Cleaning your grip tape
Jjuts 24 May 2016, 00:02 UTC
Anyone here have any ideas how to clean the grip tape. Riding through water and getting some dirt on is starting to cover my pads and its annoying me.
Jjuts 24 May 2016, 03:05 UTC
Didnt see that. Thanks. But heres my issue with the spraying down. Itll wreck the grip tape faster.
It's heavy duty tape.. I always hose it off..
Jjuts 24 May 2016, 15:37 UTC
Gotcha. Ill do that tonight then. Its not hard to change grip tape but I like this one lol
@juts There's no issues with hosing off your Onewheel. The footpads will wear out from regular use before you'll see any negative effects on the grip tape from hosing it down. I've been doing it at least weekly since I got it 5 months ago, and the only thing water seems to do is make it look closer to being new.
Just cover the power port and power switch with tape first to be on the safe side.
Try this Video see if it helps you How to Clean your Onewheel
Jjuts @thegreck 24 May 2016, 18:22 UTC
@thegreck ill do that. I may just use a old rag and wash cloth and try that
Jjuts @Dude 24 May 2016, 18:22 UTC
@Dude thank ill give it a look when i get home
TT-CAT 24 May 2016, 18:55 UTC
First, I use an air compressor to clean the dirt off the frame, pads, and wheel. Then I use a very slightly damp cleaning cloth (cotton, micro, etc.) to go over it again in case there is some dirt that the compressed air couldn't get off.
If you don't have an air compressor, no problem, as the small cans of compressed air work great. I've used them many times to clean the OneWheel. These cans are often seen at office supply stores or stores like Home Depot, Lowes, etc.,kpid:633699,adtype:pla,channel:online&gclid=CIjaveKw88wCFZQbgQodCAQAGA
This is a fast and easy way to clean the board after most types of rides and doesn't involve really any dry time.
Mmaximus 25 May 2016, 02:50 UTC
I use a tire brush and mild soap with low pressure water and lightly scrub. Haven't seen any friction loss or degredation of the grip tape.