15 blinks error
Mmikeyjihad 1 October 2015, 17:38 UTC
What's the solution? I have charged up, powered on and off countless times and still get 15 blinks. I am not touching the footpads at all when I turn it on by the way...
So it would appear its a rider error, are you standing on it correctly? have you used it before?
http://community.rideonewheel.com/topic/371/motor-doesn-t-engage-first-time-board-turned-on this thread had the same issue
Mmikeyjihad 1 October 2015, 19:09 UTC
I had the board for a little less than a month and rode every day with no issues. I am NOT standing on the board when I power on. It sounds like grip slip was contributing to the error in that thread, my griptape hasn't moved at all... I've contacted FM, still waiting on a response from them!
@mikeyjihad maybe a dodgy sensor?
Mmikeyjihad 2 October 2015, 10:26 UTC
That's my guess, I replaced the sensor pad and it works perfectly again! Hopefully this one lasts longer than a few weeks!