buying a replica
Nnoamrajuanq 7 November 2015, 14:10 UTC
hey what do you thnks on that one it cheaper in 1000$ -
I hope they all burn up in the first ride!! Lol
Rrainynite 7 November 2015, 15:54 UTC
Wait.. but it has more features... for example. . The specs says over 15kmph it has a voice alert that goes "di di di" lol!! That's a killer feature if I've ever seen one!
@rainynite The cheap 300$ solowheel-knockoffs we have here have that. It's extremely annoying trying to go at full speed with it.
And they say they've got the tilt already, so just.. why?It'll probably work, a little. I wouldn't recommend it. Wouldn't really buy anything in that price-range from ebay (or similar) where the warranty probably is sketchy at best.
Is it safe? Who knows. -
@rainynite said:
Wait.. but it has more features... for example. . The specs says over 15kmph it has a voice alert that goes "di di di" lol!! That's a killer feature if I've ever seen one!
It will also buzz and blink red if <25%.
Rrainynite 7 November 2015, 17:12 UTC
I'm just afraid that some kid reading these threads without context will try to save a buck, buy one of these things, and kill themselves and make a bad name for the OW.
To to be clear to anyone who wants to cheap out DO NOT BUY THESE!!
@noamrajuanq delete this thread dude...we talk about OW here....the rest is bullshit..... :rage:
Modif:plus delete your profile at same're useless here...(tu sert a rien in french)....
DDVO 7 November 2015, 21:15 UTC
Totally get it dude, buy more. Then go to their forums and leave this forum alone
@noamrajuanq I don't want to be a dick man, but you have had the worst posts on here! If I were FM I would be considering banning you. You're making me want to kick your ass for posting such dumb crap.