Welcome to the Onewheel forum!

  • Motivated by the desire to make the world an awesome-er place and the belief in a beautiful riding experience, we have worked tirelessly to bring Onewheel to the world. It is an honor and a privilege to share Onewheel, and all the stoke and smiles it brings, with you!

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    The Onewheel forum is intended for your convienence and pleasure. Join the community of riders to discuss all facets of Onewheel life including important topics including but not limited to, whether trail riding or beach riding is better, how to best describe the smoothness of Onewheel's ride, your dream Digital Shaping setting or what a group of 3 or more Onewheel riders should be called.

    The rules of engagement for this forum are simple: Treat people with respect and remember that it's all about having fun!

    Onelove, Onewheel

  • Hey Onewheelers, you guys flat out rock. It’s so awesome to see/hear/feel the excitement and love you have for your boards on this forum and amazing to watch as this community continues to grow, galvanize. Really good stuff…

    Because you are our the driving force behind Onewheel and continue to inspire us to work ridiculously long days, we’ve decided to give you guys a sneak peak on our most recent project.

    Gone are the days of soggy socks and soaked shoes. Say goodbye to those pesky pebbles bouncing around your footpads. Never again shy away from a messy line. Tomorrow we will drop the new pant protecting, water swatter, mud muting, bat mobile inspired Onewheel Fender!


  • Hey Onewheelers, you may have noticed we have a brand spanking new webstore! You may have also noticed that it includes some some new goodies like the game-changing, never worry about splatter again, pant protecting fender, extra durable bumpers, sweeeeeeet Onewheel T's, and fresh Canadian Maple Footpads!!! You will also find a couple tune up options available to give your board a refresh.These packages include a 17 point inspection of your board in order to make sure you're riding your best and new hardware installation like bumpers, footpads and tires to make sure your board has the looks to match. Enjoy!!