Lowest serial number?
One of my boards is in the 50's. Anyone lower or close to that? Also, is this the number they came off the line? If you are 0000904 does that mean that your board was number 904 made? Anyone?
@MichaelW I've been wondering the same thing.
@Carlo has to be the lowest, right? I'm 107 and 1,201.
Hey @Carlo! Lower than 55? Just curious...
I'm just below 1000.
I'm #000056 which is easy for me to remember because my first car was a '56 vw bug :)
I would put #000001 in the Smithsonian or something.
As far as serial numbers go, I can guess the higher the number the more recently its been made. The factory warehouse looked like it was in a production line so one board is completed at a time. There were about 40 finished boards lined up ready for QC testing before they shipped out. -
@Carlo Weird! One of my boards is also 56. Hmmmm... I wonder how that is possible? Do you want to be 56a or 56b? lol...
I did have board 367-30 (#30) but alas do not anymore. I had to send it back and I'm not ever sure what number this one is, but it has to be way higher.
#108 and ....
#1 and #2 :bowtie:
@Julian winner!
No fair @Julian! Game over!! lol
@MichaelW Haha, I suppose I don't count since I got to cheat.
Mine is 984
My friend just got a new board. His serial number is just shy of 2500. Looks like we got that many boards out there now guys!