Security - Alarm function
MMiaMadd 7 May 2016, 02:15 UTC
How about a way to disable ow through the app or alarm functionality using a sensor and a speaker? Not sure if it has the capability of making a noise or loud it would be but a motion based alarm might be nice, flashing lights etc.
Kkbman 7 May 2016, 03:19 UTC
Great idea. Not w Bluetooth obviously Cuz it sux on the OW. Maybe something where instead of turning it off you turn it into safe mode and it will sound an alarm if it's picked up unless you hold or press the button in a certain sequence before moving it
Wwr420 7 May 2016, 06:24 UTC
Exactly what I was thinking! Possibly to where you would need to use the app with a unique token to unlock it again(might be more trouble than its worth). As far as Bluetooth suking, are you meaning the over promised range and how unreliable it would be to use the phone as the alerting device over BT? Or that you have problems connecting to your ow over BT even when you're standing next to it? I've only had mine 2 days so can't really speak on it but it does seem pretty well disconnected anytime I unlock my phone to use the app.
Matt -
I like the safe mode idea a lot! (Only I would like mine to shock the person who is taking it half to death).