OW+ remote charging?

Technical Support Forum

  • M
    mfgage 8 February 2019, 19:57 UTC

    I’ve seen a couple kits out there but no idea about how practical it is.

    I used to have an XR. Now have a OW+ which has less charge capacity as you all know. Wondering if anyone has a solution for charging it out in remote areas with a charging kit similar to what phones have. I know this is a ton more juice than a cell phone but hopeful something is out there that has been discovered?


  • mr.vince 8 February 2019, 21:02 UTC

  • M
    mfgage @mr.vince 9 February 2019, 21:37 UTC

    @mr-vince yes thanks. The solar powered fender add on looks really interesting too. Wow