Pay extra now or save and wait

General Discussion

  • A
    alex 11 September 2015, 01:23 UTC

    So, I am super close to placing my order for a ow and just found a local store that sells them as a distributor. So I can order from fm for 1499 + 50 shipping and wait 6 weeks. Or I can buy now for 1499, save shipping, BUT pay 140 in tax. So $90 difference.... After writing this out it is evidence that I am a cheapskate.

  • utsu 11 September 2015, 01:24 UTC

    I'd spend the time doing yoga, practicing your balance, research batteries, protective gear, look at the newbie guides and learn from others mistakes. 6 weeks will fly by! It's almost a necessary hazing.

  • DocBlock 11 September 2015, 01:49 UTC

    Purchase it immediately. The wait is torturous.

  • B
    Brutha Man @alex 11 September 2015, 02:52 UTC

    @alex where do you live?

    I wish they had a distributor in my area

  • MichaelW 11 September 2015, 03:10 UTC

    I with @docblock! Buy it tonight. You need it now!! Life is too short!!!! lol Then also do yoga and all that other stuff @utsu recommends...

  • ricoburgos 11 September 2015, 03:34 UTC

    Who is selling for that price? I would be interested.

  • BadWolf @utsu 11 September 2015, 10:23 UTC

    @utsu said:

    I'd spend the time doing yoga, practicing your balance, research batteries, protective gear, look at the newbie guides and learn from others mistakes. 6 weeks will fly by! It's almost a necessary hazing.

    Lies.. lots of lies..

    That took me a day to do!! There aint no flying here.. just boring old days :/ ;)

  • B
    Brutha Man @MichaelW 11 September 2015, 16:49 UTC

    Im with @MichaelW . Buy sooner than later. The wait is killing me.

  • O
    OneDream 11 September 2015, 17:37 UTC

    when i try to buy it from the official site it adds taxes as well. that changed recently i guess

  • B
    Brutha Man 12 September 2015, 15:23 UTC

    If FM was like "hey dude. Give us $90 and we'll give you your OneWheel today (I ordered about a week ago), I would throw money at them.

  • D
    DVO 12 September 2015, 19:52 UTC

    THE WAIT IS HORRIBLE!! But worth it

  • sidebox 13 September 2015, 21:26 UTC

    Don't wait. I ordered mine from FM and then found someone selling it on the forums a day later. Cancelled my FM order and was riding the next day. Fuck waiting. You could be dead by the time 6 weeks rolls by.