Plug for charging port
OOneWheelNoob 8 March 2016, 22:30 UTC
Does anyone make/sell plugs for the charging port?
@OnewheelNoob Just search for "xlr dummy plug". They are sold on ebay and various other stores. I'm guessing most people here have bought theirs on ebay.
I always forget to bring my plug, and even though I ride in all kinds of crappy weather, I never had a problem with getting dirt or moisture in the charging port.
edit MALE xlr dummy plug.
@OneWheelNoob This place sells them cheap and no shipping (I bought a bunch in case I lose one or to hand out at meet-ups):
@thegreck Bought three of those that showed up the day my board did. Already lost two of them. I wish the little pinch handle didn't protrude so much. It's not a lot or anything, but enough that I've managed to get two of them scraped out if there while riding. Oh well, they're super cheap and ship fast.
@bmtka I haven't had that problem yet... but if it's solid, maybe you can just cut the handle down with a pair of scissors?
@thegreck It's way hollow. I might order up some fresh Sugru and see if I can't make something better myself. Or I might order a half dozen more of those plugs because they're cheap and I don't need one in all the time. I'll wait until I lose the two I have left (@njcustom sent me one with my beautiful new fender, thanks again) before I buy more. They ship super fast.
I give them away with every fender purchase :)