20 mph top speed?
After riding everyday for about a month you want to go even faster :smile:
I'd gladly give up some range for a 20mph top speed since I usually only ride about 2.5 miles for my daily commute. -
I've hit 21mph on gps :)
@njcustom: how are you doing this? just constantly and carefully fight pushback?
@cr4p said:
@njcustom: how are you doing this? just constantly and carefully fight pushback?
I'm too afraid of nosediving to fight pushback continuously. I wanna hit 20mph while in the safety zone, lol
I agree. I heard from future motion the next firmware update will have a new riding mode.. No pushback if I remember correctly..
@njcustom That'll be interesting. When the nose touches the ground, you'll know you're going too fast.
@thegreck said:
@njcustom That'll be interesting. When the nose touches the ground, you'll know you're going too fast.
I personally hate the pushback and think it's a little dangerous..
@njcustom You could be totally right. I'd love to try out a setting with no pushback, and just pay attention to the sound of the motor to judge my speed. For me, it's always hard to tell if I'm getting pushback, or if I'm just naturally being pushed back due to acceleration, and I hate constantly trying to figure out "Was that pushback? Wait, no... was that pushback?"
I've even found that when I'm centered on the board, that I can go nose-down without crashing... I just bring it back up again (this only works on asphalt, not dirt or grass), so I think no pushback would likely be the setting I'd use, too... as long as it still pushed back when the battery was dying.
@thegreck said:
@njcustom You could be totally right. I'd love to try out a setting with no pushback, and just pay attention to the sound of the motor to judge my speed. For me, it's always hard to tell if I'm getting pushback, or if I'm just naturally being pushed back due to acceleration, and I hate constantly trying to figure out "Was that pushback? Wait, no... was that pushback?"
I've even found that when I'm centered on the board, that I can go nose-down without crashing... I just bring it back up again (this only works on asphalt, not dirt or grass), so I think no pushback would likely be the setting I'd use, too... as long as it still pushed back when the battery was dying.
I always feel the pushback.. If you gradually pick up speed you will feel your front knee start to bend.. It drives me crazy because I like to ride rigid.. I have a good feel for the speed so the pushback is completely unnecessary for me
Yeah, definitely need pushback when the battery is dead..
@njcustom That's what I was referring to, but that's not pushback, it's just how self-balancing devices work: You attempt to tip the board, it stays level by moving in that direction, causing your weight to shift back, tilting the nose up. The result is the board stays level and you move forward. The more you try to tilt the board, the faster it has to move in that direction to offset your weight and the more upward push you feel on the front of the board.
Pushback is when the wheel speeds up to the point that the nose lifts up HIGHER than the tail, to alert you to slow down.
The problem is, if your balance is good (as yours is, and mine is getting there) it's really tough to distinguish between the two. So if there was no pushback, we could just listen to the sound of the motor, judge our own speed, and RIDE. And kinda hope for the best, haha.
What I think I'm experiencing is a drop in average speed after hitting the pushback zone. I figure a top speed of 20mph would allow me to travel at 15mph on average. Most people who have hit the 15-20mph zone seem to only maintain it for very short sprints. I've created a thread to post your travel stats so we can find the best way to maximize our averages:
Can't wait to try this Full Manual Mode :) or what ever they call it. No push back, could be tuff, I like the Idea. So basicly if you wanna push it to the limit, there you have it.
TT-CAT 24 February 2016, 23:49 UTC
I'm all down for more speed, ha-ha, but without pushback, you don't exactly know when you are reaching the upper speed limits of the board before you get thrown off....no?
@T-CAT I don't know about others but the times I've sped through the push back the board made a pretty distinct noise during the process. Like a higher pitch hum or whine I guess you could say. It reminds me a lot of the delorean accelerating in back to the future. The wobbles and either run out or faceplant came pretty soon after.
TT-CAT @SC720 25 February 2016, 00:23 UTC
@SC720 I completely agree. Today I experienced that. I had my Apple Watch on to judge the speed from time to time, which has been fantastic (and it's nice to have something to easily determine battery life at an instance). As I pushed past 13mph it began to experience instability of the board and the wobbles, let alone a titled nose-up board attitude. For now, 12mph is my limit on Extreme, as it still feels in control and below the threshold, yet fast enough to carve and travel places relatively quickly. In the future, I'd love to see the top speed improve to 20mph for sure, but I'd like to see some other safety features set in place before them doing so. Falling at 20mph is no walk in the park on asphalt, LOL.
@thegreck said:
@njcustom That's what I was referring to, but that's not pushback, it's just how self-balancing devices work: You attempt to tip the board, it stays level by moving in that direction, causing your weight to shift back, tilting the nose up. The result is the board stays level and you move forward. The more you try to tilt the board, the faster it has to move in that direction to offset your weight and the more upward push you feel on the front of the board.
Pushback is when the wheel speeds up to the point that the nose lifts up HIGHER than the tail, to alert you to slow down.
The problem is, if your balance is good (as yours is, and mine is getting there) it's really tough to distinguish between the two. So if there was no pushback, we could just listen to the sound of the motor, judge our own speed, and RIDE. And kinda hope for the best, haha.
Yeah once you hit a certain speed the nose tips up.. I know when I'm there because if you go faster or slower it goes back down.. Kind of hard to explain lol
@njcustom Yeah I don't like it. I'd rather have a beep noise / LEDs on the deck light up or something when I've reached top speed.
Maybe having some kind of vibration motor in the front that buzzes your foot would be nice. That way you don't need to look at the board or listen for sounds.
Actually that would be an amazing feature to have for gps navigation if you pair to your phone. Use buzz patterns on your foot to tell you to turn left or right.
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