Stolen onewheel from my car SN 1835065232
AAlex Ciobanu 1 January 2019, 01:19 UTC
So I woke up and posted in the group chat that I was going to go ride with them today so I decided to go to my car and get the board so I can charge it. I get to my car and c that my window is on the ground and my board is messing. I automatically run back to my place wake up my wife and we called the cops, we do have a case open right know and we have to wait till the school where my wheel got stolen at opens to review cameras. Any solution,suggestions?????
SN 1835065232
Ssmeril24 2 January 2019, 02:44 UTC
No suggestions, but why would you leave an expensive item in your car and visible to others? Thats a noob mistake. Hope you learned a lesson here. Never leave valuables in view for others to take.
DDoubleDown 2 January 2019, 17:52 UTC
Alex, if you don't mind sharing, what city/state should we keep our eyes out in case it pops back up for resale on something like Craigslist?
DDCSpud 2 January 2019, 18:12 UTC
@Alex-Ciobanu Send the serial number to FM and if it ever gets registered again, they'll know it's stolen.
AAlex Ciobanu @DoubleDown 2 January 2019, 22:14 UTC
@DoubleDown Chicago Illinois 60618
AAlex Ciobanu @DCSpud 2 January 2019, 22:31 UTC
@DCSpud I did they didn’t respond yet
AAlex Ciobanu @smeril24 2 January 2019, 22:34 UTC
@smeril24 I had it covered and my windows are tinted and. its the neighborhood I live in and don’t come at me like that bro it’s someone who sees me on it who stole my board.
@Alex-Ciobanu sorry to hear about that any luck yet on the recovery? Would be kinda cool if you were able to ask FM if anyone around that area purchased a charger for that board that got stolen V1,+,XR? Then you'd definitely figure out who stole it because they wouldn't have a charger. Just an idea.
BBenb74 12 June 2019, 09:37 UTC
a shame that you can't block the board form the app...
DDaymos @Benb74 12 June 2019, 11:15 UTC
@Benb74 or you may see activity in your area via the app if they sign up.