One Wheel in Bakersfield?
MMIKERONE 30 October 2018, 16:51 UTC
Hello, does anyone know of a OneWheel owner in or near Bakersfield CA? I so want to see and try one if at all possible, just to make sure I can do it. Any help would be awesome, thank you.
@MIKERONE I looked all over the internet because I wasn’t about to throw down that kind of money without at least trying one out for a minute. I found a company that rents them to you by the day but it’s pricey. I went with a store in Santa Monica called b8ta that sells them and had a + model to try out. It only took me the 10 minute test ride in a small area to know I had to have one. Good luck.
MMIKERONE 30 October 2018, 20:38 UTC
Thank you
@MIKERONE no problem. I know Santa Monica isn’t the closest to you but maybe you make trips that way. I’m meeting with a guy this week to purchase a board. He owns a shop and sells them. I’ll ask him if he has a demo board for you. If you like it, he might just have a good deal on one for you.
MMIKERONE @tomfoolery 31 October 2018, 15:49 UTC
@tomfoolery Wow awesome. My deal is I'm suited character and just need a few mins to see if it would work with me at parades and at the Fair grounds and events...ect. Not sure if i would be able to see enough, have enough visibility ya know? I'm sure I can ride it and have fun as me, but as KC the Bull maybe not so much.
SShooter McGavin 24 November 2018, 02:19 UTC
Come to Fresno and you can ride mine. Contact me here if interested