6 reasons I would recommend a v1 over a plus for beginners, from an experienced rider
Sskylarmb 25 May 2017, 02:42 UTC
If you are coming to this forum to decide whether to buy a used v1 or a plus, this is my opinion on the matter for you.
I put nearly 1500 miles on my v1 before getting my plus. The plus is a whole new game and needless to say I am completely blown away, and I will go over my favorite things about the end of the post. HOWEVER, here are a few reasons why I think the v1 is a better fit for beginners.
- Lets start with the obvious. A v1 is going to be a lot cheaper.
- The v1 gives much better feedback when you are close to the limit. It gives good pushback and will do its best to keep you from crashing. The plus feels like it nose dives a lot easier at top speed.
- The v1 is easier to dismount. Even after my first 30-40 miles on my plus in the last few days I am still not used to the awkward dismount compared to the v1.
- Braking is a lot more confidence inspiring on the v1. The v1 braked at a steeper angle than the plus, which feels more stable to a beginner rider in my opinion.
- The top speeds aren't that different. My top speed on my v1 was 19.8, my top speed on my plus so far is 21.
- The maximum potential of the v1 will take longer than you think to master. Even after 1000 miles on my v1 I was still learning to ride it harder and harder, carving sharper, taking bigger bumps, pushing through kickback harder, learning to be more relaxed and fluid while riding, etc.
All that said, here is why I love the plus in comparison.
- Quiet. Almost too quiet. People can't hear me approaching like they could on the v1.
- Less jarring. When mounting I feel like the initial motor engagement is softer and less of a jerk. The v1 sometimes really gave you a kick when mounting on an incline... The plus not so much.
- The footpads are more comfortable. Not that they were uncomfortable on the v1, but like I don't even notice them on the plus where I definitely sometimes got sore feet after long rides on the v1.
- The performance. Acceleration and top speed are effortless. On the v1 I always felt like I was fighting it a little bit, milking it of every last drop of juice it would give me. This can be a good thing for beginners as it keeps you in check. The plus just goes.
- The look. The darker wood on the footpads and the angled grip tape are definitely an improvement.
Ssimtech 25 May 2017, 02:53 UTC
Im wondering if its because you learned on a V1. To a person who doesn't know any different and learn on the + it will feel normal to them.
I think the only comparable way the V1 beats the V2 is range and price. Like @simtech said, if we're talking about a pure beginner, many of the factors you've listed won't really apply. Imagine spending a year on the V2 then going to the V1, it would be a downgrade for sure.
NNextGenDan 25 May 2017, 04:53 UTC
said in 6 reasons I would recommend a v1 over a plus for beginners, from an experienced rider:
Quiet. Almost too quiet. People can't hear me approaching like they could on the v1.
My OW+ is noisier than my original Onewheel :/
It's not like super noisy, but you can definitely hear the motor.
Sskylarmb @NextGenDan 25 May 2017, 15:16 UTC
@NextGenDan then something is wrong with it. I would contact FM. The loudest sound I can hear while riding my plus is the sound of the tire on the road.
@skylarmb This is pretty on point. Agreed with most of it. After the first few times dismounting on the plus it seemed easy but I do agree it would be harder for a beginner. My wife has a hard time dismounting on the plus and prefers the shimmy off the sensor method for the V1.
When I'm riding my V1, I can hear flies fart....so what's it going to be with the plus ???
Jjohnny @fabuz 25 May 2017, 20:09 UTC
@fabuz thought the same thing to before i got mine, its literally dead quiet, scary quiet.....
@johnny totally mad ! Can't wait to hear that....or not :)
I have to disagree on every​ point here.. my plus kicks the v1's ass! To say the least..
the V1 is flimsy as hell and on every bump if you don't compensate you're going to fall..
the plus is stiff as a board.. the plus is comfortably faster..
you have to work alot harder to keep up with a V1..
they do not have the same acceleration or top speed..
the dismount is exactly the same too as the V1, no difference.. lifting your heels or toes works the same on both boards..
Agree with the OP - v1 lover and hardcore rider here with a plus that I am afraid to ride hard. Great points.
Also agree with @njcustom that the dismount is basically the same. I can see how people used to shimmying off the side of the sensor would find total coverage troublesome.
But I disagree with @njcustom about the flimsiness on bumps. Have you mastered the plus tail drop bs on little bumps? I wanna ride my plus but don't know how to hit the bumps.
Also stiff as a board? When I push down on my plus footpads I hear a creaking sound. FM said it is normal. Comparatively, my v1 is literally stiff as a board.
@PowerWheel5000 I mean stiff as in the ride mode.. mine doesn't creak at all. I had the tail drop a few times but it stopped.. not sure what that was all about.. it hasn't happened in over 100 miles.. when I go over bumps it stays stiff and doesn't flop around like the v1
The magnets in the motor are gripping harder then the V1 which means harder fails.. when the magnets can no longer hold your weight you get nose/tail drops.. it's going to be more drastic then the V1 Because it's holding tighter..