Speedometer difference between v1 and +?
Xxianlee 14 April 2017, 17:00 UTC
So I was riding with my girl last week, her on the v1, me on the plus. We were cruising down this trail and trying to out race each other a little bit.
What I noticed was that the app would read me going at 19mph and catching up to her and hers read 22+ at the same time.
This was on our way back with not a ton of battery left, but we tried it out a couple more times. And each time hers read faster than mine even though we were matched pace.
Anyone else experience this?
@xianlee Interesting! And damn, she was hauling ass! Any difference in tire pressure, by chance?
Aahxe45 14 April 2017, 17:17 UTC
maybe this is why people think that they are going 27mph ;)