish you could just plug it into a tesla charger

  • Swinefeaster @Glyph 9 September 2020, 18:17 UTC

    @Glyph said in Security and Anti-Theft Features.:

    r speeds, and I constantly sw

    ok i totally take it back. got my own xr today and i am happiest in a custom setting between delirium and mission... especially with the hoosier tf2

  • G
    Glyph @Swinefeaster 9 September 2020, 19:30 UTC

    @Swinefeaster - Enjoy your XR! A word of warning on the FFT2 - above 20 PSI, it gets dangerously squirrelly on pavement, with unpredictable response when turning and carving (it's fine offroad, but on pavement it tends to catch the ridged edge between tread and sidewall). At about 18 PSI, it's perfectly rideable on pavement.

  • OneDan+ @Glyph 9 September 2020, 20:11 UTC

    @Glyph @Swinefeaster yeah, I run mine around 16/17 psi . . . just squirrely enough!

  • G
    Glyph @OneDan+ 9 September 2020, 20:29 UTC

    @OneDan - I'm used to running a pretty high PSI - I used to run my Whisper at 27 (now 25) and I tried everything between 20-29 on the FFT2 but never felt safe on pavement. I kind of hated the tire for that reason and badmouthed it a lot on the subreddit. Finally I read a ShreddLabs review where they noted the tire's squirrelliness and why, and said that dropping down 2-3 pounds from 20 helped smooth those eccentricities out. I tried it and at 17-18 it's perfectly fine.

  • Swinefeaster 9 September 2020, 21:23 UTC

    hmmm i know what you mean about the edge, but so far it's not been an issue for me. i'll report back after a few days. 17psi on pavement just felt too "sticky", like when i'm riding my mtb on pavement with really low psi.

  • Swinefeaster 11 September 2020, 15:38 UTC

    seems 19psi is the happy setting for me on the fft2.

    have you guys tried "shaping" the tire to get rid of the edge? there's videos on it by ff, but i guess it would probably decrease it's lifespan since you are effectively removing rubber.

    (sorry i know i'm totally derailing this thread)

  • G
    Glyph @Swinefeaster 11 September 2020, 20:44 UTC

    @Swinefeaster I think 19 is fine too, but go past 20 and it gets dodgy to me.

    I wouldn't remove that edge though, because it really bites into dirt, that's why the tire works so well offroad.

  • hattifnatt 12 September 2020, 14:42 UTC

    I mean, let's not overthink this.

    Why not a physical key to turn where the button is now?

    Or how about a small hole straight through somewhere, basically just big enough to accommodate a kryptonite-style lock through the board?

  • NotSure @Ali_on_a_wheel 30 December 2020, 22:21 UTC

    @Ali_on_a_wheel @Future-Motion I'm bumping this thread cuz I think it's important. I hope FM reads this thread and takes it seriously. I think the passcode is a great idea and relatively cost effective to implement considering it likely only requires a firmware update and some additional UI elements in the mobile app. I write software and would be happy to provide the necessary feedback if the FM team isn't up to the task themselves. Frankly I'd be deeply surprised it it weren't already being discussed or in active development by now. Lowjack or some other gps feature would be great, but ultimately requires some reengineering of the hardware, which would likely be unappealing to FM at this point. I've got a Tile installed on mine, but that's not at all a fool proof solution.

  • R
    Ramphex 5 January 2021, 22:03 UTC

    I think I asked for this feature about a year ago. Considering that the last announcement in the announcement section has been over 2 years ago.... and there has not been a firmware update since.... I can safely consider this project as dead.

    Granted I still ride my pint almost daily.

    My Segway Ninebot scooter has a lock in the app, if you swipe to lock.... it’ll prevent anyone from riding the scooter and lock the wheel to prevent people from rolling it. Is it a 100% prevention from it being jacked? No. Nothing is. But it’s a huge step in the right direction.