Recommendations on what to get while I wait?


  • K
    knight32 13 December 2015, 18:07 UTC

    I took the leap of faith and purchased my first onewheel last night. Do you recommend I purchase accessories for the board? I've seen posts on plugs for the charger ports, portable batteries, custom fenders, wraps, and mods which are pretty bad ass. I know I've got a long wait ahead of me but I want to be ready to go by the time it gets here.

  • njcustom 13 December 2015, 18:25 UTC

    Plug and a fender is all I need :grinning:

  • K
    knight32 13 December 2015, 19:29 UTC

    Well, I've got the fender, all I need is the plug. By the way, I saw your carbon fiber fenders....bad ass!

  • SC720 @knight32 13 December 2015, 19:31 UTC

    @knight32 One thing I wish I had done was wrap my board first thing. Could have at least prevented some of the frame scars from learning. Its not a big deal but most all my scratches are from the first couple days of riding. I have it wrapped now but it doesnt sit flush everywhere due to those prior gashes.

  • K
    knight32 13 December 2015, 20:02 UTC

    @SC720 thanks for the tip. I may have to do that. Where did you buy your wrap? Amazon?

  • SC720 @knight32 13 December 2015, 22:11 UTC

    @knight32 Yup on Amazon. Its cheap, easy and looks pretty clean.

  • njcustom @knight32 13 December 2015, 22:20 UTC

    @knight32 thank you

  • thegreck @knight32 13 December 2015, 23:16 UTC

    @knight32 said:

    @SC720 thanks for the tip. I may have to do that. Where did you buy your wrap? Amazon?

    Here's some cool matte black film (someone recently posted a photo of their OneWheel wrapped in it, and it looked amazing):

    And here's a great video on how to apply it:

  • thegreck 13 December 2015, 23:18 UTC

    Also, there are a lot of daredevils on here who will tell you that they don't use any pads, but I'd say you should at least get yourself a helmet and a pair of wrist guards. Head trauma isn't cool.

  • K
    knight32 14 December 2015, 02:04 UTC

    @thegreck thanks for the links and the info! I was debating the helmet and wrist guards but you're right...better safe than sorry. How similar is it to snowboarding?

  • SC720 @knight32 14 December 2015, 02:22 UTC

    @knight32 Absolutely helmet and wrist guards. I didnt wear anything for months because I felt very comfortable with the board. Then a full speed wipeout due to over confidence...not a huge deal but palms of my hands got cheese grated. That as well as thoughts of my 1 yr old with his dad a vegetable made me wear a helmet and wrist guards. That was about 9 months ago and only 2 falls since but glad I had the gear.

  • T
    T-CAT 14 December 2015, 02:28 UTC

    I definitely agree about purchasing a good helmet that is dual certified. Traumatic brain injuries are real and it's likely that not many people think they'll actually be confronted with that realization. Protect your head and enjoy riding safely. The rest of the various joint protective gear (wrist, knee, elbow, etc.) clearly help too as stated by others, but at the very least get a helmet.

  • thegreck @knight32 14 December 2015, 02:35 UTC

    @knight32 said:

    @thegreck thanks for the links and the info! I was debating the helmet and wrist guards but you're right...better safe than sorry. How similar is it to snowboarding?

    Well, I've never snowboarded (I used to skateboard when I was younger) and my OneWheel is actually arriving this Tuesday. My suggestion for the helmet and wrist guards was based purely on all the accident stories and photos I've seen on the forum, and from other people's suggestions for the most important protection to wear, not from my own OneWheel experience.

    I also ordered a pair of these impact shorts that protect your hips, thighs, and tailbone, and also have a cup for good measure.
    You can wear them under your shorts and they're virtually undetectable. I remember my most painful skateboard injury involved landing on my tailbone, and don't want a repeat of that one. That sh*t hurt for a year.

  • Polle @thegreck 14 December 2015, 09:38 UTC

    @thegreck Only had 3 wipeouts since I have my OW, and 2 of them, I landed on my hip, it hurt pretty bad!

  • C
    Cbrooney @thegreck 14 December 2015, 11:57 UTC

    @thegreck I needed a pair of those shorts a couple of weeks ago!.... I took a massive nose dive as I was going to fast round a corner. I had only been riding for a few days, and I had become over confident. Luckily I was wearing wrist guards and elbow pads as they got shredded up badly. However my thigh took most of the impact which really hurt, and I still have the biggest blackest bruise I have ever had. Oh well, lesson learnt - respect the OW, I'm not invincible, and care should be taken.....So far not had another fall !

  • thegreck @Cbrooney 14 December 2015, 15:19 UTC

    @X80-CBR said:

    @thegreck I needed a pair of those shorts a couple of weeks ago!.... I took a massive nose dive as I was going to fast round a corner. I had only been riding for a few days, and I had become over confident. Luckily I was wearing wrist guards and elbow pads as they got shredded up badly. However my thigh took most of the impact which really hurt, and I still have the biggest blackest bruise I have ever had. Oh well, lesson learnt - respect the OW, I'm not invincible, and care should be taken.....So far not had another fall !

    Yeah, with skateboards you always have to worry about them shooting out from under you (back and tailbone injuries), but with the OneWheel you're more likely to nosedive and fall forward (sideways) onto the ground, so I hear a lot of thigh and hip injuries. I hope not to need the impact shorts, but I may end up being very glad I bought them!

  • thegreck @T-CAT 14 December 2015, 15:27 UTC

    @T-CAT said:

    I definitely agree about purchasing a good helmet that is dual certified. Traumatic brain injuries are real and it's likely that not many people think they'll actually be confronted with that realization. Protect your head and enjoy riding safely. The rest of the various joint protective gear (wrist, knee, elbow, etc.) clearly help too as stated by others, but at the very least get a helmet.

    @knight32 All true, but I still say wrist guards are right up there with head gear. Obviously, you need your brain to live, but hands are also useful in life. People's first reaction when they fall is to catch themselves with their hands, which can be pretty nasty when you're moving 15-20 mph on asphalt. Wrist guards can protect against breaking your wrists, but mainly let you catch yourself without shredding the skin on palms of your hands.

  • K
    knight32 14 December 2015, 19:48 UTC

    Thanks....I really appreciate all the advice. I'm definitely going to get a helmet and wrist guards. Still thinking the impact shorts though.

  • T
    Tymeout @knight32 14 December 2015, 23:41 UTC

    @knight32 I just got the impact shorts after 2 hip hits. One to each side and the hand of same side had wrist guards so at least that was good.

  • K
    knight32 @Tymeout 16 December 2015, 16:26 UTC

    @Tymeout how fast were you going when you wiped out?