Electric skateboards now legal on bike lanes etc.! YES!
DDVO 12 October 2015, 19:29 UTC
http://blogs.wsj.com/digits/2015/10/12/electric-skateboards-legalized-in-california-reversing-ban/ We are now legal and harassment free at parks!! starting 2016
well we are potentially just the opposite over here http://www.gizmodo.co.uk/2015/10/keep-your-stupid-balance-scooter-in-the-kitchen-theyre-illegal-on-uk-roads-and-pavements/ :( I mean its not a scooter
: a child's foot-operated vehicle consisting of a narrow footboard mounted between two wheels tandem with an upright steering handle attached to the front wheel
: a low 2- or 3-wheeled automotive vehicle resembling a child's scooter and having a seat so that the rider does not straddle the engineOne or two wheels too few, and defiantly missing a seat ...
DDVO @eish 12 October 2015, 23:09 UTC
@eish that sucks bro!!m :/
Ddanriverdale 15 October 2015, 05:25 UTC
The California legislation is interesting but does it make the OW legal? The bill I saw (https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201320140AB2054) says maximum 1,000W ... isn't the OW 2,000W?
CChance2ride2 16 October 2015, 02:51 UTC
Yikes! If the max really is 1000w then that'll actually block all the better e-boards as well...
Llardnicus 16 October 2015, 05:27 UTC
Bummer if they start checking the wattage...
In my state in Australia there is specific mention of electric vehicles but to be legal they need two wheels :(
I think there was a legacy law ages ago regarding powered vehicles because people keep telling me it's illegal because it "has a motor", but I've read up and I think that's just old legislation.
I ride in stealth mode (lights off) through the city and nobody seems to notice me. I was pulled over by a cop once but nothing came of it, I was just riding on what I thought was a bike lane but it was actually a road, he simply told me to leave the road.
As long as nobody is being stupid with one, I think we are good. It only takes once incident to ruin it for everyone, though, so ride safe!
Fflop @lardnicus 16 October 2015, 10:11 UTC
@lardnicus said:
In my state in Australia there is specific mention of electric vehicles but to be legal they need two wheels :(
In Germany the same... :-(
@lardnicus said:
In my state in Australia there is specific mention of electric vehicles but to be legal they need two wheels :(
just stick a skateboard wheel on the back or side of it - and boom second wheel :p
@danriverdale Hopefully the speed part is more important than the wattage, because it also mentions that it must be incapable of going faster than 20mph. Seems like that would be the danger, regardless of how many watts the motor is.
DDVO 18 October 2015, 05:06 UTC
They won't check...how could they? No biggie..Just glad it's all good now
Ddicorci 18 October 2015, 06:21 UTC
everytime a cop or park ranger flags me down... they ask if they can try it
TTechMSS @danriverdale 18 October 2015, 21:40 UTC
@danriverdale According to OneWheel, the motor is only 500W. EDIT: it peaks at 2000! Thanks for the correction next poster :)
Onewheel Technical Specifications
Motor: 500W transverse flux hub
Battery: Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePo4) 48V
Sensors: Solid State MEMS 6-DOF
Tire: 11.5×6.5-6 Vega
Max lean angle: >30 degrees
Top speed: 15 MPH
Typical range: 6-7 miles
Recharge time: 20 mins (ultra charger)
Dimensions: 9×11.5×30 (in)
Weight: 25 lb -
CChance2ride2 18 October 2015, 22:23 UTC
TechMSS - In case you didn't realize. The 1w motor is rated at 500w constant and 2000w peak. Generally speaking an electric motor's "power" rating is determined by it's peak wattage. In most cases, the constant wattage isn't even listed...
TTechMSS @Chance2ride2 19 October 2015, 02:32 UTC
@Chance2ride2 whoops! You are right