So I just went surfing....

Wall of Stoke

  • O
    OneDream 2 May 2016, 04:26 UTC

    ...just to be clear...I am a beginner at surfing so all to the hardcore surfers out there don't be offended.

    So, I just went surfing after like a 9 months break. Normally when people ask me how riding the Onewheel feels like I tell them its a mix of surfing and wake boarding....but after todays surfing session I just realized how much more fun riding the Onewheel is.

    It's just awesome, and I just wanted to share my experience with you guys.

  • iSurfVilano @OneDream 3 May 2016, 11:26 UTC

    @OneDream I think it's a different type of fun. I'll take a shoulder to head high day in the ocean over taking my one wheel out hands down. But the one wheel is great when the surf sucks. They compliment each other.