Battery level indicator...

Product Wishlist

  • Wrex 16 August 2016, 19:05 UTC

    A small, LED battery level indicator, maybe at the front lip area of the footpad, would be nice. Doesn't need to be anything fancy. Just a row of small LEDs, say 5 total, to show you where your batter is at, so you can glance down quickly as your riding and see.

  • T
    Tartopom @Wrex 16 August 2016, 22:55 UTC

    @Wrex if I remember the power button is already blinking according to the battery level..

  • thegreck @Tartopom 17 August 2016, 00:08 UTC

    @Tartopom The power button can't be seen while riding, and the blinking system isn't intuitive enough for a quick glance to tell you anything anyway.

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    Tartopom 17 August 2016, 07:50 UTC

    I agree, and that's why I asked @kwatts to add the vibrating alerts in the apps, then you can know while riding where is your battery level :)

  • Wrex 17 August 2016, 14:34 UTC

    Right. I asked because you can't see the power button while riding (Thanks thegreck).

    Also, I don't want to rely on an app on my phone. I, personally, would much prefer a simple LED solution on the board, itself. Guess I'm old. lol.

  • Wrex @Tartopom 17 August 2016, 14:43 UTC

    @Tartopom said in Battery level indicator...:

    @Wrex if I remember the power button is already blinking according to the battery level..

    That's true. I "could" hack the leads to that and put an indicator LED at the top of the board I guess. I'd rather not and have FM just add it as a feature though, lol.

    Going to mull that over.....

  • LidPhones @Wrex 17 August 2016, 16:11 UTC

    @Wrex I wonder if a light pipe type solution could work? I will take a look at this....

  • Wrex @LidPhones 17 August 2016, 17:09 UTC

    @LidPhones said in Battery level indicator...:

    @Wrex I wonder if a light pipe type solution could work? I will take a look at this....

    Ooooo. Now that's a good idea! I'll mull that over, as well. I think I have some lucite rods laying around here, somewhere....