Trying not to be rude
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always get those same questions
did you make that? yes, i am a super genius engineer with a fully operational machine shop and infinite resources... people simply have no faith in capitalism.
is it motorized? now i'm no mathmagician but given the laws of say, physics; how exactly would it work without a motor? like as if a non motorized version of the onewheel worked but no one had ever thought to put a wheel in the middle of a board before.
is it hard to balance? actually a legit question; this one doesn't really bug me
how much does it cost? i always say too much but they're gonna get cheaper as they move into mass prodocution.
My favorite answer to the "How much does it cost" question is "More than I wanted to pay, but less than it's worth."
@lynnpreston stealing your how much response!
"How does it work, does it have a motor?" My response since I was annoyed with these rude people already, "Yes, it has a motor. I'm not Harry Potter and have magic to make boards float."
Think that's the only times it has bugged me so far, besides an SUV almost hitting me because they were trying to figure out what I was on.
TTwangechogain 10 July 2015, 11:25 UTC
I totally empathize. Before I got my Onewheel, my wife warned me about the fact that I'll be the center of attention when riding around and will not be left alone. I don't think I've ever been out for a ride during the day and not been asked at least one question (in addition to all the stares and people taking pics and vids on their phones). The worst thing is knowing that if you wipe-out, there will be at least a handful of people that will have seen it happen.
When I'm feeling less social, I wear sunglasses and put my earbuds in (even if I'm not listening to anything).
The most common questions I get:
- Is that electric/is there a motor in that?
- Did you make it?
- How much is it?
- Where can I get one?
Also, very common for people to say to me: "I've seen quite a few of those single-wheel motorized unicycles around, but I've never seen one of those." This is likely because the self-balancing unicycles are getting popular here in London.
I REALLY hope that Onewheels become more popular over here so that I can become anonymous again when out in public.
Im going to carry around personal business cards ( Furniture store) and hand them out to anyone that stops to ask me questions.
This just became a business expense. -
I do that with my business as well (SkateFirst, LLC) I also hand out stickers and sometimes a T-Shirt or two.
My favorite bystander question so far was from a group of small kids who asked their adult-in-charge to ask if I was standing on "solar panels". Re: handing out cards, if people want it, they will find it. On the other hand, right now everyone who owns a OneWheel represents the OneWheel, so let's do a good job of that, people! Look sharp, be nice.
- Did you make that?
- Is it electric?
- Where did you get it?
- How much does it cost? (usually they faint when told)
Rarely: Is it solar powered? (Does solar=magic for these people?)
Very rarely: Can I try it? (Yes, you need to sign this injury/death waiver and put down a $1500 deposit against damage) -
TTim 16 August 2015, 17:51 UTC
Haha! Yeah, a lot do ask if I made it. It usually goes,
What is that called?
How does it work?
Where did you get it? -
AAndrew 16 August 2015, 18:04 UTC
Forgot one. Question I got today:
Is that the hoverboard from San Francisco?
Particularly impressed how he was specific as to the city of origin of the hoverboard - so I wouldn't get confused and think he was referring to the other hoverboard out of Sacramento. Umm no dude, see that big black tire touching the ground there in the middle? There's a distinct lack of "hovering" which one would assume is a prerequisite for something to be a "hoverboard".
Also hoverboards, aren't real. Riding on copper or other conductive surfaces does not count as I was on concrete at the time.
@Andrew you can always say that it is a hover board, but you have to have a tire touching the ground so that you don't just glide off the side of the sidewalk and you can maintain a straight path.
Wwillcapellaro 17 September 2015, 12:46 UTC
Someone needs to make a shirt with all the answers and we can just point to the correct response. Maybe it should have a pocket for business cards.
@willcapellaro @Future-Motion ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ great shirt idea.
+1 on shirt idea :+1:
SSkateFirst.SamT 22 September 2015, 19:44 UTC
provided no one at FM tries to sue me, (good luck (no offence)) I can make shirts with he questions on one side and answers on the other side with out showing the onewheel name or logo anywhere and offer them at a cheap price on the facebook page. free publicity for One Wheel as well
Llardnicus 23 September 2015, 00:34 UTC
I don't think you'll be giving the right impression wearing that... people will give you a wide berth :)
Wwillcapellaro 23 September 2015, 14:37 UTC
Snarky Answers?
- Yes, I totally made this.
- It's powered by Magic.
- Only the pure of heart can balance on it.
- I traded it for a can of soup.
Maybe multiple choice with real answers upside down?
These or other joke answers on front/real on back.Not sure if I'd wear it—might attract people to me. What will drive people away?
AAndrew @willcapellaro 23 September 2015, 14:38 UTC
@willcapellaro said:
- Only the pure of heart can balance on it.
Best answer ever!
Wwillcapellaro 23 September 2015, 14:47 UTC
We need to get a cartoonist to make us a Onewheel character that can be talking!
Ive found the cleanest way to describe it is by saying "it's an electric skateboard, with one wheel"