Looking for used Onewheel+ XR

General Discussion

  • A
    andrewliew 1 March 2019, 02:34 UTC

    Hi, if anyone wants to let go their XR at 1200 like adamroth, few threads ago, do let me know. :)

  • N
    nraney 1 March 2019, 19:34 UTC

    Hey me too.. Austin area, but I'll drive for miles. I'd pay up to 1600 for the right board. Having a hard time being patient, but my wife thinks it's sexy when I pay under retail. Not trying to steal your post, it's all about location anyway. How can you possibly conduct a safe business transaction on a public forum?

  • A
    andrewliew @nraney 1 March 2019, 23:40 UTC

    @nraney oh well...its all about taking risk and trust.