Riding over sidewalk cracks
Aamyt2205 15 March 2016, 02:07 UTC
Hi, in my adventures around the neighborhood, I find the biggest challenge is riding over cracks in the sidewalk. I can pretty easily drop down over a crack, but riding up over the cracks is tricky. I usually get off and walk for a few steps, then get back on. Unfortunately the sidewalks where I live have quite a few large cracks, so I find myself having to do this a lot. But I see people in videos going up over tree roots and other obstacles, so I'm wondering if I could learn to ride over something like this:
Or is that just a bad idea? Any tips or suggestions would be very welcome. -
BBrianInMN @amyt2205 15 March 2016, 02:10 UTC
Can you take the grass on the side? I've done that a few times. -
Aamyt2205 @BrianInMN 15 March 2016, 02:20 UTC
@BrianInMN said:
Can you take the grass on the side? I've done that a few times.That's a good idea. Might be a little difficult, but still easier than the direct approach. I will give it a try. Thanks!
With time and Practice you will be riding over cracks like nothing. Remember to always keep your balance over the wheel and hit it with a little speed. You will figure it out and never look back. I ride over 3" tree roots like nothing , a little bone jarring but I keep on moving. One member here has even popped a smoothed over curb about 4" to 5" tall.
Aamyt2205 15 March 2016, 03:10 UTC
@dude, thanks for the encouragement. The tip about building up speed is helpful. I may try tree roots first, since the ground around them tends to be a little softer!
The way I've learned to get over these is to slow down a bit as you approach it while flexing your knees a bit. Give a bit of acceleration to get momentum when you're a couple feet away. Then right as you're about to hit it, popup with your knees to lift your body weight (staying attached to the board) while rocking your hips and torso forward to help coax the wheel over, because you're still accelerating at this point. I need quite a bit more practice with this technique, but it absolutely works.
@amyt2205 I will be creating a video about this in the coming weeks. Keep your eyes out for it. Wear lots of knee pads and wrist guards when you first start trying it.
Ddcosmos @bmtka 15 March 2016, 03:30 UTC
@bmtka I'll second this strategy for tackling little ledges. I make sure that I'm not decelerating too much and then level off before hitting the lip. I tend to push the front pad forward as the board bounces up which causes the motor to rev a little making the "landing" a little sketchy but I've gotten used to it. Again, the most important thing is to get light on the board before hitting an obstacle with knees bent and legs loose. If you've ridden thru gravel or grass on a traditional skateboard, it's the same preparedness.
Yep, crouch down then just before hitting the bump you wanna pop up, the more weight you get off the board the easier it is..
Personally the first one looks kinda high and straight up and down, I'd just hit the grass for that one, the second is a lot easier.
I agree with others. Hop your weight up. You can overcome a lot with practice.
I would take the grass in this case.. Crack kills you know... :joy:
Build up some speed and barge over it...then go check on your mama's back.
Over three inches incline and I take the grass or walk around... That whole get to the crack and hop up thing... not for me... lol...
@amyt2205 you could also "stomp down" as suggested by another user in another thread.. that mostly works fine. but it's really just about practice. i was afraid to go over cracks like these at first too. now not so much. i recommend you to ride offroad for some time and you'll notice the confidence boost you have when going back to shredding on asphalt. it really makes a difference.
edit: riding on gravel-roads is what i meant. not truely getting offroad if you're on the beginner side of the spectrum ;-)
Bboomtho 15 March 2016, 08:20 UTC
As some have mentioned, it takes practice. I kinda of almost jump, but more or less just make my body weight lighter and let the board handle it. Not sure if that makes sense? But either way, you can't just cruise down sidewalk (or anywhere) without constantly paying attention to the tiny changes in terrain. Kind of hurts the cockiness factor haha.
@boomtho I go over metal tracks a lot. Pretty elevated. I weight distribute as others have said here.
One thing you might also want to try, is approaching at an angle. The main differences is that the board doesnt bounce. The sensation is a little odd at first, but seems to work pretty well.
Heres a video I made for what your encountering. Rest assured, with practice you'll laugh at yourself down the road that you had trouble getting over this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPtmzLt48tA
Same movement for curbs or cracks like that. Good luck! You got this!
@amyt2205 I was running late for catching the train this morning and took a sidewalk I haven't been on yet. Suddenly I was nearly on top of a crack that looked very similar to the one in your photo, and didn't have time to do anything but brace for it and try to deweight the board a bit.
I rolled over it like it wasn't even there, then laughed to myself for worrying about it and kept riding.
BTW, I made it to the station with time to spare. I love riding this thing to work; my commute was never anything but a complete drag before, and now I look forward to it.
Talk about Onewheeling.
This man is a human spring.. -
Aamyt2205 16 March 2016, 00:45 UTC
Thanks, guys for all your helpful suggestions. I went out this evening (thank you daylight savings time!) and was able to go over a few small cracks following your tips. Still not tackling the big one pictured above, but maybe in time...lots and lots of time... Anyway, I will keep practicing and building my skills. Also, whoever suggested riding off road had a great idea. I rode for a little while on a playground with a grass field and dirt track, and it helped get me used to the idea that having the board wobble around a little under my feet isn't a sign of imminent disaster. That helped me feel more confident on pavement too. Once again, I hugely appreciate the Onewheel community and all your advice and encouragement!
CCam 16 March 2016, 01:12 UTC
Maybe try deflating the tire a bit so that it will absorb the bump.