Pulled off my first 180!

Wall of Stoke

  • wmaciel 22 July 2017, 18:32 UTC

    It took me a while, but after many attempts I've finally pulled it off!


    Added some slow-mo for dramatic effect!

    Edit: better looking link

  • tomflord @wmaciel 30 July 2017, 23:28 UTC

    @wmaciel dude nice! This post gave me the inspiration to try myself! No dice as of yet but hopefully soon!

  • OffRoadOW 26 August 2017, 03:28 UTC

    Nice, I remember the feeling of getting the first one than It really all came easy to me like the tricks and stuff, I think the 180 is easier with momentum not much like walking speed so that the board stays more balanced while you are in the air. I guess wearing a helmet and wrist gaurds helps too so you don't feel like your gunna die if you fall on your face.

  • wmaciel @tomflord 28 August 2017, 19:00 UTC

    @tomflord Don't loose hope!

  • wmaciel @OffRoadOW 28 August 2017, 19:00 UTC

    @offroadow I've recently purchased some safety gear. Definitely helps on the confidence side.