"Can I ride your OneWheel?"
Just wondering what people are doing about this question. I have only let a few strangers try it (I go with my gut feeling on this) and it is usually with my arm out to hold them. Friends I have no problem with but I always make people wear my helmet. I explain to them in detail about dismount as I think that is the most challenging thing...I also tape off my frame rails so I don't have to worry about people scratching it. The brand "Duck Tape" has a color in nearly the same blue. Anyway, I was curious about other peoples thoughts on this subject...
I have found my best answer to be that 'there is a large learning curve early on but once you get the hang of it it's easy. It's not just something you hop on and ride'. I tend to be overprotective of my Onewheels as that are not easily replaced or repaired. I'd prefer people to watch in amazement.
I've let anyone and everyone ride mine, with one caveat - "you won't hurt it, but you might hurt yourself, and I'm not responsible for that." It's usually on the beach, which is actually a hard place to learn (sand makes the OW squirrelly). But, the sand provides a soft landing if they fall.
I generally try to follow the exotic car owners code of conduct with my OW as I think it is apropos:
I used to let everyone ride it, but i have started to say "sorry, no". Unless she's hot! 😉
Surprisingly, I've only been asked twice by people I didn't know. I let one man try it for a couple minutes and he did good. The other was a younger girl and I said no. Everyone I know that has tried has done very well and nobody has gotten hurt so I'm not too concerned about strangers trying. So it just comes down to who you are willing to help give it a go and not.
SSkateFirst.SamT 20 July 2015, 12:10 UTC
I almost always say es because I wasn't able to try it before I bought mine.
I don't let little kids ride it that's for sure, not until they're a teenager at least. I do let others ride it, but I let them know they can't sue me and are responsible if they get hurt. I've learned if I hold my two arms out so people can balance off of them in the beginning it seems to help a lot.
The main thing I do is explain that the sensor is everything. If you lift your foot, move it off, etc. you'll fall and I'll show them how to dismount by moving your foot then they get it. Most people can't seem to master the dismount easily like I didn't either in the beginning. Most just jump off with both feet as it seems less scary than trusting a hoverboard thingy.
I just tell them that I'm a beta tester and this is a prototype and that I can't legally let them ride....although I wish I could. Seems to keep them at bay and limit any potential liability when they inevitably do something stupid.
I told them that it cost about tree monthly payments (it's true) and they just give up because they're scared of braking it :/
I'm with @lynnpreston as I let anybody and everybody give it a shot. I've had people from 6 years old to 95 years old riding in just a few minutes. The first thing to teach is how to get off the board. Wiggle or slide that front sensor foot to the wheel and you can let the board drop down to the back and step right off. Hot chicks get priority :)
Ddicorci 21 July 2015, 06:27 UTC
i'll let anyone ride it if they tell me they know how to skate, snow, surf, wake, ect.
my speech is
-lean forward to speed up, lean back to slow down, keep it level to maintain the speed you're at.
-to dismount come to almost a stop and hop off backwards with both feet
-if you have to bail just slow down if you can and hop off
-to get started put both feet on and slowly bring it up to level, you'll feel the gyro turn onhonestly as good a rider as i am i've seen people who know how to surf, snowboard, longboard, wakeboard, ect hop on and ride it flawlessly after about 30 seconds; if you know how to board, you know how to board, and the onewheel is just annother board
If you let someone try it out I'd recommend at least switching it into classic mode first.
AAndrew 16 August 2015, 16:53 UTC
$1500 damage deposit plus injury/death waiver absolving me of responsibility and they supply their own helmet. Otherwise no.
I wonder if anyone has broke their board due to a single event of physical beating. The thing is built like a tank so it would take a lot to break it.
I was riding past a group of skateboarders the other day that all started freaking out because none of them knew ow existed. Some of them asked if they could ride and I let them. None of them wiped out.
TTim 16 August 2015, 17:47 UTC
I had a skateboarder backtrack after seeing me and say, "hey, is there any way I can try that?" After talking to him for a couple minutes I gave him a quick tutorial and he did very well. Once I told him how fast it can go, he got a little nervous and slowed down.
I say, just use your best judgement. I like to talk to people first. Just casually introduce myself, get their name. Just a little info about them. A lot of people just want to take a picture or video. Generally very positive response!
I did let my good friend on it and he spilled pretty hard without any gear on, leaving him with a little road rash.
I wont let kids under 13 try it.