Not so waterproof
Jjefflynn 9 April 2016, 20:35 UTC
I just rode through a puddle and it handled it fine until I stopped about a quarter mile later. Then when I tried to get back on it, nothing happened. Now it says the battery is overcharged and to leave it plugged in. Anyone else run into this issue after rolling through water?
@jefflynn Do you know if you got water in the charge port?
Jjefflynn 9 April 2016, 20:48 UTC
I have a plug but maybe it seeped in somehow still
Take off footpads. Blow out with air and leave the pads off for a day or two. Happened to me a couple of times. I try and steer clear of all water now. My buddy just sent his back due to water.
Jjefflynn 9 April 2016, 21:00 UTC
Damn ok thanks man.
You shouldn't have to worry about water.. It's most likely a defect.. Email them and explain..
Jjefflynn 9 April 2016, 21:24 UTC
So the warranty covers water damage?
@jefflynn I believe so.. They do claim it's waterproof.. But I guess it depends how much water they find inside.. Moisture I think is covered.. But if your board falls in a pool I don't think they will cover it..
Your issue may just be coincidental with the water.. Email them they usually are pretty quick to respond..
Jjefflynn 11 April 2016, 15:52 UTC
So I took off the footpads and let it dry for a few days, but nw it will not even turn on. The button light flashes blue slowly when plugged into the charger, but the charging light stays green. It looks like I will have to send it in for repairs for the second time this year. :(
@jefflynn Sucks - same exact thing happened to my buddies and is in transit back to HQ as we speak. Keep us updated communication with OneWheel, time it takes to ship and get fixed, etc. Sorry bro! Mine stopped working for a couple of days when I first got it and I was soooo bummed.
Jjefflynn 11 April 2016, 21:05 UTC
Yeah I'm pretty bummed, so I bought another OW in the mean time lol. Hopefully I get the new one soon.
NNsinR8 13 April 2016, 19:09 UTC
Why would anyone go through water when there are 2 bearings,one on either side? Would you ride a skateboard through water? -
Jjefflynn @wheeler 18 April 2016, 21:36 UTC
@wheeler I actually had no way around this one. It was under a bridge and this was the only way through for pedestrians. Plus they advertise this as water resistant. I'm definitely staying away from water from now on though.
Jjefflynn 28 April 2016, 19:22 UTC
I just received my OW back yesterday after about a week being off for repairs and it was completely covered! I've got to say that the support for OW is just amazing!
Can anyone tell me where you get the plugs to cover your charging port?
@donny-h Amazon, ebay or any other place selling XLR male dummy plugs.
@donny-h I order mine from the link @Aaron-Broward-FL gave... Take my advice and order a handful, because I find they pop out if something hits it, and you'll go through a lot of them.
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