Mini fangs 2.0 vs Glider 2.0
Pplandis 21 October 2018, 16:03 UTC
I’m interested in getting nosedive wheels and came across two products:
mini fangs 2.0™-2-0Glider 2.0 price, I’m trying to determine if one is better than the other or they both do.
The mini fangs has pretty good material and wheels and bolt on vs replacing your whole bumper while the Glider has wider wheel placement which leads me to believe it may work better but I just don’t know. Has anyone have any experience with both?
Jjackiemoon @plandis 4 November 2018, 01:31 UTC
Seems like some positive feedback on the fangs. Anybody have thoughts on the glider 2.0??
Ppolysix 4 November 2018, 06:25 UTC
I'm happy with my Fangs. They saved me from more serious damage once and hopefully never again.