Most hours ridden in a day?

General Discussion

  • MichaelW 21 September 2015, 03:25 UTC

    I was an animal Saturday! I rode over six hours and started just before noon into the night finishing around ten (took a break for dinner) in the evening. I have two boards and I charged them both twice and ran them nearly out of charge each time. I was wondering how many others have ridden that long? I was certainly pretty tired today. Lets hear about some marathon rides! Anyone? @Docblock @lynnpreston @veryous @J-glide @forzabucks @DVO @sidebox @818 @Wayne @kbern

  • D
    DVO 21 September 2015, 03:35 UTC

    Just did a ride with enjoi408..most I've done is two full charges in a day...BUT I just got a power bank UPS that is good for two charges, so when I find a good place to take a long trip..I'll let you know bro!!

  • E
    enjoi408 21 September 2015, 04:44 UTC

    Just did two full charges. My knee hurts.

  • sidebox 21 September 2015, 07:19 UTC

    I do 2.5 full charges every day, and then on either Saturday or Sunday I do 3-4 full charges. I space them out from morning until my nightly ride at about 11pm. I wish I had the time to ride 6 hours straight!

  • DocBlock 21 September 2015, 10:47 UTC

    2 full charges yesterday, second charge didn't last as long since I was on grass

  • njcustom @DVO 21 September 2015, 12:44 UTC


    What kind of power bank?

  • lynnpreston 21 September 2015, 14:02 UTC

    16 miles in a day is probably my max. So 3 charges.

    My question is - who will be the first to ride coast to coast :-P

  • BadWolf @njcustom 21 September 2015, 14:25 UTC

    @njcustom there is a decently recent topic about differant kinds of batteries, and they found a couple of awesome, and a bit portable, to bring on trips.

  • D
    DVO @njcustom 21 September 2015, 19:12 UTC

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    ThatGuy 21 September 2015, 19:23 UTC

    If the OW software could be made to allow operation while plugged in, an external battery pack like that could be mounted on the fender to give us 20 mile range.

  • forzabucks 21 September 2015, 21:21 UTC

    I dont think I've ever hit two full charges in one day, but mostly because I only have 1 board, and if I took it out that long by myself, my girlfriend would kill me.

  • veryous 21 September 2015, 22:03 UTC

    I've only ever done two charges myself, though at a BBQ with a bunch of people over the course of 10 hours, it went through four rounds of riding. It was full when I got there - round one, but then we charged it three more times. It never went fully dead, but I kept charging it when it got around 20 or below. So that's probably more like 3 charges then really if I add it up.

    I just get too tired and bored alone riding that much in a day I've learned. Someone find me some onewheel friends in AZ!

  • utsu @veryous 21 September 2015, 23:06 UTC

    @veryous that's an interesting observation veryous. I think a second OW exponentially is more fun to ride around on than solo.

  • J-Glide 22 September 2015, 14:12 UTC

    With my work I usually get every other week off. On my days off I will ride 3 to 5 charges every day. It is easier to ride that much when you do have two boards. Only thing that seems to bother me a little bit is my lower back, but not enough to stop me. While I was writing the other night, I ran into a guy who had one of those two wheeled things that looks like a miniature Segway. He let me try it, and when I went to jump off, it flew forward taking my feet with it. I landed flat on my back! Ouch!!!! I'll stick to my OneWheel.

  • slydogstroh 25 September 2015, 01:13 UTC

    What up dudes! I'm a Senior in college and have a real minimal workload atm so I have been putting some serious hours into riding. I charge about 5-6 times a day, which means 6-7 rides. That's like 7 hours a day! We'll see how long I can keep this up lol. I'm 22 so it just feels like light exercise and I haven't been too sore. The onewheel is seriously ADDICTING! Stay soaked!